A Family that loves to give Toshinori heart attacks.

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As Toshinori waited for Kani to finish up having her hands wrapped, he couldn't help but think one thing. 

Why was this family constantly trying to give him a heart attack? 

First midoriya breaking his arm at every turn, hurting himself and teetering on the edge constantly. Then both he and bakugou get attacked by villains at USJ where he was barley able to keep them safe.  And less then a month later Bakugou gets kidnapped! Then he had to fight his mortal enemy All for One to get the blonde back. 

Even now that he was retired the scares never seemed to end. He didnt know how much more his heart could take before it became to much, he could barely keep his insides in good shape now. He did not need to have his heart failing too. 

"Thank you." Kani said to the EMT as she cut the last bandage. The bandages wound around her fingers down to her elbows like a mummy. "You really are something. I never would of thought of using a frying pan as a weapon." The tall blonde lifted the black pan from the ground and examined it, he could of sworn their was blood on it and he didnt want to think of which of the two's it might be. "Well I've learned to improvise." She joked, hopping off the back of the ambulance over to her broken store front. The bright yellow tap was covering her window in a large 'X' formation as some of the officers where helping sweep the glass shards of her once nice window off the sidewalk. "Its a shame, i really liked that window." 

"I'm sure you can get a new one." 

"Oh i know, I've already had to replace that window six times before. Ron will get a crack out of this one." She pulled out her phone and scrolled threw the names before pausing, "no pun indented." 

"I'm more interested on how you broke a window so many times." 

"Its a long story of misinstillations and scones." Toshinori didnt know how to respond to that even after she finished talking on the phone. He could only imagine what the scones had to to with it. And he had a sneaking suspision some certain boys had something to do with it.

"Auntie K!" Speak of the devil. Both boys came running up to the scene, ducking under the police tape and sprinting towards them. Midoriya moved first, flinging his arms around Kani with tears in his eyes. "I'm so glad your ok!" 

"W-what are you two doing here?" 

"The old bat saw your shop on the news and called us. Didn't i fucking tell you to not get robbed!" the blonde snapped. He was shaking, not with rage but worry- they didnt say anything. "How am i supposed to know i was going to get robbed?" Kani joked, grabbing the blonde and pulled him into her arms softly apologizing. She pet Midoriya's green curls trying to soothe his flowing tears, "Breath Izuku, im alright. I promise."

"But your hands-" 

"Its just a few scraps, ill be ok." She wiped away his dripping tears, which in turn made the boy cry harder. If Bakugou noticed, he didnt say anything like he usually would. The blonde just gave his aunt another half-hug, "Now where's this fucker anyway? I'm gonna pound in his skull." Cracking his knuckles he went to walk towards the police cars with a nightmarish grin on his face. Kani reached out and grabbed the back of his black skull shirt to stop him from going any further. Toshinori saw her fingers flinch on contact and her nose crinkled slightly, but she made no sound, "don't even think about it mister. You just got off of house arrest."

"She's right Bakugou, you don't even have your license yet." Aizawa's gruff voice said as he and the other teachers walked over. "A-Aizawa sensei! Mic and Midnight Sensei, Princable Nezu too! What are you all doing here?" Midoriya asked finally getting rid of the rest of his tears so he could see clearly again. Mic handed the boy a tissue from his pocket, "dry your tears my little listener we were just in the neighborhood. We passed by and saw all the commotion. We decided to investigate." 

"Yes, we were worried when Toshinori saw it was your aunt's cafe. I'm glad your alright Mrs.  Nayaka." Nezu shook her hand gently, "its nice to finally meet you. Toshinori tells me your allowing us to use your cafe for our party." 

"Indeed i am, hopefully i can get the window reinstalled before then."

"I as well for i must say im looking forward to some more of your treats. Those cupcakes you gave us a while back were very delicious." Her face flushed at the complement. She thanked the mouse and shook the hands of the rest of the teachers. "Aizawa sensei, could we stay a little longer passed curfew tonight?" Midoriya asked. The tired teacher agreeded to let them stay a couple hours but they had to check in with him when they get back. The teachers bid them goodnight, "ill stay behind and make sure both of them get back safely." 

"Alright. See you tomorrow!" 

Kani starred at her poor storefront, both of her nephews under her arms.  "You better not be thinking of working tomorrow old lady."

"Nope, im closed until i get that window replaced again. Shame to, i just made a new batch of chocolate scones- now they have no where to go." She let out an exaggerated sigh as she put the back of her hand on her forehead, "Whatever's shall i do now? Maybe i should call some young heroes to save me from my predicament."  Midoriya beamed while a smirk slipped onto Bakugou 's lips "I think that can be arranged." The freckled boy dashed through the door heading for the kitchen. Bakugou followed right after cursing at him to not eat them all. "Would you like to join us?" 

"Sure." She hissed when she grabbed the handle, retracting her shaking fingers quickly. Her hands were obviously hurt way more then she let her nephews on. "Here let me get that for you." 

"Thanks. My hero."  

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