02: "Bite me, Black."

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"Perfect." He grins, sitting back down and tugging me to sit next to him, "But Dean will be patrolling those hallways for the rest of the ride, I can assure you. So you're safest bet is to spend the journey with us. Plus, we don't want you backing out."

"Yeah, you know what? Forget the Crabbe thing, this'll be punishment enough," I say and he let's out a barking laugh.

"Come on, we're not so bad."

"You're pretty bad," I retort, leaning my back against the wall so I face Sirius directly, leaning my head against the frame behind me and closing my eyes.

"Woah. Did you get in a fight or something?" James suddenly asks, and I open my eyes just as Sirius grabs my hat from my head and everyone stares at my face.

"Hey, give that back," I say, trying to snatch my cover back from him only for him to hold it in his other hand. I lean across his body to reach it before my hand slips and I land on top of him. My nostrils fill with the sent of tobacco and vanilla, which must be his cologne and is very intoxicating.

"We just met and you're already all over me." He shakes his head as I get up, glaring at his smirk, "I guess I really do have that effect on girls."

"Bite me, Black," I growl as he shoves me away easily with his arm and puts my hat on his own hair.

"Tell me where."

I glare at him as James laughs and I give up on trying to get my hat back, just leaning back again and crossing my arms in annoyance.

"Aw, has anyone ever told you you're adorable when you're angry?" Sirius speaks in a baby voice and scrunches his face up at me.

"Has anyone ever told you you look like shit with a broken nose?" I ask sweetly and he shrugs.

"Never had a broken nose."

"Want me to change that for you?" I ask and he grins.

"Oh, feisty are you?" He winks at me, "I like 'em better that way."

"Oh shoot." I pout in disappointment, "It's too bad I don't like 'em as slimy gits, or else we'd be perfect for each other."

Sirius has no comeback, and James laughs again at the banter that we share.

"This is better than a good Quidditch match." He grins.

"So what really happened to your face then?" Sirius asks me, his eyes narrowed.

I just shrug, "I got into a fight. What else?"

"With who?"

I quickly form a lie in my head, "Well my dad is a Muggle, and he owns this shop, and this guy came in and tried to rob it. I was trained in karate when I was younger, which is like this fighting style, and so I fought him."

"No way," James says, clearly impressed, "really?"

"Yes way." I grin at all of their shocked and awed faces, except for Sirius, who just stares at me blankly. I try to ignore the fact that maybe he sees right through my lie. Oh well, I'll never talk to them again, so what does it matter if they believe me or not?

So I let myself go into an elaborate, made up story on how I beat up the guy, and they all listen intently, Peter gasping at some especially dramatic parts and James pressing a hand over his mouth to shush him while he leans closer and closer in his seat. They're all staring at me, but I can't help but feel like Sirius is staring at me in a different way. So I avoid his eye contact, speaking mostly to the other three.

For the next five hours of ride, I make small talk with the boys, learning mostly about their pranking experience and listening to James and Sirius tell their own stories. I end up laughing really hard with them all, and I can't help but feel angry that I'm not in their house, because I feel like if I was, we'd all be good friends.

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