〖Chapter ②〗- The Cock Block

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Your pov

"Oh come on she's just a slut that keeps on seducing Asano" A girl from 3-B smirked as I passed their classroom.

"Yeah , she deserve that" The curly long blonde haired girl chuckled as she keeps on playing with her hair.

"No , she didn't" the other one argue but earning a shocked expression on her friends face. "She deserve to be in E-class" she added. I clenched my fist and shut them a glare. They shut their mouth and walked in their classroom.

I sighed as I continue walking to the gates I decided to take a train since it was pretty boring in my house.

I walked on the busy streets of Tokyo to the nearest train station from school. I stopped walking as I looked at the building. There's a lot of people here. I'm sure it'll make me hard to breathe here. I sighed and walked in the building pulling out my credit card and swiping it on the screen. (I'm not sure if that's what they doing in Japan , but that's not what they are doing here in our country) .

I entered the train that would pass my own house . I'm going to sleep my apartment since no one was home. It was boring there. Sometimes , they would come to my place and would stay there for a week or less.

I entered the password on my gate and pushed my hand on it, so it can scan my hand print and open itself for me.

I sighed for who knows in this chapter before entering. The lights were off. I opened my phone and switched all the lights. At first I was scared to stay alone in a very huge villa like this but I got used to it, since, I've been staying here for a year.

I've been never in contact with my neighbors. I barely get out of the house in holidays. Of course, I would go out in weekdays for school. It was obvious.

I heard my phone rang. I checked the callers idea.

Strawberry blonde.

I laughed at myself at the nickname I gave him.

"Hello? " I asked through the phone.

"Are you free? " He asked.

"I'm not" I answered.

"I'm coming to your house" he said before hanging up the phone.

[Time-skip by author's blanked mind]

"You know what? " Asano asked as he turned his head to me.

"What?" I asked back , confused.

"There's nothing wrong with all of these answer of yours" he said as he scanned the answer sheet he made for me.

"Oh really? " I asked sarcastically as I went behind him and peeked on my answers.

"Yeah, babe. You're so good, I can't understand why did you fell on that class " he smirked as he grabbed my hands and intertwined it with his.

I pulled away from him. He stood and looked at me before pushing the chair between us away. Then he gave me another answer sheet. I shot him a glare and he sighed.

"Promise, that's the last one" he smiled at me. I nodded and sat back on my chair while he went on my bed, sitting at the edge.

After twelve minutes I'm done, I threw the pen and the paper sheet at him. He checked his phone and smiled at me before handing me the paper sheet. I threw the paper at a random direction as I sat on his lap.

He blushed as he tried to push me away. But I swiped his hands away and went to kiss his neck.

"Stop it" he groaned but I ignored it.
He tried stopping me but he never succeed.

PISS ME OFF (KARMA X READER X ASANO)Where stories live. Discover now