The Case of Half breeds

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*Kenta's POV*

It's been two weeks since Karin went to high school. Once, I went downstairs of the Orphanage to the front door and I found Karin covered in mud. Not a pretty sight. I asked her who did it and she said Shin Takashinguo. Who ever he is, he's messing with the wrong person.

I sit on my water bed, with my arms folded behind my head. I stare at the ceiling, thinking of how to get back at this guy.

I heard a knock on my door. I sit up from the water bed. "Who is it?"


"Come in."

The door opened and I see Karin covered in frosting. I stood up and wipe half of her face that was covered. Karin smiled. "My class had cooking class."

I chuckled. "I could see that."

She wipes some frosting from her cheek with her thumb and then licks it. She smiles. "Its strawberry flavored!"

I smile back and then pushed her out of the door. "Go take a shower before L sniffs you out."

She sticks out her tongue. “Fine.”

*Karin’s POV*

After my shower I put on a black frilly dress with white laces and then put a black and white stripped legging. I sniff my hair to make sure if it still smelled like strawberries. It did. I like the smell of it. I shrugged and walked downstairs to have dinner with everyone.

As I take the last step of the stairs, I saw that the lights were turned off and only candle lights were lit. I try to find the switch to the dinner table room. When I found it, I tried to turn on the lights. Nothing. I sighed. The candles gleamed at the dinner food on the table. Two plates of food and a letter next to one of them. I opened the letter.

After reading the letter I slammed it onto the table. “That’s just great.” I muttered.

The letter described that everyone left for dinner and it’s just me and L that are staying home. I sit down and look at my dinner. Stake and mashed potatoes on the side. Then I looked over at the other plate. A piece of pie, a lollipop, and tea with sugar cubes in a small bowl next to it.

I frowned and folded my arms. “Why does L get sweets for dinner?”

“Because I prefer sweets over normal food.”

I turn around and see L yawning. I frowned again. “And where have you been?”

He sits down in front of his sweets. “I’ve been looking at papers of crime scenes and cases.”

My eye twitched. “That’s what you do for living?”

“Yes. Is there a problem with that?”

I shook my head no. “It’s just that, you were dead and that the police department or the FBI finds out that you’re alive. They’ll freak out.”

“Actually, they took it quite well. Since I use to solve the Kira case.” L takes a bite of his pie.

My mouth starts to drool a little at the sight of the pie. Then as I knew what I was doing, I slapped myself a little and then started eating my dinner.

I took the last bite of my dinner and then looked at L’s plate. He ate his lollipop but didn’t finish his pie. L slides his plate over to me. “Here, have it.”

My eyes glowed with joy. “Really?!”

He nods his head yes. I take my fork and started gobbling down the pie. It tasted like apples. I take the last bite of the apple pie and then smiled at L. “Thanks that was delicious!”

I stand up and take my plate and L’s to the kitchen, until L said, “I need to talk to you about something.”

I placed the plates back onto the dinner table and sit down. “What is it?”

“I’ve been looking up for anyone that’s missing with a similar situation. I found at least 15 people that disappeared in one certain place.”


“They’re in your high school.”

I looked shocked. I stayed there staring at L, thinking who was missing. Then Shin came to my mind.

“Hey, do you think Shin was the missing people?” I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

L just stared at me with no reactions. “He’s the one that keeps bulling you everyday at school?”

I nodded my head yes and then what L said broke me awkward silence. “Yes, he got missing four hours ago.”

I shot up from my chair. “But, that was right after school was over!”

L takes a sip of his tea. “When you and Kenta go to school tomorrow. Stay for about at least two hours there to find anything suspicious.”

“Do you think that Madame Angel person is behind this?”

“Whoever she is, she has some likings with teens.” He stands up with our plates and placed it in the sink in the kitchen. I sit back down thinking hard what this Madame Angel person does to change teens, like me into half breed shinigamis.

“You smell like strawberries.” L says as he walks back into the room.

I blushed. L walks over and then touches part of my black hair. This made my face deep red. He moved down close to my neck and then sniffed my hair. I shivered. L let go and started blowing out candles. I somehow longed for his touch again, so I grabbed his wrist. L looked at me in a confused look.

*L’s POV*

“What’s wrong, Karin?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” She said as she moves in and grabs my arm. I see a blush of red across her face.

I smiled and then gently pulled her into a hug. Karin jerked a little but then shuffled her head into my chest. I cradled her soft head that smelled like a strawberry cake. Then I blew the candle out and when I was about to blow out the last candle I heard Karin sleeping in my arms. I blew the last candle out and carried her in my arms as I walk up the stairs to her room.

I tuck her in her bed. I walk to the door, until I felt her hand grab my wrist again. Karin’s ocean eyes opened a little. “Don’t go.”

I try to shrug her hand off, but her hand still sticks to my wrist like glue. I sighed and then I lay next to her. Karin’s hand still on my wrist. I glided her hand into mine. My face got a little warm. Then her fingers glided between mine. I stared at her pale face as it shines from the moon behind me. I closed my eyes.

I haven’t slept in a bed for a long time. You change me, Karin. There’s a five percent chance that I love you.

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