The handsome red head

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  The bakusquad finally pestered Bakugou into taking them to his Aunt's café- although Kirishima did most of the convincing. Well, more like it was his idea after he saw Bakugou texting his Aunt, and the redhead had commented that he wanted to meet her. The others found it a great idea. They had planned to go after school but Sero and Denki ended up getting detention for starting a fire in the communal kitchen at two am and Mina apparently forgot she had to meet 'her dentist.'

So it would just be him and Kirishima.



Going to a café to sit down and eat. 







But it was to late to go cuss them out because Kirishima had come down in his normal clothes ready to go. Being him dressed in a simple red long sleeve shirt and khaki shorts, his hair laying down from the gel being washed out during his shower, he looked almost. . . soft. It did something to Bakugou's heart when Kirishima happily jogged up to him with a beaming smile. So he just grumbled in his head as they made it to the train station, praying to whatever god was out there that nothing weird would happen and he could keep his emotions under control. 

That idea went out the window as soon as the train jolted to a start making Kirishima who hadn't expected it stumble into Bakugous chest. On instinct Bakugou wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him as he felt his cheeks burn, Kirishima in turn had braced himself on Bakugou's chest. "Be more careful shitty hair!" 

"R-Right sorry Bakugou." Kirishima stuttered, jumping away and turning his head a bit. Neither looked at each other the rest of the ride as they tried to get their burning cheeks under control. When they made it to the stop Bakugou grabbed his elbow and dragged him out of the train station, "It's about a ten minute walk from here." They were halfway there when Bakugou glanced over at him since he had gone quiet. He had a blush up to his ears and he was looking at the pavement like it was the most interesting thing in the world. When his eyes traveled down a bit more he saw that he still had his hand on Kirishima's elbow, he quickly removed it in the smoothest manor possible while muttering "Sorry, i didn't want your dumb ass to get lost." 

"I-It's fine. I-I don't mind." He stutter a bit as he slowly put his hand in the crook of Bakugou's elbow. When Bakugou didn't move to push him away Kirishima linked his own elbow with his in a burst of confidence. They stayed that way, hips and shoulders bumping together until they turned the corner next to the cafe. Bakugou was slightly caught off guard when he saw his aunt polishing the letter on her shops door, stiffening up even more when her gaze moved to him. Magenta pools filled with excitement and mischief behind their thick lenses as they went from the blonde to the redhead. "Good afternoon boys, your just in time i was just about to open." 

"Why the hell are you opening so late?" 

"One of my coffee machines bit the dust this morning, so i had to order a new one that just arrived. I took the opportunity to move some things around and get some real cleaning done." She responded, stepping down from her step stool and wiped her hands on her apron. "You must be Kirishima right?" 

"Yes ma'am! Thats me. I hope we didn't show up too early." The two shook hands, Bakugou gave a small huff of disappointment when Kirishima pulled away. But Kani just waved them off and invited them inside, "No your fine, if anything you came at a good time. Ive got everything fresh out of the oven, what can i get you boys? Are you buying separate or. . .together?" She asked as she slid behind the counter after she turned her sign from 'closed' to 'open', Kirishima excitedly placed his hands on the glass to peer inside. Eyes sparkling like a little kid who had been promised a mountain of cookies. The implications of her statement flew right over his head but Bakugou gave her a nasty glare, a tick mark growing when she just waggled her eyebrows in return. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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