〖Chapter ①〗- Meeting his rival

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"You know you should study" Asano rolled his eyes looking at his girlfriend who was busy eating her icecream.

"Ehh...you're just jealous because I'm licking the icecream instead of you" Y/n chuckled. Asano glared as she smirked at her pissed off boyfriend.
"I'm just kidding...relax Shuu".

"Don't talk to me like that or you wouldn't be able to call like that nor my first name" he frowned angirly.

"Heh , you're so easy to piss off" Y/n smirked as she continue licking the icecream. Asano stood and started leaving.

"Hey , where are you going?!" Y/n shouted as she pucker appeared between her eyebrows. But Asano just ignored her. "Don't ignore me! Bakasano!".

"Just talk to me when you already cured that mind illness of yours" and with that he was out of sight.

"Hmph...bastard! You're so easy to get piss off " Y/n rolled her eyes and threw the icecream in the trashcan.

Your pov

I decided to walked up the mountain to relax. As I got to the top I was very exhausted that I don't know that I was daydreaming or not. I saw an old building standing infront of me.

"What the heck? Since , when this building is there?" I sighed heavily , panting.

"It was there , before you got born " I heard a voice behind. I looked behind to see a redhead behind me. " I saw you with Asano just a minute ago in the cafeteria , what's your connection with him?".

"Who are you do you think to ask me such a question?" I raised my eyebrows and stepped back to only pulled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

He leaned in and whipered to my ear "I'm Akabane Karma". His voice were cold and scary that it even cause me to shivered.

"Bakabane! What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?" Asano walked up to us as he grabbed Karma's collar bringing him closer.

"Oh , so...she's your girlfriend" The redhead smirked as he grabbed Asano's hands and freed his self from Asano's grasp. "You know...you shouldn't make your girlfriend angry or else my chance of getting her will increase". And with that Akabane left.

Leaving a nervous me and an angry Gakushuu. "Why did you go here?" He asked calmly as he can. His bangs covering his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I muttered as I looked down.

"You know that's not the right answer Y/n-chan" he gave me a close eyed smile that run a shiver down my spine.

"I-i j-just wanted to cool off here , I-i didn't expect that a bastard would be here" I explained as he walked near me. He leaned in and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Of course that old building has his classroom...you shouldn't be here again" he whispered and I quickly nodded like a good puppy.

"Hey! Asano! What are you doing here?" A brown haired man asked with other students behind him. They seemed to hate Asano but I can't see a perfect reason for them to hate him.

He often just scare me when I've done something wrong he never hurt me. Yeah , he's arrogant they said but...I never saw that side of him.

"I'm just here to pick my girlfriend up who just wanted to cool off but the bastard even dare to take advantage of her" Asano answered and shrugged his shoulders. He held my arms and we were about to leave but then...

"...do you think we'll believe you! Karma would never do that!" .

"Really? I got my girlfriend here! Why don't you ask her... And what? Karma can't do that?" he started laughing then at this another side him got revealed. His too scary that I can't even flinch even a single bit. "Karma's a bitch. You know he's personality but you keep on lying to yourself" and with that we continue walking down the mountain.

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