I think we should cancel training today. . .

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Winter was fast approaching on the students and teachers of UA, all were getting excited about their upcoming vacation in a few weeks. But just because the break was coming did not mean they started getting distracted and slacking off, instead they were pushed even harder by Aizawa and their mentors.

On this particular December morning Midoriya and All Might had planned a morning full of training in snowy conditions as it had snowed about a foot the night before. But as they probably should have predicted the park was full of children and adults playing in the white bliss that had canceled so many schools that morning, "my boy, how about we skip the training today. It's a bit too cold." Toshinori chuckled as he patted the young boys back, ceasing the removal of the young boy's All Might winter coat. He pretended not to notice how the boy flushed when he realized the coat he had chosen to wear that day. Midoriya gave a small sigh of relief as he zipped up the coat, slipping his gloves back over his freezing fingers. "T-that doesn't seem like a bad idea." He shivered.

"Why don't we go get some breakfast, since you failed to grab one this morning before training." At the mention of food the young successor's stomach let out a loud growl, causing the boy's face to become even more flushed. "I believe that settles it. I'd take us back to my apartment but it's quite far and I have yet to go on a proper shopping trip in a while. Do you have anywhere you'd like to go?"

"A-actually i know a good place near-nearby." The boy's teeth chattered as he pointed to the south side of the park, where the slightly quieter part of the city was. The park was kinda like a halfway point, to the south was a smaller shopping district as well as the beach, while behind them was the busier city. The south side was often much quieter during the winter as most normal people don't go to the beach in the middle of December. The older man chuckled as he ruffled the boy's green locks, "well then, lead the way my boy!"

So the young hero in training and the taller skeleton man made their way through the park, waving at a few kids as they raced passed laughing their little heads off. Parents huddled together for warmth as they chatted. Passing through the metal gates and down the sidewalks, passing a few people with their hands stuffed in their pockets or rubbing together, quickly ducking into the warm buildings or pulling their scarfs closer. Midoriya silently wished he had brought his thicker green coat and thick cream scarf, but he had left them not wanting them to be damaged during their training. But he did his best to hide his shivering from his mentor.

But he was failing miserably. Toshinori could see his shaking form as he walked slightly ahead, "would you like my coat young midoriya? I wouldn't want you to get a cold."

"Oh no! I'm fine all might! I promise! Besides, we're just about there anyhow!" The boy shouted a bit loudly, covering his mouth when he realized how loud he had spoken and blushing. Picking up his speed he turned the corner and spotted their destination. "See! Here it is!"

It was a small cafe situated on the corner. It was a warm red with large glass windows that had their name written on it in simple gold letters. Auntie K's Cafe. Inside Toshinori could see several booths and tables filled with a few people who were sipping warm drinks and chatting over food. You could practically feel the warmth radiating from the shop all the way across the street, drawing them in and embracing them as they got to the red door.

Both of the hero's let out a sigh of happiness as they stepped into the warm shop, the small bell chiming as they stepped inside. The room's decor was full of warm reds and yellows, dark wood helping give it that homey feeling that you couldn't help but soak up. Several small tables were scattered around on the main floor and booths ran across most of the walls. To their left there was a long glass display case full of colorful cakes, cookies, pastries, and chocolates. Just behind it was several coffee machines filled with beans and powders, each emitting steam as it kept the drinks warm for when they were to be ordered. Shelves full of glasses and mugs of all sizes lined above the machines, as well as jars of candy and sprinkles. A Metal counter on top of the display case led to a pair of double doors that most likely lead into the kitchen. "One moment! Please help yourself to a table!" A voice called out from the back.

"I must say young midoriya, this place is wonderful! I've never been here before." Toshinori said as he pulled off his scarf and gloves, shoving them into his giant pockets. "I've never even noticed it was here."

"Most people don't, most just pass it by at first." Midoriya muttered as he removed his own gloves and ran his hand through his wild curls. He hadn't been here in a while, not since the beginning of the summer since he's been so busy with training and school. He had forgotten how much he missed the warm atmosphere here, coming here after a rough day at school. He smiled fondly as he sat down at a small table in the corner by the display case and door to the kitchen. Just like every time he came here. Toshinori sat across from him, hanging his coat on his chair as he looked around the small cafe. "I used to come here all the time before UA."

"I can see why, it is a lovely place. I shall have to ask for your suggestion when we order." The older man chuckled, "I don't eat at cafes much."

The door behind the counter opened and a woman came walking out balancing a pan covered in steaming cookies and a platter with small chocolate cupcakes. She had long bronze hair with a few thin strands of gray hair that was pulled up into a messy bun that looked on the verge of falling out if not for the two metal sticks holding it. Bangs falling slightly over her bright magenta eyes and red rectangle glasses, soft pale skin slightly flushed due to the heat of the kitchen. She wore a simple red button up with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, loose black pants and white apron covered in flower and chocolate, pen and pad stuffed in the front pocket. Pushing a small gate separating the counter from the floor she placed the pan on the counter and grabbed a pot of coffee from one of the machines. She swiftly made her way around the floor, placing the cupcakes at a table with a couple and their two kids in a booth, and refilled several cups of coffee before returning the pot to the machine.

Midoriya brightened up when she turned around to see them, "hey Auntie K!" He called out. The woman suddenly squealed as she rushed over to the boy who had stood from his seat, giving the boy a big hug, "oh my gosh Izuku! It's been forever!" She smiled, before suddenly glaring and hit him over the head, "also how dare you get attacked twice by villains and end up in the hospital without calling me! I was worried sick! And your mother was panicking." She scolded before pulling him into another warm hug. "Call me next time! I like hearing from you."

Toshinori was very confused, unsure if he should intervene as he watched his successor get scolded. Midoriya just smiled sheepishly, "sorry, I've been so busy it completely slipped my mind."

"That's alright deary. So what brought you here today? I thought I'd be seeing you on Sunday for dinner?" She asked while releasing the boy from her hold. Midoriya suddenly stopped when he remembered that Toshinori was with him. "U-uh well, i was going to have training this morning but we decided to take a break today. Auntie K, this is my mentor."

"Ah, the infamous Yagi Toshinori I've been hearing about. It's a pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Kanmi Nakaya. But most people call me Kani or Auntie K." She bowed to him before outstretching her hand to shake his own. Toshinori's mind finally caught up to him and he stood, shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kani-san. I'd introduce myself but you seem to already know who i am."

"I do Yagi-san. Inko told me about you." Kani suddenly bowed again, lower in respect as she spoke, "I want to thank you for training Izuku to become a hero." She straightened herself and pulled out her notepad and pen. "It's no trouble, young midoriya is a wonderful student."

" I'm glad to hear that. Now, what can i get for you boys?" Pushing up her glasses she smiled, handing Toshinori a menu. He opened up the tin menu and scanned over it while midoriya ordered, "i'll have a large hot chocolate and a blueberry swirl muffin please."

"You want the special right?" She smirked as the boy nodded enthusiastically, it was his usual during the winter season and Kani had long since memorized it. Scribbling down the order she turned to Toshinori who looked lost, "and you?"

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