Late night walks and warm talks.

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  Two hours later the meeting was adjourned and the teachers left for either the lounge or for home to finish grading tests and papers so they didn't have to do it over the upcoming break. The party venue is yet to be decided but they still had three weeks to figure it out. It was decided they would lock up the dorms after everyone was gone and let the kids stay home for the holidays. Toshinori retreated to his computer to look over some training tapes he needed to grade, not being able to do so until now due to the other tests he had to help watch and participate in.

Settling in with a cup of coffee he started going through the footage. The students had definitely improved from their last test. He reached for his coffee and was a bit disappointed. It wasn't terrible, not in the slightest. Nezu had long since perfected making coffee and tea but it didn't stand up to the wonderful coffee he had downed that morning. He wished he'd gotten a cup to go or something. Thinking back to the wonderful food he thought back to Kani. She was very nice and obviously a wonderful baker. He could still slightly feel that warm feeling that food had given him, wishing he could have more of that feeling. It had been a long time since he had felt that comfortable, he had forgotten how much he liked it. Keeping the thought of that warmth he went through the rest of the tapes and graded the rest of his tests, going for several hours.

It was about 8 in the afternoon when he finally finished everything and helping Mic grade the overwhelming amount of English essays. His English wasn't amazing, nowhere near as good as mic's but he could handle an interview with an American reporter and come out unscathed, it wasn't too hard. So now he was packing up his bag, he was tired and hungry. Thanks to his wound his eating is really all over the place. One minute he felt like eating the slightest amount of food would make him sick, when the next minute he felt like he could eat a whole thanksgiving meal on his own. Since he had such a small breakfast and no lunch he was feeling pretty hungry, a good dinner sounded perfect. So he stopped by recovery girls for his weekly check on his organs and health.

It was the same as last week, no progress on the organ regrowth but he was still in the safe zone. Given her approval to eat something a bit heavier for dinner he left the school and into the cold city. There were less people out then earlier that day, since not many people had work that day since it was a Saturday and most found it too cold to venture outside. So he walked down a quiet snowy sidewalk, his apartment wasn't far- about a ten minute walk- but he found himself mindlessly walking the opposite direction of his apartment. Deciding to follow his instincts since there was no one waiting at home for him. That sad thought passed through his mind as he walked past a couple snuggled together for warmth as they walked home from a date.

He stopped to watch them keep walking away, a frown settling on his lips. He had always wanted to find someone special, but his fears and insecurities always made him rethink his decision. And being number one hero up until recently made it harder since just about every girl he'd ever met was throwing themselves at him, not because of who he was as a person but because he was the famous symbol of peace. And he'd never really found anyone he was really interested in romantically.

He stopped his brain going any farther, knowing he can go down this rabbit hole some other time. Or never. And now that his thoughts were broken he realized where his own feet had taken him. He saw the familiar gold letters and felt the same radiating heat. Peeking inside the door the sign still said open, but it seemed deserted of people. Stepping up to the door he opened it with a jingle of the bell, sighing in relief at the warmth. "Hello? Are you still open?" He called out into the seemingly empty cafe.

Thump! "Ow..." a voice groaned in pain from under the counter. Kani stood up slowly rubbing the back of her head. Toshinori's voice had startled her to look up, forgetting she was under the metal counter to grab a rag. "Oh my! I'm so sorry are you ok?" He asked jogging up to the counter in concern, "I didn't mean to startle you Kani-san."

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