(38) Montell's Mama's

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I've been looking at her most of the night. She looks younger when she's asleep, in a cute way. I can't believe she let me stay the night. I even asked her if she wanted me to leave after dinner. She cooked me dinner herself and it was amazing. It was some Mexican dish I forgot the name of. But I was tempted to lick the plate, that's how good it was.

We did the dishes together as we talked about our childhood. We're both raised by loving moms and would die for them. I shared what it was like to grow up with ten cousins in the same house. Three girls and eight boys in a small maisonette. The girls had their own room and my moms shared a bedroom. Auntie slept there at night and my mom slept there during the day.

Imagine eight boys sharing a house and a room. Sounds like a disaster, right? It wasn't. My mom was smart. From the first profit she made, she had the garage renovated. 4 bunk beds against the walls and 8 bean bags in the middle of the room. Big tv, game console, and a stereo to play some music on.

We all had a crate with our name on it and in every crate a fresh set of clothes. We exchanged the clean clothes with the dirty ones and my auntie collected all the laundry once a day and put a new set of clean clothes in the crates. It worked like a charm. And when the money came in we all got a gym membership. To train and to shower. That was such a blessing, not having to share the bathroom with the girls.

We studied in the library and when we got older and got jobs we saved most of it up. It didn't take us long to have enough to buy a car. I went to the car dealership with Denzel. We are the oldest boys, Denzel being two years older than me. When we brought that car home to my moms, they both cried. They thought we spent all of our money on alcohol and weed.

They raised us well, we all became balanced adults. Working and paying our bills. Helping each other out when needed, but at the same time living our own lives. We have a lawyer, a doctor, a nanny, a teacher, a dance instructor, a singer, an airforce pilot, two marines, and two bouncers. It's such a diverse group, but get us all together and we just fit like pieces of a puzzle.

I watch Mona mumble in her sleep and hold my breath when she snuggles up to me. I'm not sure I can handle what I'm feeling right now. I never wanted anything steady, never thought about a future with someone. And I'm trying my hardest not to think of a future with Mona. I don't need the complication or the potential heartbreak. I'll just work hard and fuck a girl every once in a while.

Yeah, who am I kidding? Thinking about fucking another girl makes me sick. What the hell is happening to me? I feel a knot form in my stomach and close my eyes. I try to focus on my childhood memories to keep my mind occupied.

My moms moved to a fancy apartment after the last kid left the house. Yes, they still live together. After all these years they don't even know how to live without each other. It works and they are both happy with it. Auntie has a boyfriend, with who she spends the evenings when mom is at work, but he is gone before mom comes home.

She needs her own space, just like my mom. They are a lot alike. Auntie takes care of everything at home; she cooks, cleans, pays bills, stays in touch with all the kids, sends cards and gifts. And my mom brings the money in. It's a wonderful relationship and we don't know any different. They belong together.

I'm so proud of them both. They've been through hell with the men in their lives, but instead of breaking down, they held each other up. And they raised us boys to be respectful to women and to always compliment the girl that looks sad. They raised the girls as confident, strong women, who don't need a man to be happy.

Mona's breathing becomes more shallow and I know she's awake. I pretend to be asleep and hide the smile that's eager to break through. I can feel her eyes roam over my body and stretch out slowly. She gasps and I can't hide a chuckle.

I hear her sweet voice and feel a warmth spread through my body from my heart to my limbs. I still have my eyes closed and I'm afraid to open them. Because it might be too much if I see her.

"Montell? Good morning."

"Good morning babe."

I keep my eyes closed and bite my lip. Dear God, I have no idea what to do now. I never stayed the night at a girl's house before and they always sneak out in the middle of the night when they stay over at my place. Does she want me to go? Do I stay for breakfast? Does she regret it?

I hear the sheets rustle and then I hear her sigh. She probably regrets it. Damn. This was probably the first and last time I was here. Stupid heart better stop wanting her or it's going to end up broken.

"It's okay Montell. You can go if you want to. You don't have to stay and pretend there's a future here. I understand."

My eyes fly open and I look into her big brown orbs. She's sitting up, facing me, and looks so insecure and sad that it breaks my heart. I sit up too and place my hands on her cheeks. I bend down and kiss her softly. 

She seems surprised and asks: "Montell? Please tell me what you're thinking? Because I am getting my hopes up here and that never ends well."

"I'm not sure babe. But I feel things I've never felt before. Things I never wanted. And I'm hella confused right now. I decided years ago I was going to stay single and just have sex when I felt like it. I've never stayed the night before and you were also the first who slept over at my place."

I search her eyes for her feelings, afraid she might be offended by my words. "It's a wonderful feeling and at the same time terrifying. I wish I could ask you to marry me right now, move in together and start making babies, but just saying it out loud gives me anxiety. I'm not really husband material."

I'm still holding her face and she grabs my hands to hold them in hers. A spark shoots through my fingers as she rubs my palm with her thumb. God, how I wish I could read her mind right now. I pray that I didn't offend her by speaking my thoughts.

She looks into my eyes and her plump lips curve into a smile.


That was Montell's pov

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That was Montell's pov.
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