Who knew making gingerbread could uncover secrets

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  Kani's cafe had been closed since the incident. She had a small sign on her door and a large black tarp covering the empty window space. Luckily the new window would make it in time for the party on Friday. And all these days off gave Kani time to relax and look over her cookbooks and catch up on her favorite TV shows.

But that didnt mean her work was completely done. She still needed to fill out her carry out orders. This years most requested time so far was her chocolate and mint holiday bread and gingerbread cookies. The bread was A small chocolate loaf with bits of mint, topped with a shiney chocolate ganache and crushed candy canes.  Her cookies were cut in the shapes of snowflakes and stars, an were decorated with white royal inclining in an intricate pattern.   She probably sold several hundred of those cookies around Christmas.

So she started working on a large bowl of dough, having to use her large mixer since her hands still stung with to much pressure. As she measured out the flour with one hand she opened up her large notebook filled with orders and notes. Sticky notes of all colors poked out from the pages and multi colored ink covered the pages. She never planned all at once and would add in whatever she though of after on a sticky note if there was no more room. People call it disorganized- she thought of it as her system.

Walking over to her pantry she flicked on her small radio to fill the empty kitchen with some light music, humming to jungle bells as she pulled out a large container of a spice mix she had made early that week. Even when she made several pounds of the mix she always seemed to need to make more. She slide the container down the counter along with some more bowls with fruit, chocolate chips, coconut shavings, and chopped nuts. All she had previously cut that morning before going on her morning walk.

  "Dashing through the snow, on a one horse open sleigh! Over the hills we go, laughing all the the way~"  she sung turning on two of her large ovens that lined the back wall. She stopped the mixer to dump in her mix and she heard the front bell ring. "Is anybody here?"

"Back here! Come on in and grab an apron."

"Good afternoon Kani-San! I see your already hard at work, what are you making?"

"Gingerbread." She responded. Toshinori walked into the kitchen, hung his coat on the rack and picked up the largest apron. He put it over his head and went to tie the stings but found it difficult to tie behind his back. Kani say his struggle but knew he was to shy to ask for help, so she walked up behind him and gently took the stings from his hands. Toshinori felt his cheeks heat up when he felt her delicate hands touch his while she tied a small knot in the back, "Please just call me Kani. There we go! Now your ready to start. Is there anything you had in mind that you wanted to make?"

"Eto. . . Well, i tried to do some research but- i had no idea where to start. Maybe some. . . Cookies?"

"Cookies are a good place to start, and gingerbread is a specialty of mine." She guided him over to the island and instructed him to pull out one of the large bowls from the cabinet below. She pulled the ingredients over to them and her small notebook so Toshinori could use it for reference since she had basically memorized the entire recipe by now. "So, have you ever baked before?"

"A little. My old mentor tried to teach me to make an apple pie but i ended up burning mine so bad that it was completely black. I have made some muffins over the years." He explained as he watched her pull out different sized cups, spoons and bowls- most he couldn't name if he tried. He picked up a metal tool that was long and flat, it was thin and curved at the top- like a really thin spatula. "That's a leveler, you use it to level off dry ingredients."

"I see. I didn't know that." He placed the leveler back down, he fiddled with his hair since he was so lost. Kani could see the nerves on his face like they were written in bright red marker. "You should pull your hair back just in case. Don't be so nervous- i wont make you do anything to hard for a beginner. These muffins are simple and i'll be here to help."  

"Alright then. What's first?"

"Take that cup and put three cups of flour-" Kani continued to help him along in the recipe while working on her own batch. She handed the tall man a whisk as the ovens beeped, signaling that it was hot enough. She placed her current batch into the mixer and took the finished dough, Toshinori had just finished whisking in some chocolate chips but was caught off guard when Kani started throwing flour onto the counter. "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting down flour so when i role out the dough it wont stick to the counter. Ill also put some on my roller. . . Once i figure out where it went." Kani jogged over to her drawers opening one by one. Toshinori spotted a thick wooden dowel in a large cup filled with other utensils, "is this it?" Lifting it into the air so she could see. "Indeed it is! Thank you."

Powdering the dowel she poured the brown dough onto the counter in one smooth movement. She began to role the large blob out into a large circle about the size of a pizza tray before handing it to Toshinori. "You finish this up and I'll fill the tins."

"Alright. . ." He started out slow and delicate, unsure how hard to push down on it. "Who knew some dough could scare the famous All might."


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