Ch 1- You're going to England!

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The sun streaked through my blinds. I squinted a little, adjusting to the light. I blinked a few times then rolled over. I really couldn't be bothered to get up.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of my clock.

10:00 am

I jumped out of my bed and went straight over to my calendar. Today was the day that Rosemary moved in. Ugh, my dad's girlfriend who had horrible fashion sense and smelt like a bed of dead roses.

"Adrian? Adrian." I yell as I came into the kitchen. I see Adrian in there cutting up a sandwich, with headphones in his ears.

"Hey, I was listening to that." Adrian says as I pull the headphone from his ear

"Earth calling brotherling. Have you forgotten today's the day Rosemary moves in?" I state taking the sandwich from him and cutting off the crust.

"Like you'd let me forget? Please tell me you're not going to do anything crazy."

"Look, you know I love you, Adrain, but there are some things you're just way too young to understand." I state.

"I know what I'm doing, though, okay? Trust me!"

I walk down to the front and can already see people crowding. Right on time.

The delivery truck pulls up and two men jump out. I walk out and whistle.

"All right, guys. Let's give my dad's girlfriend the perfect Malibu welcome." I yell, as everyone swarms the truck.
"Everyone, help yourselves! "

People are going crazy. Taking things, moving things away, asking to keep things.

"You can keep it, or you can throw it away! Let's go, you guys. You can keep that." I say to all different people, confusing myself slightly.

As I make my way inside people are already having fun. music is blaring, people are dancing, swimming and it's awesome. I look at the pile of horrible clothes in my hand and smirk. I have an idea.

"Hey, guys! Watch this!" I call as I run up to the edge of my infinity pool.

Everyone gasps as I jump off the edge and into the sea below.

I hear some screaming just before I hit the water.

//3rd person POV\\

GIRL 1: Where did he go?
GIRL 2: Is he okay?

GIRL 1: Is he still down there?
TROYE: He's still under.

GIRL 2: There might be sharks. GIRL 3: Someone do something.

// Dan POV\\

As I resurface I hear everyone cheer. I smile and throw my fist into the air.

"Welcome to Malibu, biatch!" I yell.

"Excuse me, excuse me." I faintly hear the voice of my dad. I can already tell he is going to be pissed.

"Get up here, right now. Get up here!" He yells at me.

"Please, go home. Home, home." I can just see him ushering people away. Damn we were just getting started.

"So uncool." I hear a girl say.

"Go on. Out, out." Dad says again. I start swimming to the ladder and climb up it. My clothes dripping wet

"Out, out, out. Let's go. Come on. Out, out." Dad says again.

"That is the final straw, Daniel. You are going to England." He says as he see me. I sigh. Again with the boarding school threat.

"Yawn. The boarding school threat again." I complain.

"I don't even recognise you any more. All this is going to stop right now!"

"So what, is it because in gay? Big deal!" I say in defence. "You can just replace me with a newer, trashier version, like you did with Mom!"

"You are going to boarding school in England, and that's final." Dad threatens.

"What? You think just because Mom went to boarding school in England, it's going to magically straighten me out? Do you even remember Mom?" I say, my voice breaking kind of as I mention mom.


I feel my bed dip down.

"Hi, Adrian." I say rolling over to look at my brother.

"I think you might've pushed him too far this time." He states, trying to get comfy.

"I know." I say back. Patting his head.

"But England's so far away." Adrian states, sounding quite sad.

"Well, at least they speak American there, right?"

"But who's going to cut the crusts off my sandwiches?" Adrian asks looking me straight in the eyes.

"You're going to be fine, dude. I promise."


The next day

"In England, it rains 200 days out of the year." I exclaim, tugging at my hair.

"You will definitely get SAD." Tyler says.

"He is sad." Adrian retorts.

Tyler scoffs. "Seasonal affected disorder." He states smugly.
"Depression due to lack of sunlight, resulting in acne and weight gain."

"What?" I exclaim, clearly shocked. Not only shocked due to the fact that I could gain wait and get acne but due to the fact the Tyler actually had something smart to say.

"What? I saw it on Dr. 90210." Ok that makes sense.

"Anyway dude, help me pack." I say turning away from my computer. I really didn't want to go. I honestly thought that this was just another threat, I didn't think dad would actually send me to England.

I throw a pair of vans at Tyler to put in my bag.

"Not those shoes. They don't do rain." Tyler gasped. Well yes they do.

"Just take them." I say, he was obviously hinting at it.

"Hey, you promise we'll talk every day? Swear on your life?" I say turning to face Tyler.

"Dude, of course. Everything's going to suck without you." Tyler says putting the vans in near his phone.

"Tyler Oakley, you're my best friend. I'm going to miss you so much." I say, genuinely meaning it.

"I know, let's check out their website." He says back, smiling.

Abbey Mount School.
I type into google

"Oh, my God!" Tyler and I exclaim at the same time.

"Abbey Mount School is an independent boarding school
for boys aged 11 to 17." Oh god
"Founded in 1797, the school is one of England's top institutions for young men."

"It's all brick! Please tell me that's not in the countryside." I whine. This is not going to be a pleasant experience.


Yeah wow... wild child eh.

Anyway just let me know if there are any grammar, punctuation or any form of error. I need to edit and will get around to doing that soon.

Thanks, hope you enjoy :D

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