He's A Hero-Chapter III

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The after party after this concert was a lot smaller than the previous nights.

Smaller in the amount of people and smaller in size.

A thick cloud of smoke lingered in the air which was a combination of tobacco and weed.

The conversations were louder then the music, everyone mindlessly chatting about whatever came into their minds.

Which couldn't of been much because no one was sober in the room.

I lied on the couch, too high to move, resting my legs in Nikki's lap who seemed just as bored as I was.

'This fucking sucks.' Nikki stated, taking a swig of his Jack Daniels.

I nodded in agreement.

If Nikki could say a party sucked, it definitely sucked.

He passed me the bottle that we had been sharing for the past half an hour.

I leaned my head up a little, pouring some of the liquor down my throat. 'Tell me about it.' I said while wincing at the foul taste.

'Either i'm sober right now and I just can't tell or this party just sucks that bad.' Nikki moaned, taking the Jack from my hand.

I looked over to the couch across from us, Mick was lying across it, snoring loudly.

I smirked at this and continued looking around the room. There were groups of girls in skimpy clothes surrounding Vince, groping him as he told them a story.

Typical Vince.

In the dimly lit part of the room was Tommy talking with that model I recognised from his magazine.

I could feel my heart sink into my stomach as I watched her touch his arm. They were standing inches apart and I couldn't understand why it bothered me so much.

What was different?

'Looks like someone's having fun.' I muttered loud enough so Nikki could hear.

His own eyes followed mine which were on Tommy and the model. He turned back to me shrugging and taking another sip of his drink.

'So he's just going to fuck a random model?' I asked angrily.

'Hey that is not just some random model.' Nikki defended. 'That is a playgirl.'

I sat up, too angry to lie down anymore. 'So?' I asked, seeming to miss his point.

'So, shes not just some random model.' Nikki said like he was pointing out the most obvious thing in the world.

I looked back over at the drummer and the model as I removed my legs from Nikki, now sitting with my elbows resting on my knees.

I hated how close they were to each other.

'Why do you care anyways?' Nikki questioned and I jumped slightly, not expecting to hear those words.

But Nikki was right, why did I care?

'I-I don't.' I stuttered. 'He can fuck whatever and whoever he wants.'

Nikki replied with a simple 'Mhm.' which sounded like he didn't believe me.

I mean I didn't even believe myself.

I rolled my eyes at the guitarist and snatched the Jack out of his hand. 'Give me that.'

I threw my head back and sculled the rest of the contents, it felt like razors sliding down my throat and I closed my eyes tightly as if it would help the pain.

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