🥢Food Frenzie🥢

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The sun had just started to shine through the windows, leaving a soft and gentle glow to the small kitchen. Pots and pans were clanking around along with the sounds of laughter and jokes lingered throughout the air.

Izuku and Eijirou danced around the kitchen while lip singing to old music. They bounced around, high on caffeine, and cooking a grand breakfast. The sweet scent of salmon and different spices wafted throughout the air. Izuku laughed as he threw some salt into a pot of rice, mixing it around.

"Can't believe we've gotten away with this," Eijirou stated, flipping the salmon onto the other side. Izuku nodded and grabbed some bowls from their kitchen cupboard.

"Kacchan will kill us if we mess up his kitchen, though," Izuku muttered, placing some bowls and plates onto the table. He then scooped hot rice into the bowls and grabbed some of the cut up and sauted vegetables. Along with the salmon, the two boys had created a traditional japanese breakfast.

"True that," Eijirou agreed, turning the stove top off and taking the pan with salmon off of the hot surface. He carefully slid the salmon onto a large plate and proceeded to slice it into even chunks.

"I'm glad Shoto and Tenya decided to leave early," Izuku spoke as he carefully grabbed the sauted vegetables and put them into a bowl. The table looked magnificent and the air smelled heavenly. Anyone could guess just by the scent that the two could have been cooking for years. Well that is true, only for Eijirou though. Izuku was told to watch the rice and plate things, and he almost burnt the rice.

"Same, sometimes Denki and Katsuki are nightmares to deal with in the morning," Eijirou agreed as he placed the plate of cut up salmon onto the table. The two boys shared a look before going off into their separate rooms.

Being in college, there are only so many ways you can room with people. Most opt for a dorm with one other person, or even a single dorm if they can afford it. But for people who wanted to stay in their groups, a multi room dorm was perfect. Everyone had their own small dorm room which was attached to a slightly bigger area. The most you could have is 6 to a dorm, which is what the boys ended up with. They met Tenya and Shoto because of the dorm but they were almost glad.

Tenya and Shoto were always able to keep the rambunctious couples in line and make them do all their assignments. For that they would leave for the weekends to allow the couple's to have their alone time.

And it always worked out.

Izuku made his way to his room where his boyfriend was sleeping. Sure, they each have separate rooms, but that doesn't mean Katsuki won't sneak into Izuku's to have their alone time.

Izuku opened the door and saw Katsuki all snuggled up in the blankets, small snores erupted from his mouth. Izuku smiled, walking to their window and opening the curtains. A soft yellow glow spread out against the room and on Katsuki's face, his usual champagne coloured hair turning a golden colour. Izuku walked over to his boyfriend and crouched down at his bed side.

"Kacchan," Izuku cooed out, using one hand to move stray hairs out of his face. Katsuki let out a groan and peeked his eyes open. He saw the green fluffy hair of his boyfriend and released a small smile.

" 'zuku...time?" Katsuki mumbled out before snuggling closer to the pillow. Izuku laughed and kissed his boyfriend before answering.

"It's ten in the morning. You really slept in," Izuku joked, massaging his boyfriend's head. Involuntarily Katsuki leaned into the hand and let out a content sigh.

"Love you, 'Zuku," Katsuki whispered, leaning out of bed to give his boyfriend a soft kiss.

"WAKE UP KACCHAN THERES FOOD!" A wild and loud Kaminari shouted from down the hall, disturbing the peace between the boys.

"I'll kill him," Katsuki mumbled as he got out of bed. He grabbed a jacket and zipped it up to cover his bear chest. He didn't bother changing out of his pajama pants and simply followed his boyfriend out of the room.

The two boys came into the kitchen and dining room area, the scents of a traditional japanese breakfast filling their noses. A wonderful mix of spices wafted into their noses, small sounds of stomachs rumbling were heard as well.

Eventually the four got settled down and around the table, digging into the freshly cooked salmon and sticky rice. Although no we're near as good as what Katsuki would usually cook, he was a little surprised to think that the food was actually pretty good.

"How do you two like it?" Izuku asked, placing his pair of chopsticks down to take a sip from his drink. Denki smiled, small pieces of sticky rice were stick to the sides of his mouth.

"You two did awesome!" Was Denki's reply. Izuku and Eijirou shared a glance and smiled; at least one of the boys were happy.

"Could have been a little spicier, maybe add more spices. Other than that...not bad," Katsuki spoke slowly. Eijirou and Izuku grinned even more, jumping up from their chairs and jumping up and down together.

"We did it!"

"Kacchan approves!"

The two boys happily cheered over their well cooked breakfast. Denki laughed and eventually joined the two boys. The three all latched onto one another and bounced around in circles. Katsuki stayed where he sat, merely smiling and watching the commotion going on before his very eyes.

Although he wouldn't say it out loud, he was very proud of his boyfriend and best friend.

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