🧛🏻‍♂️Little Vampire🧛🏻‍♂️

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*Canonverse au. Izuku has a vampire quirk and O.F.A. Vampire quirk consists of having to drink blood to survive, has the ability to float and fly, can heal at an incredible rate. Izuku is NOT immortal and he CANT turn other people into Vampires.*

"C'mon, Kacchan! Just a tiny little sip?" Izuku whined, floating behind his friend. Katsuki sighed, spinning around on his heels and looking at Izuku.

"That's what you said last time before you almost sucked me dry!" Katsuki argued as little explosions started popping off of his palms. Izuku groaned in annoyance, releasing himself from floating and stood before Katsuki.

"That was in middle school when I was sick!" The pale boy explained, trying to get that sweet and delicious blood. Katsuki stood his ground, though, and started walking towards his dorm room.

"Go find someone else's blood!" Katsuki yelled as he slammed his door shut. Izuku looked down on the ground and messed with his oversized all might hoodie, a sad expression on his face.

"But I like your blood best," he muttered before walking away and towards the kitchen.

As Izuku got there he saw the self proclaimed bakusquad sitting around the kitchen island, probably discussing something stupid. With dramatic flair, Izuku swung open the refrigerator door and found his last remaining package of blood. He had to remind himself to go to the blood bank and get more, and very soon. He didn't want to drink his friends, except for Katsuki that is, and he never liked drinking birds and rodents.

Izuku slammed the door shut and noticed how everyone got quiet. He looked behind his shoulder and saw the Bakusquad give him weird looks. He would have shrugged it off of they didn't start talking to him.

"What's up, Mido?" Kaminari spoke first, a calm tone of voice and expression. Izuku didn't find the harm of talking to them about his problems, so he stuck a straw into his bag of blood and started talking.

"Kacchan won't let me drink from him," he explained in a soft voice, head drooping. He found a seat at the island and sat down, head laying against the island counter and slowly sipping his blood.

"Is his blood really that good?" Kirishima questioned out loud, though Izuku supposed he didn't mean to say that. But Izuku didn't mind, he loved talking about Kacchan and especially his blood.

"You know when you go to a really fancy restaurant and there are really succulent cuts of meat and you take a bite and taste all the flavours of the seasonings, vegetables, sauces, and it tastes like the best thing you've ever eaten?" He said, receiving lots of nodding heads as a result. Izuku smiled at that. "Well that's what it feels like when I drink from Kacchan. It just tastes so good, not too salty or sweet, but absolutely perfect."

Izuku now had his head leaning against his hand as he daydreamed about the last time he was able to drink from Katsuki. It was when he was sick and his mother couldn't get blood from the blood bank soon enough. Katsuki allowed Izuku to drink from him on the condition he didn't take too much.

Spoiler alert, it took more blood than Katsuki thought and he nearly passed out from blood loss.

But that was years ago and they were in their third year of U.A. They were about to become pro-heroes, so why not let Izuku drink from him?

"Why don't you drink from other people?" Ashido asked almost like it was the most obvious solution ever. Izuku merely shook his head, but did ponder the thought.

"It wouldn't hurt, I guess if people were willing to let me drink from them I wouldn't be bothering Kacchan anymore," Izuku muttered out and then continued to talk out the pros and cons to himself.

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