Never mess with a mans cinamin rolls

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Deciding to save those cinnamon rolls for lunch like she suggested, not to mention his stomachs had been acting up a bit again. So he left them on his desk as he went to see Recovery Girl for his daily checkup. Unknowing to the stalking eyes coming from other teachers' desks as they waited for him to leave.

And when he returned about a half an hour later, he was devastated by what he found. The once neat box that held three perfectly crafted Cinnamon rolls was torn apart. The box, desamated. The cinnamon rolls, gone! Any crumbs left, no! Not even a microscopic spec. There was only four people in the room, three of his fellow teachers and Aizawa's young trainee Shinso who was napping on the break room couch. Aizawa was looking over some tests from the recent tactic test, Midnight was behind her phone scrolling most likely social media, and Mic was jamming to some music with his headphones while grading English papers. "Why, why would you do this?" Toshinori asked, voice like a sad puppy as he threw away the box. Nobody said anything, but the look of betrayal was obvious as midnight moved her phone to cover her mouth, Mic avoided all eye contact, and he spied Shinso's mouth twitch. "You could have just asked."

   So five hours later, out of coffee, and now lunchless, Toshinori wasn't feeling great. As much as he loved his job and his students, some of them. . . Made him question their intelligence sometimes. He loves them, he does. But sometimes, mineta is hard to like when he doodles "I heart boobs" on the top of his paper on hero ethics. So he wrote a note for the small boy to come see him after class so they could talk, again. He then slid it to the bottom of the pile so none of the female teachers saw it. That happened once.

It didn't end well. And everyone had agreed to never speak of the afternoon again.

Anyway, just as he was starting on Momo's paper Nezu called for everyone's attention as he had an announcement about the staff Christmas party. "Sorry for the interruptions everyone, but the host has been picked from the volunteers. As by a random draw, the host of this year's staff Christmas party is none other than Toshinori." Everyone clapped, but toshinori was caught off guard. He'd only put his name into the jar at the slim probability that he'd be picked. But he was picked, fair and square, like they did every year before he even started there.

"Hey Nezu, i'm getting a group together to go out for dinner and drinks tonight. You game?" Mic asked, pulling away from his headphones. "I've already got Midnight and Aizawa on board, and we're going to this nice bar I found the other day."

"I wasn't convinced, I was forced." The tired man grumbled- even if it was only partly true. The small principle agreed, saying he could use a night out and a break from work.

A break from work, that sounded nice to the retired hero. "May i join as well? I cant remember the last time i went out with friends."

"Of course man! The more the merrier! I'll send y'all the info later! Now, uh. . . I need to use the bathroom!" Mic then got up, quickly grabbed his coat and dashed out of the room. And not seconds later Shinso also excited the room. After a few more announcements the teachers were dismissed to leave early as they were having some security consultants come in to help upgrade the dorms security system over the break.

  So, he was free for lunch. And his irregular stomach was leaning more towards something light. Nothing heavy, so that ruled out about almost all the places he was thinking of going. He could go shopping, but it was the middle of rush hour so it was a lost cause trying to get anywhere until at least after 6:30. So that was also out if he didn't want to get swarmed in a store and stand in line for an hour. And anything he already had at home wasn't enough for a healthy meal.

Pulling on his coat he was at a crossroads, weighing his options of just going home and having a nap or searching for some food. He rode the elevator down to the bottom floor, tying his scarf as he greeted some of the girls who had returned from some Christmas shopping. All bundled up in their winter coats and arms filled with bags that squished together in the elevator. As he stepped into the cold air he stuffed his hands into his deep pockets. He felt his phone, keys, keycard, and a couple napkins he had taken that morning. But the napkins where, hard?

The pale green paper was folded into quarters, written in cursive with an indigo pen.

   I figured you'd would be very hungry today since you didn't eat much this morning. I knew you'd go for these napkins before you ate, so you'd see this note so I figured I'd warn you.  I recalled how you complained about some of your coworkers trying to steal your snacks. Two of those three cinnamon rolls has an added ingredient from my Halloween stock. Don't worry it's not dangerous, it just gives you stomach gas. Just give them some Jin sing tea and they'll be fine. The cinnamon bun on top of a green dot is safe. Good luck!

  Smiling he stuffed the paper back into his pocket, he made his way towards the train station. He had found his spot for lunch. And half way through the crowded train ride he got a call from a slightly panicked Aizawa who was standing outside the boys bathroom stalls with Shinso and Mic leaning over the toilets. They couldn't tell if they had to burp or throw up. Midnight seemed to make it out safe as he could hear her consoling the boys in the background.

This took longer then expected, sorry guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe my wonderlanders!

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