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(Sorry I haven't posted in a while, school started and my time started running short since I do a sport as well. As a apology here's an extra long chapter! Thank you @PastelLord for renewing my confidence and determination to continue this story, so this chapter is also for you.)

  Toshinori walked into school the next day in a very good mood, his first date with Kani had gone very well and they have another planned for the next weekend. If it wouldn't be weird for a grown adult to skip he would be skipping down the halls like a little school girl. His stomach hasn't even been bothering him today, in fact it hadn't been bothering him at all as of late. So he was in a pretty good mood when he passed the student dorms to make it to his office.

He greeted Mina and Hakagure who were walking down the hall with his usual boisterous laugh, completely ignoring their whispering as they passed. Mina and Hakagure quickly rushed back to the common room squealing in delight after their teacher turned the corner. Kirishima saw the two come bursting in with their wide grins, "Woah, what happened? Did Monoma get hit?"

"Better, our teacher's in love!" the entire class surrounded the girl so she could retail them with her story. "We where out shopping last night for some cute new clothes when we passed this little ramen shop where we saw Mr. Toshinori on a date with a lady! She was pretty too, with brown hair and glasses."

"Are you sure it was a date? it could of just been a family member." Iida asked trying to calm everybody down before they got in trouble for yelling in the halls. The two huffed and ran to the front of the group, "No way! We watched enough romcoms to know romance when i see it! And they were holding hands! And then after they finished eating they went to the park and ice skating together! It was so cute- Hakagure even got a pictures as proof!"

"MIna you cant go photographing ou-"

"Let us see!" everyone ignored Iida and crowded around Mina's phone to see the picture. The first picture was them sitting in the window holding hands as they laughed about something and the second was them standing wobbly on the ice clinging to each other as they tried to get off the rink. Bakugou didnt really care but when he noticed how Midoriya took the phone and froze, he was about to insult him, then Midoriya turned and handed Bakugou the phone wordlessly. "Why the fuck would I want to see thi-"

"It's Aunt Kani." Bakugou also became quiet, threw the phone at Mina, then both of the boys took off towards the classroom where they knew he was waiting. "Are they working together for once? Should we stop them?" Kirishima asked hesitantly before they all chased after there friends.

On the way Bakugou ripped out his phone and dialed his mothers number. No answer, "Stupid old hag, I forgot she had her stupid breakfast."

"I'll try my mom, Aunt Kani tells her everything." Midoriya said as he waited for his mother to answer. just as they turned the corner the phone clicked and his mom greeted him, "Hello sweetie, is everything alright?"

"Did Aunt Kani go on a date last night?"

"E-er, well uh- yes." His mother sighed, Midoriya new his mother couldn't lie for the life of her- no matter how much she tried- they both new it. Before Inko could try to tell her son to not do anything he had already hung up when the classroom came in view. Lowering the phone she glanced at Mitsuki and Kani who were across from her, "That was Izuku."

"They know, don't they?"

"Unfortunately." All three women groaned over their coffee's and prayed for the retired hero who was about to face some harsh judgment.

Toshinori was humming as he fixed his papers for his lesson chatting with Mic who was asking about how the date went, "Nice move with the skating dude, do you have an idea of what your going to do next time?"

"Well i was thinking a movie or maybe a-" he was cut off when the door of the classroom burst open. Bakugou and Midoriya were standing there with frowns on their faces- one more deadly then the other. "we need to talk to you sir." Midoriya's voice was dark, making the room chilly. Mic whistled awkwardly as he squeezed past the two boys standing at the door, "Good morning young Midoriya, young Bakugou. What can I do for you?"

"You went on a date with Aunt Kani didn't you?!" Bakugou yelled, poitning an accusing finger at the man. All Might or hero license be damned, he'd kill for his aunt- although he'd never admit it out loud- and would defend her from ill-suited suitors.

So practically every man on the planet.

Midoriya too, while he wouldn't kill he would defend his aunt no matter if he had a quirk or not, but was a bit more opened minded to her dating. as long as he approved of the person first. He didnt say anything as he watched Bakugou continue to interrogate his mentor without letting the man get a word in edgewise, carefully sliding closer to make sure the blonde didn't do anything brash. Toshinori seemed to sweat a bit under the boys intense stares and Bakugou's yelling, but took a deep breath before finally covering the blondes mouth so he could speak, "To answer your question young bakugou, we did go out to dinner last night. I'm sorry i did not think of how you would react or feel about me going on a date with Kani, or asking if it was ok with you too. I know you love her very much as she does as well. I'm sorry I didn't ask for your permission." He spoke slowly and calmly before removing his hand from the blondes mouth. "If you too find it uncomfortable then i can talk to Kani and I'll cancel our date next weekend."

The two were silent again, glancing at each other before looking back up at the man. Midoriya's striaght lipped frown turned into a smile while bakugou smirked a little trying to hide his own by tilting his head. "Fine, you can date our aunt. But if i find out you hurt her i will blow you up." Bakugou snapped before turning to the door, yelling at Midoriya to get out of the way.

Toshinori let out a heavy sigh of relief as he leaned onto the desk, "Sometimes i forget how imposing you two can be. And i am sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's fine, i get it. Knowing how we react to people going for our aunt im not surprised we didn't find out sooner. But im ok with this one." Midoriya giggled a bit before taking a sticky note from his bag and writing on it. "Here, take her to this festival on Saturday. It's one of her favorites but she missed it last year." He handed his mentor the paper and walked out of the classroom to head to home room. But stopped at the door and turned back with dark eyes, "But like Kacchan, you hurt her, and you'll have to deal with me." Then he left.

Forget being blown up, Toshinori was more afraid of what Midoriya would plan for him. He'd seen him angry and forgot the chill it sent up his spine. He jumped when his phone rang, lifting the phone up to see Kani's name pop up on the screen. He chuckled and lifted the phone to his ear, "Hello there."

"Oh thank god your alive."

"I have a feeling i got off easy. Mild threatening but it seems there ok with it."

"Well aren't you lucky, the last guy that tried to pursue even my number ended up in the hospital with several burns and a broken foot."

"I-i guess i am."

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