Tuesday Evening

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I fixed all of the paper work that piled up these past few days—or yesterday. Rolling my eyes again to stare at the ceiling leaving a sigh up to the air.

"I'll leave you up to it now. I've got errands to run. " A soft-voiced human speaking to everyone announcing her early leave-taking. I am urged to take a peek as my body could not stay at its place because of the sudden want to read the letter—hoping that it's still there. But I couldn't take a peek. I might collapse.

I spun all over my place with this chair of mine as I waited for everyone else to take their leave. It's almost 6:30 and I'll finally be the last one left of everyone else.

The last one finally left, I fixed my table and walked towards Heaven's office. I looked left and right to see if anyone's still around.

As soon as they weren't around anymore I leaped through her office seeing nothing onto her desk but a key beside seeking for the letter only to see it onto her trash can.

She must've been pissed.

I bended my knees to take the letter from the trash can when I heard footsteps walking towards me.

My head started freezing itself onto the situation I am, I crawled my way under her table. Praying that it's someone else or she won't get me or look at me or else I'll die.


The footsteps started walking towards this room, I even crumpled myself under her table, shivering with my eyes and palms closed.

"I forgot my keys. Lander would kill me if I'm late. Argh. I can't afford to lose this for my grandmother's operation. " I opened my eyes, my expression all went blurry and calm but confused with my sweat covering every inch of my body.

"The moon's full tonight. Oh, Angel. Please take me away." She whispered under her breath as she started shaking the trash can, it seems that she's looking for this letter of hers.

She then did not waste a minute to go back down, she hurriedly ran out of her office.

I ran back out of the office after hearing her footsteps gone. It is truly annoying how her office could be at the corner of the room where the door is. If this occurs again I don't have the sufficient time to hide myself. I guess I just got lucky this time.

I went out strangely calm but confused. I took my bag from the cubicle and went straight to the cab where I took the letter out and swirled my fingers all over it. I can see how it was crumpled. She wasn't hoping for me anymore—or she hoped a bit much.

As soon as I got home, I showered and wrapped myself onto the blanket and proceeded to the balcony with my bag on my side. I'm thinking twice if I should still open this letter of hers. I might completely ruin my state of mind with this.

I had decided to open it not minding the time and the clock. I haven't gazed at it yet all I know is that the moon is looking at me.

I needed no artificial light to read this letter of hers.

"To Angel,

Okay, Angel. Please just show yourself to me. You might actually take me away. Take me away as I do to you. I'll tell you soon enough, just.. please..

The moon? It's beautiful. I'm hoping to see it in your eyes.

You saw me? Why didn't you approach me? Yes, I talked to Mr. Cooper because I thought you were him. It was embarrassing, yes but there is nothing for you to apologize about. It's my call.

I'm glad you loved my cake. Why haven't you contacted me with your phone just yet?

Don't be too late, okay?"

I had found myself, smiling. Again. With this rhythmic feeling and her sonorous voice playing onto my head all over again along the butterflies onto my stomach, I couldn't resist. I couldn't---I couldn't control this emotional state of mine anymore.

I surrendered to it as I lifted my bag as I searched into it for a pen and paper. I started writing back.

"To Heaven,

I apologize, Heaven, I haven't bought a phone just yet. I don't think I could learn how to use it too anytime soon. Time will come, you'll know me even though I'd already tell you that you won't like me.

I know you are pissed about me missing your letter. I prepared your lunch for you as a payback for your cake and your patience.

Yes, have you read the Japanese literature about the moon? When someone tells you to look at the moon and see how beautiful it is—it actually meant... I can't say just yet.

Too late for what, Heaven? Please tell me. I'll be waiting for your response. Why do you want me to take you away so bad?

- Your Angel"

I wrote it with a smile onto my cheeks that kept on forming on its own. It actually is tiring to smile but—

As I scroll around my bag to get my stamp and the wax I held onto a paper.

"Ticket to Ohio 1 seat. Departure: Friday, February 14, 1990" My smile was then wiped away by the passage that I had read. I forgot. I was going to end it all this Friday. At our old home. With my family. But I couldn't resign. I didn't want to die that way. I wanted to die with my family.

I laid my back onto the seat and pulled my chin up to stare at the moon and left a sigh up to it.

With my emotions leading all of my movements as of now I continued stamping onto the letter I wrote.

As I turn my back onto the clock it's almost midnight. Shit. I didn't notice. My eyes haven't made me feel uneased. I went back to the bed and slept—atleast tried.

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