Chapter 6-Training

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"Who's that guy you were talking to out there ?" Kaden asked.

Why was Kaden so damn nosey all of sudden ? Didn't he have anything better to do ?

"Like I told Mom and Dad, a old friend." I said.

"Dad wants to start training your tomorrow. Best get some good rest." Kaden said as he left for his room.

I sighed in relief and headed upstairs. Tomorrow was going to be exhausting...

The next day....

I was woken up by my Dad shouting like a Drill Sargent.


I groaned into my pillow, before looking up at my Crazy Dad. He of course already had his hunting clothes on. I checked my clock and it was only 5 in the fucking morning !

"I want you dressed and ready for training after breakfast." Dad said and he marched out of my room.

I could already tell I was gonna hate training. But I got up and began to get ready for the day ahead.

First thing Dad trained me to do was how to shoot a gun with silver bullets. It was harder than it looked. Every time I tried to hit the target, I was always a mile off.

"Hales, you're holding the gun too loose."Dad said, helping me hold the gun the right way.

I shot again and I somehow hit the target. Kaden of course had to be a fucking show off and hit the target numerous times.

"Come on Hailey, I'm kicking your butt here." Kaden teases.

I thought of telling him to fuck off but I knew my Dad hated swearing and would probably make me do push-ups if I did.

The next thing he taught me to do was how to throw hunting knives. He had Kaden demonstrate how to properly release the knife so that it hit the target.

The knife of course hit the target, narrowly missing a poor bird that flew by. This was getting dangerous..

"Don't poke your eye out, sis." Kaden jokes, I glare at him and fling the knife at the target and it knocks his knife off the wall.

My Dad and Kaden both gape at me like they weren't expecting that. What can I say ? People underestimating me pisses me off.

"Well I don't think you need any training on knife throwing. Let's call it a day." Dad stated, going off to grab the knives.

I sat down on a log and pulled my hair out of the ponytail I had it in, running my hand through it.

"Say, sis. Wanna go do some hiking ?" Kaden asked.

Calum told me to stay out of the woods, should I listen ? Or should I go anyway because I'm not alone ?

"Sure, why not ?" I said, I mean as long as I wasn't by myself I was safe right ?

I shake the nerves away and follow Kaden out towards the woods. It was quiet like last time, except I knew that didn't mean they weren't lurking around somewhere.

"Kaden ? When are Werewolves most likely to come out ?" I asked.

"Why ? You planning on becoming a hunter ?" Kaden said stepping over a log.

"No, I just want to know the best times to be out here and avoid them is all." I said kicking some rocks along the path.

"Well they come out mostly late at night. More so on a full moon. That's when Dad and I get called in on isolated attacks." Kaden replied. "Why have you see any werewolves ?"

My stomach dropped, I didn't want to accidentally say anything that would expose Calum or me for being out in the woods by myself.

"No. I'm just trying to stay safe." I said.

We walked the same path, this time I lead him to Echo Lake. I know I had a bad memory here, but I didn't want to be scared to come here because of some big bad wolf.

"You never been here before, how'd you know where it was ?" Kaden asked suspiciously.

I gave him a smile and walked up the deck and sat on the edge, letting my feet hang off towards the still water. Kaden soon joined me, still giving me that look that he thought I was up to something.

"You snuck out that morning didn't you ?" He said.

I swear I couldn't hide anything from Kaden, he's always been very perceptive of everything I do or say. But he didn't know that I was attacked, so I could work around this.

"It was just a short jog, then I came back." I replied. "You aren't gonna tattle on me are you ?"

Kaden laughed, I glared at him. Why couldn't he be serious for once ?

"No. I just don't think it's safe for you to be wandering these woods when you just started training." He stated. "These werewolves aren't picky about who or what they eat. Especially if it's us hunters."

I gave him a wide eyed look, so he knew the pack was after us ? Well of course he did ! Who was i kidding ! It didn't take rocket science for a hunter to know they'd definitely be a target when they hunt and kill wolves.

"Then why do you keep doing it ?" I ask. "Why put yourself at risk ?"

Kaden gave me a long look. I knew since we were young he was excited to finally be a hunter but our parents never really encouraged us to do anything else either.

"Because it's for the good of the people. Those Werewolves are pests that reek havoc on our world." Kaden said simply. "I'll do everything I can to protect the people and my family."

I mean his heart was in the right place but not all Werewolves were bad. But if he knew about that, he'd flip. I heard a howl in the distance and shivered, wondering if it was the one who attacked me..

Kaden got up and brushed himself off, I did the same knowing I probably shouldn't stick around for another werewolf to try and maul me.

"Come on, we should head back." Kaden stated, and we started our way back.

Back in my room, I laid in my bed as it started to rain lightly outside. I loved the sound it made hitting our roof. I shut my eyes and relaxed but I was startled by something hitting my window.

I slowly sat up, someone was out there. I got up and made my way to the window and looked out into the dark. It was hard to see but I could see Calum behind the tree leading up to my window.

I quietly opened my window and looked down at him.

"Calum ? What are you doing here ?" I whispered. "Do you have any idea what time it is ?"

And he said what would make any girl's heart flutter.

"I came here to see you."

GrayWolf Falls- Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now