Chapter VII: The Lake of Forever Fall

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A/N: Remember noone can see Y/N so he guides with voice. You'll understand why I wrote this when reading this chapter.

*Summer's POV*

I woke up and looked at still sleeping Qrow. He was right, maybe if Y/N was his son the abuse would never come. I went to kitchen and prepared breakfast for both of us. After a while Qrow came downstairs

Qrow: "Morning Summer."

Summer: "Morning birdie..."

Qrow: "So we're making nicknames now? Well then cookie monster." I blushed at his nickname

Summer: "Hey, I'm not eating cookies that much."

Qrow: "You're right . Ruby eats them more. But that doesn't change my decision."

Summer: "What can I do? It's not my fault my cookies are so good."

Qrow: "No they're not good, they're the best."

Summer: "Hey Qrow, since when did you fall in love with me?"

Qrow: "That would be since second year in Beacon."

Summer: "That long? I'm sorry I was oblivious."

Qrow: "You don't have to be. I mean we were best friends so I could look after you somehow."

Summer: "So each time you were fighting with Tai, was it just for fun or because of me?"

Qrow: "No in Beacon it wasn't because of you but because of Raven. Even though he was my teammate I didn't trust him so we fought... a lot. I wanted to make sure my sister will be safe."

Summer: "Hmmmm.... that's understandable. Well, I'll be going to court house for the divorce papers."

Qrow: "Do you really want to do that?"

Summer: "Yeah, will you go with me?"

Qrow: "Sure why not. I need to buy some booze anyways."

Summer: "You won't stop drinking will you?"

Qrow: "My drinking is as strong possession as your cookie eating."

Summer: "Fine, but I'll make you stop drinking one day."

Qrow: "I want to see you try."

After we ate our breakfast we made our way to court house. There we waited for Tai who Qrow messaged to meet us there, also that it's because of the divorce. He arrived in a while.

Tai: "There you are. Look Summer I'm really sorry that I slapped you."

Qrow: "You're just sorry because you slapped her? What about what you said about Y/N?"

Tai: "Of course I'm sorry for that too..."

Summer: "For the third time you're not sorry. If you would be you would mention him instead of that slap."

Tai: "Summer, I know what I did was wrong. Please forgive me and take me back."

Summer: "Weird, you said there are more girls that are better than me."

Tai: "It was in the heat of the moment. I didn't mean that."

Summer: "Too late. Now we will go to the judge and sign the papers. End of discussion."

Tai: "So you meant it? The divorce?"

Qrow: "Unfortunately for you..... yes."

Summer: "Qrow will be our witness."

Tai: "Summer please-"

Summer: "No Tai, go find better girls than me as you said. I'm done with you."

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