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I awoke to Gerard in bed. Shocker. He wasn't throwing his guts up. I kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and looked directly at me.

"Hi babe." He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart."

Gerard threw his beanie on. He shivered. I covered him up with the blankets, before wrapping my arm and my leg around his frail body.

I supported him down the stairs.

"I don't need help. I'm feeling good today. Feeling strong."

We made breakfast together. He seemed so full of life today. I watched him practically dance around the kitchen, singing out loud to The Black Parade.

I spun him around and put my hands on his tiny waist. We gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.

I noticed a gaint clump of black hair resting on his shoulder. I picked it off and held it in front of him.

"I....didn't realise your hair was falling out.." I muttered.

"Neither did i."

He took his beanie off, pulling another huge chunk of hair out.

"Come on. I have an idea." I smiled.

I held his hand and took him to the bathroom. I sat him down on a stool and plugged the razor in.

I switched it on. He took a deep breath and nodded before i started shaving his hair off.

I cleaned up the hair from the floor while Gerard took a shower.

"Brings back memories huh?" He said.

"It does. Its so weird. Its like we're 17 again."

"Mhm. I know. Its so weird. At least we're together. We're doing this together, just like last time."

"How the fuck are you so chilled out about this? I'd be fucking terrified."

"I don't know. I used to the agony..i've experienced it all before. I guess its just normal. I'm scared. Man thats an understatement, I'm terrified, but you know, sometimes people aren't lucky enough to be healthy. Its all down to the person Frank. The persons life. Maybe its sitting in front of a microwave for too long, bad genetics or maybe they're just pure unlucky, it all comes down to the person."

"Holy shit that...that was deep."

"What can i say? I'm a pretty psychological dude."

He got out of the shower. I threw him the towel to cover his skinny, pale body up.

"Frank...i have an idea. What if i could do shows from home?"

"What do you mean babe?"

"What if i do live streams every night and do my songs?"

"That sounds like a really good idea."

And that's what we did that night. Gerard sat on my knee in front of his phone. He covered his head with his favourite beanie.

"Hey guys its Gerard and my beautifuuuul husband Frankie. We had a pretty good idea, that i could do my shows from home. I miss singing, i'm not gonna lie. My voice is getting used to not singing so you know, i'm going a little rough. I thought it'd be nice to sing...cancer tonight. It seems most appropriate."

Gerard read the messages pouring in.



Cancer. Gerard Way x Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now