Chapter 19.

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The next morning I woke up and I felt Chad moving around in bed next to me. Last night, my mom dropped him off to me and my baby was super tired.

"Good morning Papa." I poked his nose, making him laugh. I let him down off the bed since he liked to walk around the room every morning.

I grabbed my phone off my night stand and looked at my notifications. Janice texted me asking if I could meet her for brunch, August texted good morning, and Levi texted me again asking to meet up.

I texted August and Janice back, but left Levi on read. I can't entertain him when I know I want to be August, it'd be a hoe move.

"Come, let's brush our teeth." I grabbed Chad's hand and we walked in my bathroom.
After getting baby boy dressed and fixed him some breakfast, I texted Janice seeing what time she wants to meet up.

Whenever my family wants to do meet-ups, it's usually never anything good, or else we'd just talk over the phone, so I'm hoping everything is okay with her.

My phone started ringing and I see it's August wanting to FaceTime me.

"What's up, bruh?" I answered the phone, he started laughing.

"Stop answering like a nigga mane." He laughed.

"I can't help it, I been around you too much." I giggled. "Good morning."

"Good morning. I only called to talk to my boy Chad." He smiled.

I flipped the camera and pointed it towards Chad. He was just sitting next to me watching Paw Patrol.

"Damn he gettin' big. What's up mane?"

Chad was not paying him any attention.

"Yeah, I don't think he wants to talk to you." I spoke before flipping the camera back on me.

"It's just because I'm not there." He shook his head. "You doing anything today?"

"Yea, I have to meet up with Janice later and then that's it. Me and Chad are staying in today."

"What I gotta bring?"


"Well, I just invited myself to chill with you and Chad." He laughed. "So what I gotta bring?"

"You are so..." I giggled. "Just snacks and Juice Jammers for Chad."

"Bet. I'll be there later."

"Okay." I smiled. "See ya." I spoke before hanging up.

"You ready to go see auntie?" I looked at Chad. He just looked at me with a smile.
I pull up to the location Janice sent me, which was a small local restaurant called Brunch With Tiff. Our parents always brought us here whenever we accomplished something like, all A's, awards, etcétera.

I walk in and the nostalgia started to kick in.

"Hi, it's just you with us this evening?" A lady greeted me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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