Dont you yell at me!

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The next morning Kani walked down her stairs, tying her apron around her waist as she walked to the large window. She lifted the large curtain allowing the morning sun to fill the cafe. Cars zoomed past on the street, people walking to work or families going to the park. She waved at some of the young children who ran passed, but then noticed a strange blonde bush in the corner of her window. And it was moving. . . "What in the world is that?" Walking to her front door she peeked out the window shades, finding the blonde bush attached to someone familiar. She unlocked the door, opening it and leaning on the doorway. "Good morning. You know you could have called, how long have you been out here?"

"None of your business. Just let me the hell inside, it's cold." The blonde grumbled as he stood from the step and shoved his phone into his pocket. She smirked down at the explosive boys face that was slightly flushed by the cold, he looked at the ground ignoring her gaze. He cleared his throat, rubbing his neck like he often did when embarrassed, "i'm sorry for not visiting. . . Or calling."

"That's alright, come on in. I don't open for another half an hour so you have plenty of time to tell me everything that's been going on." She stepped aside so the blonde could enter the warm cafe, "you bet i will. You got any-"

"No need to ask. One large cup of Chile hot chocolate is coming up. And how about trying some spiced scones for breakfast?"

"Sounds good Auntie K. I'm starved as hell!"

The two sat over a plate of scones and warm drinks as Bakugou told her all about school, his teachers, the extras in his class that weren't so bad, and his friends. Kani took a deep sip of her coffee as she continued to cut up some fruit and chocolate in preparation for the day., "I have to say, I'm very glad you have found better friends than those. . . other boys you used to hang around with back in middle school. It sounds like there are wonderful people, you should bring them by sometime, I'd love to meet them. Especially this Kirishima you keep talking about." Bakugou flushed as he turned his head away to hide it. Kani just raised an eyebrow at her nephew's sudden silence, "oh? Does my little Katsuki have a crush on a little red head?" She got no reply, but his beet red face told her everything she needed to know. She put down her paring knife as she laughed in disbelief, "don't you laugh at me!" He growled, palms sparking. Kani reached across the counter to ruffle the blonde's hair, "well i'm glad. I knew you would find someone nice, even if your mom didn't believe me." She chuckled taking his plate, she stepped into the kitchen and placed the plate in a tub to be cleaned.

"That stupid old hag."

"Be nice, she was only joking. And don't worry i wont tell," she said while ducking under the counter. "But you will bring him here for your first date, it'll be on me."

"No way! Like hell i will!" He yelled back, throwing his napkin at her with a cherry face. Kani smiled, happy her nephew was back to normal. She retaliated by throwing a blueberry at him, "oh it is on!"

"Bring it, king explosion murder." Just before bakugou could bolt out of his chair the bell rang as someone entered the shop. He froze with his empty cup in his hand ready to throw, "um, am I interrupting something?"

"Oh no, just catching up with my nephew Yagi-San. Come on in. I assume you two know each other." She smiled sweetly as she elbowed Bakugou's gut, grabbing the cup before it smashed on the ground. The blonde slumped back into his chair and turned his head to hide his red face from his idol. "What would you like Yagi-San?"

"I'll take a hazelnut cream pastry and some coffee please."

"Of course, would you like the newspaper?"

"That would be great, thank you." Toshinori chuckled as he sat at the table next to the angry blonde, "good morning young Bakugou, it's nice to see you. I see you're also a nephew of Kani-San."

"Yeah, the old lady has been friends with my old hag for ages." Bakugou said with a smirk on his face. Only to get smacked in the back of the head with a newspaper, "who are you calling old? You're just a little explosive child."

"What did you just call me? I'm not a child!" Bakugou slammed his hands down on the table ready to fight, but got smacked again with the newspaper forcing him to sit back down. "Don't you raise your voice at me. I will cut off your cookie supply." She threatened. To the retired hero's surprise the blonde sat back down silently, glaring at the table. His jaw dropped when Kari ruffled his hair and placed another scone in front of him. No yelling, just a huff as he stuffed the scone aggressively into his mouth. "Oh don't be grumpy." She chuckled, handing the rolled up newspaper to Toshinori along with his coffee. Flicking the news paper open and scanning the front page, "Seems like that invisible burglar got away again last night. That's the fourth time this week."

"Invisible burglar?" Bakugou asked, he never really watched the news as he was always busy. He also found the anchors super annoying with their tons of makeup and whitened teeth. Kani peeked over the older man's shoulder to read the headline.

"Invisible Thief Robs Local Jewelry Store"

Last night around midnight the local jewelry store, The Emerald Shores, was broken into. The front window had been smashed, inbut just like the last three robberies all was seen going through the window was an old brown backpack. Inside the invisible thief smashed through the jewelry display cases, taking the priceless jewels and placing them into the backpack. Minutes later when the police arrived at the scene the thief escaped through the store's skylights. Hero's tried to follow but the thief once again avoided capture.

The page had a picture of the broken storefront surrounded by the police, the owner in the corner who was having his statement taken. "Poor man, he's very sweet. Comes in on Mondays and Fridays to get muffins for his staff. He was here just recently, ordering a cake for his and his wife's fiftieth anniversary." Kani sighed, Bakugou leaned over the newspaper to read further.

"Auntie K, this was just down the street. I swear if i find out you get robbed i will fucking personally come down here myself and kick their ass." Bakugou yelled. It was sweet to Kani, how her nephew would show his concern but still try to keep up his appearance of being tough around others. Most don't know but he's secretly very concerned for the people he cares about, even though he never shows it. "Don't worry Katsu', I'll be careful. And if anything happens i'll tell you so he can beat their ass." She gave the small blonde a kiss on his temple as she placed the pastre on the table. "Ugh, don't do that. Its fucking gross." He grumbled as he slumped back in his chair, but the anger was clearly fake.

The pastre was still hot from the oven and gave off a smell of hazelnut and chocolate, coaxing the man to put down the paper and bite into it. The same warm feeling filled the older man's chest just like the day before, spreading through his system all the way down to his fingertips and toes. He happily leaned back in the chair and flipped open the newspaper again. The cafe slowly started to fill with patrons, the soft humm of chatter and coffee machines filled the space. Time seemed to slow down, giving him a kind of relief from his fast and frantic everyday life.

He stayed even after Bakugou had left to get the groceries his mom asked (more like demanded) him to get. Enjoying another cup of coffee and getting one to go- along with some cinnamon rolls she asked him to try since it was a new cinnamon blend she was experimenting with- before he left for work, there were still plenty of papers and videotapes to grade. Even if it was a Saturday.

Hello my wonderlanders! I've decided to spread out my posts a bit more so I can make them better for you guys to enjoy. Hope your all doing well and are safe out there beyond my rabbit hole. Stay safe and healthy! ❤️

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