(42) Noah's Nickname

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I pour Conan a double whisky while he takes his coat off. He sits down next to me, grabs a piece of cheddar, and washes it down with a big gulp of whisky. He looks at all of us, "I just came from a room full of men complaining about shit and now I'm sitting here with you idiots. I wonder what I did in a previous life to deserve this kind of torture. At least there's whisky and cheese here."

He downs the whisky and stares into Montell's eyes for a minute. A smirk appears on his face and he says: "Have you admitted it yet? That you're in love with Mona? And what did you do to fuck it up?" 

We all fall silent and stare at him while we're catching flies.

Fucking hell. I present to you, the almighty Conan. He knows and senses it all. It's scary as fuck at times. But he always gets straight to the point and prevents us from fucking it up even more down the line. Without him, we'd keep whining and drinking and end up making matters so much worse.

I chuckle softly and Conan's eyes land on me. Oh fuck, here we go.

He smiles and says: "You're regretting something. What is it that you didn't do, but wish you had?"

Fucking fuck, of course he knows. And now the other guys do too. I take a sip of the dark rum Montell poured me and cough when I swallow it. Conan just keeps staring at me and I know he can keep this up all night. Trust me, I've tested it.

"I didn't kiss Ama on the lips. That's what I regret. At least part of me does." 

Conan raises his eyebrow in slow motion and I know he wants more details. I tell the guys about eating pizza, the milkshake, and stalking her home. X laughs at me, Montell seems to think about it and Conan looks... Kinda looks proud, which I totally don't get.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I really don't know what to do. I don't even know what it is I really want. 

Conan clears his throat and says: "You did the right thing."

X chokes on his drink and spits it back into the glass. "What the frack Conan?! He did the right thing? He should have kissed her. Found a way to come up to her apartment! How is what he did good?! Following her like a creep and then kissing her on the forehead?! Honestly! You are way too much of a gentleman!"

Conan turns his head to X, "Oh really? Because kissing her and going up to her apartment really worked out perfectly for you, right?"

X opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly again. He shrugs and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows Conan's right. 

I look at Conan and he says: "Take it slow with her and you stand a shot. That's what I think. If you rush her, she will put up a wall. And kudos for not letting her walk home alone, I would have kicked your ass if you had. Especially in the neighborhood she lives in."

Montell nods and adds: "Yeah, I would love to warn her about the neighborhood. Her and Mona. But it will only make them look suspicious and that will put them in more danger."

X and I exchange a worried look, before looking at Conan and Montell. 

Conan says: "The warehouse across the road from the Greenfield Building is a base for a gang. The leader of the gang is the son of the DA. You know, the one Ama got back at? I can't give you guys more details, but she shouldn't walk home alone. Ever really."

Now that makes me fucking nervous. And Conan knows it. He shoots me a comforting look and pours himself another whisky, before staring Montell down. 

Montell shares his story with Conan too and adds how he thinks he fucked it all up.

Conan sips the whisky and smirks yet again. He eats another piece of cheddar, "How much do you want to bet on the girls being together right now and talking about it? And if that's the case, Ama will tell Mona to appreciate the fact that you were honest. I'm pretty sure she's that kind of person."

He looks at X and he nods his head. "Yep, honesty above all. That's Ama for you. And straight facts. Don't beat around the bush or she'll get pissed. And you're right about them being together. Just asked them both how they were doing and they sent me this." 

He shows us a picture of Ama and Mona on the couch, drinking wine, and smiling at the camera.

I stare at Ama in her silk robe, which shows off her curves perfectly, and almost drool. I get up quickly to grab myself a beer from the fridge. Those guys can drink all the whisky and rum they want, I'm sticking to beer. I don't want to work with a hangover tomorrow. 

Conan noticed me staring at Ama's picture of course and I just know he is going to bring it up later.

Montell's phone beeps and he pulls it out of his pocket to look at it. He grins, "She just wished me sweet dreams. I might not have fucked it up that bad." 

We raise our drinks at him and wish him luck.

I lean back and get lost in my mind thinking of Ama. The image of her in the silk robe is stuck in my brain. That beautiful ginger hair in a bun on top of her head and that happy look on her face.

I snap out of my thoughts when Montell and X get up. I say goodbye to them and X says: "I'll send the picture to you." He gives me one of his arrogant winks and I shake my head. But he immediately does as promised and I sit down to stare at the picture some more.

I look at her face without a trace of make-up on it. From her light-colored eyelashes framing her beautiful green eyes to her freckle dusted cheeks and nose. She is nothing like any girl I've ever had feelings for before and that confuses and excites me at the same time.

I didn't even think I was into curvy girls until I saw her.

Conan chuckles and I reluctantly look at him instead of my phone. "You really like her. I've never seen you like this." 

His face turns serious and his voice sounds warm when he says: "Your mom would have liked her."

I smile and think of my mom. I think she would have liked Ama too. Ama is tough and soft at the same time. I can't wait to get to know her better. 

Conan finishes his whisky and grabs the last piece of cheddar. He gets up and puts his coat on. He rests his hand on my shoulder, "Send her a message bro. Something funny. She'll like that." 

He squeezes my shoulder, before walking out, whistling a Frank Sinatra song. 

I pick up my phone and think about something good to send her.

The stuttering stalker sends you sweet sleep wishes. See you tomorrow. 👀


That was Noah's POV

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That was Noah's POV.

Conan made me write this chapter. I'm sending him straight back to STDsam !
But in all fairness, he gives the best advice. The guys need a friend like him.

Next chapter will be from Feli's point of view.
You get a peek into her life as a single mom.

See you when it's ready to be published! 

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