Surpise me!

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{In the last chapter of our story}

"You want the special right?" She smirked as the boy nodded enthusiastically, it was his usual during the winter time and Kani had long since memorized it. Scribbling down the order she turned to Toshinori who looked lost, "and you?"

"I don't know, what do you recommend?" He asked sheepishly looking away from the menu to her thinking face. She tapped her pen on her bottom lip, staring at Toshinori for a moment before walking off. "How about I surprise you." She called out from behind the counter. She pulled two mugs down from the shelve, one was tall and skinny with a curly handle and a squatter mug you'd see in movies. She clicked on two of the machines as she swiftly placed the mugs underneath, quickly walking away to the glass display. Pulling out two white plates and ducked into the kitchen to grab a knife.

  "If you don't mind me asking my boy, how do you know her?" Toshinori asked as they settled back into their seats. Midoriya smiled brightly as he talked animatedly about how they met. "She and mom have been really good friends since childhood, practically sisters. Since they were so close she would often babysit me when mom had to work or go somewhere. Not to mention we used to come to her shop every Friday. Also at least once a month or so we have her over for dinner to catch up. But with how busy we've been lately we hadn't had a chance until now." He chuckled nervously, since he was kinda the reason they hadn't gotten all together recently. He thought his mom and her Might have gotten together to chat, probably on Mondays when she does her weekly shopping. "So she's practically my family. So I call her my aunt."

"I see! Well, I'll have to thank her for allowing me to continue teaching you. Even after the recent accidents." He whispered the last part, still feeling guilty for the past couple months. He felt as though it was his fault that the villains managed to attack them so much and for bakugou to be captured. But before his self pity could continue Kani returned with another large tray. "Alrighty boys. For you izuku a large peppermint hot chocolate with extra whip cream, chocolate sprinkles and drizzle, and two peppermint sticks. Also here's your muffin, I got you two since you need to eat more." Placing the plate with the muffins down in front of the boy followed by the tall mug piled high with whip cream made the boys eyes sparkle. The two adults chuckled at his blissful face as he took a large bite of his muffin. "And for you, some coffee with cream and cinnamon sticks to waken you. And a piece of cinnamon sugar swirl cake. Something not heavy for your stomach seemed the best." Placing down the treats she gave him a small glance before smiling again. She ruffled her nephew's hair as she left, telling them to call her if they needed anything.

  Toshinori watched her for a moment as she tended the next customer that came into the shop, confused at that small glance. Leaving it as her making sure he was ok with her choice of treats and coffee, he turned back to midoriya. He had already finished off one of the muffins and was taking a big sip of his hot chocolate, a blissful smile over his lips as he physically seemed to relax. Reaching for his own drink he brought the white cup to his lips, freezing as the taste met his tongue.

It... it... it was delicious! The coffee was smooth and rich thanks to the cream and the cinnamon sticks were slowly dissolving into the coffee evenly. It was warm and comforting as it slid down his throat, giving him a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest. Like he was being embraced by a warm hug. He hadn't realized he had downed half the cup until midoriya spoke, "god i can never get enough of Auntie K's food." He sighed happily, placing down his cup as he stood. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, i'll be right back." He said as he scurried away. Waving at his aunt as she passed him to deliver some more coffee to a table.

  Toshinori took another sip, much smaller this time before turning his attention to his cake. It was cut into a perfect square and was two layers of yellow cake with a thin layer of brown sugar in the middle and the top was covered in a crunchy layer of the brown sugar mixture. It smelled heavenly. And when he took a bite it was one of the best things he'd ever had. It was sweet but not overly, the soft cake went well with the crunchy toppings and the cinnamon perfectly balanced it out. His eyes closed in the same bliss that had covered midoriya's face. "So, do you like it?" Kani asked as she came over to gather the wrappers from Izuku's plate. Her tray was filled with several dirty dishes and pieces of trash and in her other hand was a half filled pot of coffee. "It's amazing, I don't think I've ever had something so good." Her face slightly flushed at his compliments. "Although I doubt that's true, thank you for the compliment. Would you like some more coffee?"

"I'd love some more." As she poured the brown liquid into the cup midoriya returned and slipped into his chair. He downed the rest of his muffin in a couple bites and patted his belly in satisfaction. Kani giggled at the young boy's haste, patted his shoulder while scolding him to slow down so he didn't choke. They chatted for a few more minutes until Toshinori's phone went off saying they wanted all teachers for a last minute meeting. And all students were to return to the dorms since their internships ended early today as many villains didn't attack in this cold weather. So Iida had decided that their class should spend their free time bonding. The two finished their warm drinks sadly and began to bundle themselves back up to brace themselves for the weather. "Izu, did you go out in this cold in that jacket. Deary i know you like All Might but you can't freeze.  You can borrow mine."

"Oh no Auntie K it's fine-" but the woman was having none of that and shushed the boy before dragging the boy and disappearing behind another wooden door by the bathrooms. Izuku came back with a long thick winter jacket and Kani draping a red scarf around his neck. "Are you sure its ok that i take these?"

"For the last time, yes deary, its fine. I wont have you freezing. It's an hour trip to UA and a half an hour trip if you take the train. Actually, speaking of UA, your classmates like sweets right?"

"I'm pretty sure they all like sweets."

"Good, I have a new cupcake recipe I'm trying. And I was wondering if you'd like to take some. I could use the critique. and I made too many." Midoriya immediately agreed. This wouldn't be the first time she had asked him to test her treats- not that he was complaining.

She returned a few minutes later with a large purple box with a clear plastic top, and inside sat at least a dozen or so yellow cupcakes with bright pink frosting decorated with half a candied lemon slice and a small raspberry. They were neat and colorful, like something you'd find in a window during the spring season. She placed the box into a paper bag along with some paper plates, and placed it on the counter as she wrote a small note. "Alright Izu' here they are. I placed a few extra for your teachers if they want it. Make sure to share with everyone, and tell Katsuki to come visit. I haven't seen him since the beginning of the school year." She instructed while placing the note into the bag and handed it to Midoriya. "I will Auntie K. I'll come back soon."

"You better, I miss you when you don't come." She gave him one last hug and kissed his cheek to embarrass him and sent them on their way. "Wait how much do i owe you?" He asked, only to have her shake her head. "It's on the house. Have a safe trip boys."

"But-"  she raised her hand to cut him off and gestured down the street, giving him a stubborn straight face until he huffed and put his wallet away. Midoriya hid his giggles at the defeated retired hero being beaten by his aunt. She smiled once again and waved from the door as they started their way down the icy sidewalk.

"Well I must say, your aunt is quite nice my boy. A bit stubborn. And she is quite the baker."

"Yeah she can be kinda stubborn, but she's really nice. But she's also super embarrassing sometimes!" He groaned as he tried to calm his red cheeks. Toshinori only laughed at the flustered boy as they made their way to the train station.

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