〖Chapter 10〗- New student

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The field trip was finally done, you are trudging up the mountain with your friend Rose who's been sick for the whole week so she didn't got the chance to join you with the school trip.

"Okajima-kun!" Rose waved at the boy who's up ahead of you. The said perv turned around and waved at you two.

"Ohayo" Isogai greeted from behind as he approached your group. You and your two other friends greeted back at the ikemen."Did you guys received an email from Karasuma-sensei?"

"Yeah about the new student. I wonder if she's an assassin too" Rose thought out loud.

"Maybe but that didn't matter as long as she's a cutie" Okajima showed them the new student on his lock screen.

"What you even made her your wallpaper" Nagisa sweat dropped at the background.

"O-oh...ohayo Nagisa-kun. I didn't notice your presence earlier" you greeted at the female looking blunette.

"Ahh...I said the 'hi' at the time when I caught with you but you guys are to focused about the new student" Nagisa said almost in a laugh as his friends apologized at him.

Once they enter the room a huge box was placed on the back of the classroom. Suddenly the box's screen lit up.

"Good morning everyone" a 2D girl appeared the same girl in Okajima's lock screen. "I'm your new classmate Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery".

'Huh what?' All the students in the classroom thought in the same time.

" Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery will help you assassinate this octopus" Karasuma explained as the students wondered how.

Koro-sensei soon entered the classroom. "She's registered here as a full-fledged student. She'll be assassinating you from now on. She'll be sitting at the back of the class aiming you by her guns" Karasuma put an further explanation for the weird teacher.

"Well then, welcome to the E Class Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery"

"Aiming guns? Where are her guns?" Kayano asked as she turned her back at the two teachers to look at the new student.

"You'll know it later" was Karasuma's answer before leaving the classroom.

After the attendance weird sounds were heard from the new student before guns started coming out pointed at Koro-sensei. She started firing non-stop. The students hid themselves under their desk for their safety.

After the attack she started calculating codes started appearing on her screen. However, the students didn't like how the autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery interrupted the class for the whole day.

"Man, I learned nothing today because of that damn robot" MASH a stretched his arm before slumping down on his seat.

"Do we really have to clean these up?"
You complained before collapsing on the floor.


The next day, the students waited for the ATFA to fire but Koro-sensei just continues his class like how he always does in every normal day in E Class.

The students began asking questions and the said octopus teacher answered all of them honestly.

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