In Which cupcake brings sato to tears

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(This video brought me to tears of joy!)

Well I must say, your aunt is quite nice my boy. A bit stubborn. And she is quite the baker."

"Yeah she can be kinda stubborn, but she's really nice. But she's also super embarrassing sometimes!" He groaned as he tried to calm his red cheeks. Toshinori only laughed at the flustered boy as they made their way to the train station.

They soon returned to the school and Toshinori walked with Midoriya to the dorms so he could check up on his other students. And maybe steal a cupcake. They heard shouting from the common room, finding it to be Bakugou and Iida yelling at each other. Every one was either trying to calm the situation or get them to fight. (It's not hard to figure out who was on what side.) but a fight would not end well for anyone and they did not want to get in trouble for another fight. "Does this happen often?"

"You'd be surprised how much." Midoriya sighed. The last fight was between Bakugou and Denki, they were arguing over who had won a game of Mario kart and it ended up going too far. They weren't allowed to play that game in the dorms anymore.

It was Uraraka who noticed that they had returned, a look of worry and relief fell over her face as she ran over to him. "Thank god you're here Deku, you need to calm Iida down. Please, they've been fighting for a half an hour now." She pleaded. At the words Deku both Iida and Bakugou turned their heads. Iida was about to ask the boys' opinion on their argument but Bakugou spoke first. "I know that jacket. Did you visit Auntie K?"

"Yeah! She says to come down and see her. She misses you."

"Of course she does." Bakugou smirked, but made a mental note to head there the next day. He too had been incredibly busy and had forgotten to visit. He did feel a little guilty for not going to see her. "She also sent some test cupcakes for us and the class to try. She made too many and thought we might like some."

"Cupcakes!" Kirishima and Denki exclaimed. Vaulting over the couch with several others following as he set the bag down on the table. Bakugou dug into the bag and pulled out the note, "lets see what kind of concoction she came up with this time." He read over the paper, finding it to be the flavor of the cupcakes, asking for some feedback and opinion, and for him to be nice and share with his classmates.

She knew he would read it. He hated how she knew. She always knew.

"There are supposed to be raspberry lemonade cupcakes. They are her first pass so she doesn't expect them to be perfect. She wants our thoughts and criticisms. Not that you extras would have anything fucking helpful to say." Bakugou stuffed the note into his pocket and plucked one of the treats from the box. The entire class oohed at the sight of the pretty cupcake. Scowling he walked back over to the couch so he could enjoy the cupcake in peace. The rest of the class gathered around the box, each taking one and a plate. They all waited until everyone had one, "alright everyone, all at once. Ready, one, two, three." Iida called out. Everyone sunk their teeth into the cupcake. The flavors exploded over their taste buds like one of bakugou's explosions. It tasted of fresh lemonade on a sunny summer day with a bowl of sweet fresh Raspberries, and just a small hint of mint layer under the surface. It tasted of pure summer. The girls and some of the guys squealed over the taste, gushing over the treat. The rest were too busy stuffing the rest of the cupcake into their mouths.

Sato fell to his knees with tears in his eyes, "it's delicious. I've never tasted such a wonderful cake. Not even I have matched this level of perfection."

"Sato's right. Deku these are amazing." Uraraka gushed with stars in her eyes. Everyone agreed enthusiastically, even Todoroki and Tokoyami were shocked to awestruck silence. Sato stood and placed his hands on midoriya's shoulders, shaking him back and forth "who has concocted this dessert? I need to know." He cried out. "T-there from my aunts cafe!" Midoriya shouted, trying to get the large man to stop shaking him. Luckily Todoroki came to his rescue and gently pried him away, allowing him to breathe easier.

Kirishima finished his and made sure to lick all of his fingers clean to make sure he didn't miss anything, "dude, your aunt said these wouldn't be too amazing- is she insane or something? These are awesome!"

"Yeah, they're perfect already. They don't need improving in my opinion. And I've tasted a lot of cupcakes over the years." Momo said, finishing her own cupcake. The rest of the class hummed happily. "I'll let her know when i return her coat." Izuku said closing the box. He gave the box to Toshinori to take to his meeting, and bid him goodbye before he and bakugou were swarmed by his classmates asking questions about their aunt.

Walking into the meeting room Toshinori found himself the last to arrive and be seated. "Oh good, you're finally here!" Nezu smiled, his seat was at the other end of the table- it had a pillow to help him reach the table properly while sitting. "Sorry I'm late, the snow was hard to get through and the train was delayed. I also was dropping off young Midoriya and saying hello to the students."

"What'cha got there All might? It smells good." Midnight asked as she leaned forward in her chair to get closer to the smell. The rest of the teachers turned to look at the purple box situated in the retired hero's hands. "Ah, a gift for us from young Midoriya's aunt to thank us. She made cupcakes for us and the students to try. She runs a small cafe." Placing the box on the table he passed a cupcake and plate to each teacher, there was just enough for everyone to have one. And their reactions were much like the students.

Midnight and Present Mic squealed loudly, while Nezu and Aizawa enjoyed them with wide grins on their faces. "Who knew our little Midoriya had such a talented aunt." Midnight chuckled as she held away her cupcake from mic who was trying to steal the rest. "I know, I was surprised too. We went there for breakfast this morning since our training was postponed. It was probably some of the best cake I've ever had."

"This is the greatest cake I've ever had!" Mic yelled, successfully catching Midnights cake and swallowing it before she could retrieve it. Which then led to the two teachers arguing. "Alright you two calm down. The cupcakes were delicious but we do have things to discuss. Firstly, when the kids head home for Christmas and who's hosting this years staff Christmas party. Mic did it last year so it's someone else's turn." Nezu smiled as he licked his paper clean. Turning to his white bored as the rest of the teachers quieted down. Mic and Midnight both secretly kicking each other's feet under the table.

{Another chapter down, I've had this written up for the past month or so. I apologize if I have any grammar issues, it's not my strong suit. I hope your enjoying it so far! Stay safe and lots of love my fellow wonderlanders!)

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