(33) Montell's Mind

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I've been thinking about Mona all day. That's the joy of a night job, you have way too much time on your hands during the day. We've only been trying this couple thing for a few days and I already can't imagine my life without her. This is totally not where I saw myself at this age. But it's the truth. My feelings for her are so strong that I can't deny it. She is the only woman I want.

I've just visited my mom to discuss some business and family things. My cousin is getting married and mom is paying for the party. She still takes care of all of my cousins like they are her own kids. And my aunt still loves me like one of her own. 

People used to think my mom was a lesbian.

I guess I helped that gossip along because I always said I had two moms when I was little. And I did, it really felt like that to me. It still does. I made two gifts for mother's day and even called them both mom. Way easier with all of us living in the same house. And my aunt was more the mom in the household. She praised and punished us.

My biological mom worked every night to put money on the table and slept most of the day. According to some men I met when I was older, she was the best stripper out there. She was on all the posters and sang live during her performances.

She inherited the club from the owner when he died of a heart attack. She didn't even know he named her as his sole heir. She's always made less profit than the other strip club owners, but she was the only one that treated the girls fair and was transparent about where the money went that came in. She is a true businesswoman, nothing gets by her and she knows exactly how to make men spend their money.

I was a real bad boy in school, always fighting and smoking weed. Drove my mom nuts, but she wasn't around enough to punish me. So I thought I'd get away with all the trouble I got into. Until the school called my aunt. She came into the principal's office, told the man I wasn't coming back, and took me home. I was so happy and wanted to thank her, but she sat me down at the kitchen table for a talk.

She told me that if I wasn't going to do my best in school, I might as well earn my weight in money. She called my mom and from that day on, I was teamed up with Mike. He taught me how to fight and protect. He took me to the gym and showed me how to recognize the bad guys in a crowd of people. The first few years working as a bouncer at the club was with Mike by my side.

I ended up training a younger guy and when he was ready, Mike stepped down and moved to the apartment building where Ama lives to work as a doorman there. He keeps an eye on the people living there, but mostly keeps tabs on a building across the street. Not many people know, but across the street from Ama's building is a small warehouse where a gang likes to hang out.

Mike keeps an eye on them and tips us off when something big is going down. We all have beef with this gang, one way or another. I hate the leader of the gang because he comes to the club regularly and always tries to hurt the girls somehow. He is the son of the DA who got shot down by Ama at the barbecue. The son gets away with way too much with the help of his dad.

I'm standing in front of the iron gates and stare at the huge mansion at the end of the driveway. I waited for the lady of the house to come home, before walking up to the gate to wait for Mona. I didn't want to create trouble for her in any way. But I needed to see her. I'm starting to sound like an addict and chuckle to myself.

I watch her run out of the house like she's being chased by the devil himself. She is not even looking where she's going and I decide to step in her path. She bumps into me and looks up at me in shock. I look down at her beautiful mouth, her plump lips slightly apart, inviting me to slide my tongue in. I bend down and do just that, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her against my chest.

She relaxes immediately and moans softly. I smile into the kiss. God, I love this woman. She smells like fresh peaches and that scent alone drives me crazy. She feels like a peach too. Her skin is so soft that I could spend the rest of my life touching it. She breaks the kiss and says breathlessly: "Let's get out of here before Mrs. Alderidge sees us."

I let her drag me along and as soon as we're around the corner, she pulls me down for another kiss. I moan and suck her bottom lip into my mouth, while my tongue plays with hers. We break the kiss and I stare into her star-filled eyes. I smile and say: "Hello to you too." She laughs and asks me if I want to come home with her.

I gasp and need a minute. I didn't expect that at all. She is always very guarded when it comes to her house. I think Ama and X are the only ones who know where she lives. I quickly nod and let her guide me over there. We walk past some small shops and she greets everyone she passes. They all light up when she gives them her attention and I feel proud walking beside her with her hand in mine.

We walk into a poor neighborhood and onto a street with small terraced houses. She opens the low iron gate in front of a few steps leading to a purple front door. Two big purple flowerpots, bursting with pink tulips in every shade imaginable, guard the front door. She unlocks the door and I follow her into the little hallway.

She takes her shoes off and pulls her hair out of the tight bun. I stare at her hair jumping free and smile. She's gorgeous and I can't believe I'm here. I look at the picture frames on the wall and quickly realize it displays a trip through Mona and Ama's life as friends. Hand in hand or with their arms around each other in all of them.

Dressed up for Halloween, reading books, out on the town, and with Mona's family on a trip. I smile and feel the love through the pictures. They are a sight to see these days, but the photos show me they always have been. The black hair contrasting with the ginger hair, her dark eyes, and Ama's green ones. Both curvy and graced with an infectious smile.

I get lost in the photos and hear Mona clear her throat. I look at her and she smiles at me. She says: "Boo, make yourself at home. There's beer and soda in the fridge, wine on the counter and we'll discuss dinner when I come back down. I need to get out of this uniform first."

She walks up the stairs and I enjoy the view of her round behind. I groan a little and my eyes land on a picture of Mona and Ama kissing. I quickly look away and start walking to find the kitchen. I open the first door to my right and end up in an open-plan room, with the kitchen on the right and a dining table and couch on the left.

I open the fridge and grab a beer. I twist the cap off and lean against the counter taking in everything around me. It breathes her through every pillow, lamp, framed poster, and the curtains. Light colors mixed with pinks and purples. In a tasteful, welcoming way. It's like the space embraces you, makes you feel loved.

I hear her come down the stairs and smile at her when she walks up to me. She's barefoot in shorts and a tank top and she couldn't be more beautiful if she tried. She stops right in front of me and pushes her body against mine to reach for the bottle of wine behind me. I hold my breath and she chuckles softly moving away from me to grab a glass.


There you go, Montell's first POV

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There you go, Montell's first POV.
I struggled with it a little. 
I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Next chapter will be up soon.
It will be X's POV.

Soo click a star and be the light in my darkness. 
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