Maybe he should try harder to hide

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"H-how did you know?" This is exactly what Toshinori was trying to avoid, people finding out who he was after his retirement. And with the League of Villains still out there their probably still looking for revenge, especially Shigaraki. That could mean going after those few he held dear, his students and his friends. He was in no shape to protect them now that all his last sparks of power were gone.

The panic must have been so evident on his face because Kani started laughing, trying to cover her mouth to stop. "If your worried about me telling anyone, don't be. I knew who you were the moment you came in. And i know telling your identity would put you and my nephews in danger." She managed to clear her throat to stop laughing, turning back to filling the muffin liners. "I had my suspicions when Izu' called to tell me his quirk had finally developed- right after he had met you in fact. Now at the time I hadn't made the connection since i mostly spoke to Inko about his training, and from what little she could gather was that he was training hard. I had already known someone was cleaning it since i walk passed it on my occasional morning walk. So that was an easier connection to make."

"Did you ever see us?"

"Not often, you always seemed to come later in the day. But i saw you two one morning dragging a fridge, thats when i saw the look in Izuku's eyes. I'd only every seen him have that much admiration for All Might. And I've seen All Might enough to recognize his signature hairstyle even if it was laying down." She spoke calmly like it was all a normal situation, carefully filling each tin about half way. Toshinori just stared at her in quiet silence, "I didn't actually make the full connection until you guys came into my cafe and Izuku nearly said your name. And when i was giving him my jacket he flushed when i asked if he knew how much of an All Might fan yeh was."

"Ah yes- we've been working on that. Honestly im impressed you figured it out."

"Well thank you." Her smile faded into a small frown, "When you know your nephew- either of them- are keeping things from you, you learn to watch out for the little things. I know their trying to protect me but im still their family, even if not by blood i love them like they were my own. No matter how much one of them is a rude brat and the other keeps getting hurt." Toshinori could see her hand shaking lay grip the bowl as she wiped away a small tear, "But! This not time for me to complain! We've got work to do!" He realized in that moment how much he admired her. Even when she was upset and worried for her nephews, and knew they were hiding the truth from her- she didn't show it. She kept on a warm smile for them to fall back on, to keep everyone she knew happy. She kept moving, filling trays with a renewed energy. "Am i allowed to ask questions now that i know?"


"So how did Izuku get a quirk, because it just showing up now was very unbelievable." That got a chuckle from both of them. So he started at the begging, he told her how he gave Izuku his powers and all the training they were doing to help him control it. Hearing the story eased something in Kani's mind. "Does Katsuki know? He might have figured it out even before me."

"I think he does, I believe young Midoriya told him- but I don't think Bakugou really listened to what he said."

"Sounds about right." He finished rolling out the giant pile of dough as she slipped the two large muffin trays into one of the ovens. She then took the other batch and rolled it out- much faster then he did might he add. "Alright now were going to cut out the cookies, you take the men and I'll take the snowflake since its a more complicated shape." She handed him a simple gingerbread man cookie cutter. They started filling trays two times bigger then Toshinori's head to the brim with as many cookies as possible. They ended up having six trays full, and two pans went into each of the other three ovens.

But before they slide in Kani touched each one lightly with her finger, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, im using my quirk. I can transfer my emotions into objects. Like for example now I'm putting in my feelings of warmth and happiness, I've found that it works best when i do it before they bake. So when a person eats it they feel what i put into it." She closed the last door and slung a towel over her shoulder. Now that he thought about it, her quirk defiantly explained why her food made him feel the way it did. The warm comfort in his chest and stomach came from her. "That's a wonderful quirk to have."

"Oh yes, except when I'm angry. That is never a good thing." She snickered, thinking back to the incident earlier that week. "I bet. So what else do you have planned?"

"Better get your hands ready to do some kneading."

All Mights Sweetest Love! {a bnha fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now