An unusual night out. Part two

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Kani bid goodbye to her last customers of the night, locking the door behind and flipping the sign to closed. The sun was filtering threw the large glass window, filling the cafe with a beautiful orange glow. She decided to not put down the curtins and enjoy the warm light while counting the days earnings and leftover inventory.

785 dollars. It was a pretty good day, she always brought in a little extra towards the holidays. And that didn't include the custom or carry out orders that started to pile in. Cakes, cookies, buns, and puddings were very popular around Christmas time for carry out. She already had forty orders for her Christmas plum pudding. But it wasn't time to dwell, it was late and she was tired.

She took the money from the register and put it in the small safe in her office, sitting down at her desk to put in her earnings. She typed away at her computer and filled out her little black book, the orange light completely faded into black. As she wrappped up her final chores like cleaning up the kitchen and starting the dish washers the comfortable silence was shattered. The light tinkling of glass fell over her cafe floor cause Kani to freeze and quickly shut off the kitchen lights. Creeping over to the door she peeked out the circle window into the dark room.

The entire window was shattered by a brick that layed in the sprinkled glass, and a worn yellow backpack floated through. She could here lightfootsteps as the bag got closer to the register, which popped open. Which is impossible since she was the only one who knew the code to open it. "So I've got a robber on my hands." She whispered to herself. She kept away from the door and over to the phone she had hung on the wall behind her walk in fridge. She even grabbed a frying pan from the stove. She lifted the phone and dialed 911 as quietly as possible and pressed herself against the wall. "911 what's your emergency?"

"There's a robber in my bakery. Whoever it is broke through my window and is raiding my register. But their invisible."

"I understand. I'm sending units over now, i just need your location. Try to stay out of sight."

"Alright." Kani peeked around when she heard the drawer of the register slammed shut. She hung up the phone and dove behind her island counter when she heard the door pushed open. She listened for the intruders footsteps as she moved around the counter, keeping her back pressed to the metal and her pan at the ready. Although it would be hard to hit something she couldn't see and her quirk was basically useless in this situation. The intruders footsteps got further away as he crept down the small hall where her office was and she took her chance. But as she was about to run out the door when her eyes caught something on the counter.

It was a a bowl full of leftover flour she hadn't put away. The white powered gave her an idea.

She waited in the shadows for the mans footsteps to return, and when they did she let out the loudest whistle she could. "Come and get me dirt bag." She'll admit, she stole that line from Bakugou but it worked enough. The footsteps were right at the corner so she through the flower at the sound. And like a ghost the flower covered him head to toe. She then dashed out the kitchen door for him to follow.

And the minute he pushed open the door and rounded the counter he was met with the swinging frying pan to the face. The sound reverberated as he fell onto the floor in pain, and his body started to flicker into veiw. He was an older man, tall and lanky with a dishelved brown hair and yellow teeth. She reconised him as the man who had put in her new security less then a month ago. Blood dripped from his nose from the pan and covered his clutching hands. "You bitch, what the hell?" He cried. Kani held the pan to his face threateningly, "you chose the wrong store to rob. The police are on their way and if you don't want a concussion your going to stay on that floor."

"Like hell i will!" The man kicked her legs making her fall, her hands being sliced by the glass. He tried to run to the window but she grabbed his ankle and pulled him back. She grabbed her pan and gave another slam to the head, but filtered her quirk into the pan. And at immediate contact the solid object and the sleepiness from her quirk he was knocked out cold.

Kani Nakaya

Quirk: Emotion infuser. She's able to put her own emotions into objects and effect others. She often uses it with her food to give her customers a comforting warm feeling.

She let out a long sigh of relief as she collapsed onto a chair at the sounds of sirens. She wiped her forehead with the back of her blood covered hands. "Man Katsuki is not going to be happy about this."

The man was arrested and put into a squad car and Kani was ushered in to the back of an ambulance to wrap her hands and check fo any more glass pieces. A few officers asked her questions and were impressed that she caught the invisible thief. Turns out hes been using the cameras he puts in to get security codes, but he hadn't known that she lived at the cafe and wouldn't be leaving after closing.

Just as the EMT cleared her a group of people came rushing to the scene. "Oh my god! What happened here!"

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