Jealousy AU: Well...since Hanako is jealous sometimes sooo...

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Since I'm a bitter asshole that I gave you that previous Chapter, I'll give you guys some sweet fluff that'll give you cavities.


Hanako couldn't stand the jealousy he had a while ago, he wanted it to go away.

He didn't like Yashiro talking about other guys, it made him jealous so quickly.

"Eeek! Hanako-kun! Guess what?" Yashiro wanted to tell Hanako all about it. Because she thought he's a good listener.

"What? What's with the happy look on your face?" Hanako can already tell what had happened.

"Hanako-kun, I'm so happy right now! Minamoto-senpai asked me out!!" Yashiro were jumping happily like a child.

"Oh, that's good for you then." Hanako looked up the sky with a hidden angry face he had.

"Hanako-kun? Your acting weird again. Did something happened?" Yashiro had a worried expression and just stared at Hanako.

"Oh its nothing, I'm just making a plan to catch all the Mokkes of what they stole." Hanako's voice was..low.

Hanako look at Yashiro with a blank look on his face.
"Welp, I gotta go catch the Mokkes of what they're doing right now, see ya later." Hanako lied to Yashiro about catching the Mokkes, he hated it. He couldn't forgive himself for lying to his beloved.

I've got a bad feeling about this...
Yashiro went to her class and forget about it. She really didn't understand Hanako very well, but that doesn't stop them from being friends.


While the last bell rang Yashiro quickly put her things in her bag and ran out from the classroom, she waved goodbye at Aoi.

Yashiro went to the bathroom to see no sign of Hanako.

Where did he ran off to now?
Yashiro open every stall but still no sign of Hanako.

Yashiro sighed and put her bag by the windowsill. While she was putting down her bag, she notice Hanako was sitting by the garden that Yashiro took care of.

Confused and glad at the same time she went running to Hanako and convince him to guide her while doing her cleaning duty.

Kou went home early because his brother told him to, so Yashiro need someone to accompany her.

Yashiro made it to the garden and walk towards Hanako.

"Hey, Hanako-kun! How can I clean the bathroom if there's no one to boss me around? Let's go bac-" Yashiro's words was cut off by Hanako who were hugging her tightly.

Yashiro blushed a bit since Hanako did that all the time, since this is too sudden. Yashiro patted Hanako's back.

"H-hey Hanako-kun, what's wrong? You've been like this since yesterday.
What happened to you?" Yashiro tried to pull back from Hanako but he was too strong.

"I'm sorry.." Hanako mumbled.
"I'm really sorry Yashiro, I couldn't be happy for you." Hanako let go Yashiro and peck her forehead.

"W-w-what?!" Yashiro is now red as a tomato. She tried to process of what is happening after he pecked Yashiro's forehead.

Hanako grinned making Yashiro blushing hard.

"Radish-legs why are you blushing? Are you thinking something pervy right now?" Hanako patted Yashiro's head. Hanako couldn't see Yashiro's face because it was covered by her hands.

"Aww, don't cover your pretty face now~ I wanna see it~" Hanako gently pulled away Yashiro's hands from her face.

Hanako leaned closer and their foreheads touched.

This feels familiar.. Hanako whispered to Yashiro.

"Close your eyes.." Hanako's voice were calm and made Yashiro obeyed to whatever he says to her.

Yashiro closes her eyes and she could feel Hanako breathing right to her face.

Hanako leaned in and kissed her. Yashiro was surprised by his sudden actions but she couldn't open her eyes nor she couldn't push him back.

After they pulled away, Yashiro and Hanako looked away feeling embarrassed.

"This feels familiar.." Yashiro mumbled.

"What?" Hanako asked narrowing his eyes at Yashiro.

"The kiss, it felt so familiar... Let me think.." Yashiro put her finger to her chin and think. Then she snap her fingers, she finally know.

"Aha! The kiss! I get it now!" Yashiro realized that the kiss is more alike in her dream.

"What is it? Tell me." Hanako put his hands on Yashiro's shoulders, and he thought someone kissed her first.

"Uhh.. Hanako-kun our kiss. It kinda happened in my dream last night? I went to the bathroom and you told me something very important. Then you leaned in and kiss me..?" Yashiro is really nervous at that time. She didn't even know what words she have to say next.

"Oh, I get it now. Your dreaming our kiss last night cuz were bound together, am I right?" Hanako's fingers were playing at Yashiro's hair and she kinda liked it.

Hanako smelled Yashiro's hair and grinned.

"Yashiro, your hair smells like cherry. And your lips too." Hanako licks his lips and wanted more of those cherry lips.

"S-shut up! You pervert!" Yashiro smack Hanako's chest that made fall to the ground.

"Wow, your strong for a girl." Hanako scratched the back of his head and got up.

"Yeah right, its not like I'm not that girly you know." Yashiro pouted her lips and crossed her arms like a Tsundere.

"Yashiro, I've got to tell you something..." Hanako said while floating around Yashiro.

"W-what?" Yashiro looked away from Hanako, still pouting her lips.

"Yashiro... Will you.. Be my girlfriend?" Hanako was not floating anymore, instead he's just standing like a normal boy and took off his hat then place it on Yashiro.

Yashiro surely passed out at this point and oh she really is red as a tomato.

Oh hi! And as you can see this Chapter has part 2!
For what happened at the hang out of Teru and Yashiro.
No it is not a date its a hang out.
Yashiro misthought about it.

Thanks for reading tho.

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