How does one dress for a date?

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Kano nervously paced in front of her closet, doors open as she scanned the few pieces of clothing she actually owned. Her date was in two hours and Toshinori had forgotten to tell her were they were going, just that she should dress comfortably and warm. That wasn't the problem, no she had plenty of clothes she could wear. The problem was that she hasn't gone on a date- a real romantic date- in over ten years. And she was as nervous as a school girl. In a panic she picked up her phone and dialed Inko's number, "Kani! Its good to hear from you!"

"Inko, i need your help."

"Is there a problem?"

"I'm going on a date in two hours and im panicking." The other side of the line went silent for a moment before Inko started squealing like a teen. "Oh my gosh! Your going on a date? We need to call Mitsuki!" Another dial tone beeped until the blonde picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Mitsuki! Its happening! Kani has a date tonight!"

"Shut up! Really? About time!" Despite what bakugou may have you beleive his mother was a sucker for romance on the inside. Both women began talking excitedly asking a million questions from who the guy was to how she was going to do her hair. Kani was becoming even more overwhelmed that she was starting to regret calling her childhood friends. "Ladies im calling because i need help! I have no idea what im doing. And i only have two hours before he comes and picks me up."

"Why didn't you say so earlier? Were on our way." Mitsuki said before both women hung up. No less then ten minutes both ladies arrived at her door. Well her actual door, living above a shop she had a second door on the side of the building with her mailbox and such. Both women were there dressed in thick jackets and bright smiles- or a smirk- on their faces. "Times a wasting, we've got an hour and fifty minutes to make you look jaw dropping."

"Isn't that a bit much Mitsuki, we don't even know where's she's going." Inko tried to reason, the blonde tried to fire back stopped. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know. He just said dress warm and comfortable."

"Maybe your going to be outside, and it is kinda chilly today. So any sexy dresses are out." Kani blushed as the blonde women seemed to sigh in disappointment. They decided to go back to her room and look through her closet- well more let the two women ransack it while Kani sat at her small vanity nervously. Both women had drastically different styles from Kani and from eachother so she didn't really know what was going to come out of their. . . Digging. After about ten minutes both women had their choices.

Mitsuki's was mainly composed of blacks, whites, and reds. Black leggings with a red skirt and red leg warmers, a brown sweater with white stripes, black scarf and red beanie. Matched with some sparkly earrings and white gloves. "I don't think a skirt is the best idea Mitsuki, its cold and even with the leggings it looks a little. . . School girl ish. Don't you think? I mean she is going on a proper date as an adult."

"I guess your right, but at least you'd look kinda sexy." She chuckled, putting her option on the bed. Inko went next. Hers was a bit more adult then Mitsuki's, simple blue jeans under white socks, a grey parka with a brown fur trim, a long white scarf and matching earmuffs. "Oh thats nice, but isn't it a bit plain for a first date?"

"True, maybe she could wear those earrings you picked." The two women looked over the outfits when Kani got an idea. She looked over the outfits and picked out pieces from both then crept into her connected bathroom. After she finished changing she came back out, "How about this?"

"Perfect!" They squealed. She chose the jeans and parka from Inko's pick and the leg warmers and beanie from Mitsuki's pick. She then matched it with her alternate pair of silver glasses, and plain red gloves. With an hour left they sat down to do her hair and gossip over some coffee, "So, have we met this guy before?" Inko teased as she undid Kani's bun and started crushing trough her locks. Mitsuki returned with the coffee- having zero practice with hair since her's always sat upwards- sitting down on the vanity. "Well. . . Yes." She blushed lightly which caught the other's attention. "Kani, your blushing! Wow you must really like this guy, ive never seen you blush over anyone since highschool."

"And even then the only time she did blush is when you teased her."

"Ah, i miss the good old days." All three agreed with a wistful sigh, but Kani's hopes to drive away from the topic of who her date was were not successful. "So if we know him are you going to tell us his name?" Mitsuki asked directly like she always did, taking a cheeky sip of her coffee as she watched her friends face. Kani gulped, she knew both of them would keep pressing until she told them. "Well, it was actually Izuku who introduced us a couple months ago. It was his mentor. . . Yagi Toshinori." Both women fell silent, the only sound was her brushing falling from Inko's hand. Neither of them spoke just starred at the older women in complete utter shock. "You-you mean that tall blonde guy?"

". . . Yes."

"No fucking way! Really! Does Katsuki and Izuku know?" Mitsuki exclaimed, placing down her cup so it didn't end up on he floor like the brush. After a minute of calming Mitsuki down from her freak out and getting her to sit down again kani spoke slowly. "No, they don't know- and I don't want them to. I don't want it to be . . . Weird for them. And you know how protective they can get."

"That is true, remember when they were five and tried to defend you from that server that was hitting on you at that little diner?" Inko chuckled at the memory. But before they could continue to question her, her door bell rang from her door. Grabbing her purse Inko adjusted some of her curls and Mitsuki put on her beanie and they sent her off- hiding behind the corner as she opened the door to greet him.

Toshinori was dressed in a plain brown coat with a bright yellow scarf Present Mic had lent him. The man had met his own clothing slump and asked Mic before he left work, Mic had tried to dress him in something flashy like his yellow suit but Toshinori managed to escape with just the scarf. "Y-you look uh,. . .nice."

"Thank you, you look. . . Nice too." She giggled at his awkwardness. Toshinori cleared his throat and offered her his arm, which she gladly linked with his as they left. They walked down the lantern lit streets passed glowing shops of all kinds, chatting and laughing lightly as they walked. "So, where are we going?"

"Well i though we could get a nice dinner then something after that im keeping a surprise."

"Sounds wonderful." They stopped at a small restaurant by the park, both ordered some ramen and sat in a booth by the window. The conversation flowed between them easily, joking about the boys or some strange customers Kani has had. "So wait, wait!" Kani tried to calm her laughter, "Your telling me that the boys blew out the electricity in the dorms for a week. Over a single cookie? Geez, maybe i should start sending some to keep the students at bay!" They were laughing so hard that they had to brace themselves on the table. "It's true. Aizawa was so mad! I came in the next morning to find them all out on the field doing push-ups."

"Remind me to never get on his bad side." They finished their dinner and headed out to the park. Arms linked together again as they finally came to their destination in the middle of the park. The usual clear lake is frozen over and turned into a skating rink in the winter, "I hope you don't mind skating."

"No, in fact its one of my favorite hobbies. I used to be on a team in high school." She chuckled as she pulled on her skates. Stepping out on the ice she did a quick lap of the lake enjoying the slicing sound of the ice, "I've missed this."

"U-uh, could I get a little help?" Toshinori was clutching the side of the rink like a baby deer learning how to walk. With a hearty laugh she skated over to his side, taking his arm and hooking it around her shoulder. "Just angle your foot and push off." And slowly but surely Toshinori picked it up so they were going an even pace.

It was a pretty good date, despite the falling.

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