Chapter 1 Not a Normal Night

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The final frontier

The vast emptiness of endless galaxies, stars, black holes.

But most of all...


The Being From Another Planet

"Come on, let's get to it!"

Running foot steps could be heard. "Hurry up Matt!"

Matt ran as fast as he could. Until he saw it. The huge shining yellow glowing orb, stood before him, levitating on a magnetic base. Matt took a deep breath, staring at this giant glowing ball. He was about to do something to it, but then he saw the orb vibrating. His eye's widen as he saw.

He was about to take off running, but he didn't make it in time.

The orb exploded, knocking him down, emitting radiation all over the place.



Matt felt his body getting weak, as he heard a voice calling his name.



Matt jumped up, knocking everything from his desk. Startled he looked around.

He could hear giggling.

He could not believe it was a dream he had. Apparently he had fallen asleep in class. He then he looked at the teacher. Mrs. Clarkson. Boy did she look mad. She dislikes when her students sleep in class. Matt didn't even know when he had fell asleep. Mrs. Clarkson looked over at Matt. "You're finally awake" she said. Matt was a little dazed from the intense dream that he had. He turned his head, looking very hazy, over at the Mrs. Clarkson.

"Come on now Matt. You know you're not supposed to sleep in class." She said tapping her foot. "Now please, solve this math problem."

Matt took a look over at the board, and saw that it was a very easy math question. He said his answer, and he answered it correctly. Mrs. Clarkson nodded. "Very good." She said, and went back to teaching.

After a few more minutes, the bell rang, and it was time for the class to end. "Don't forget you're homework!" Mrs. Clarkson yelled out, but everyone was out the door. All she did was sigh. Matt was the last one to go out.

"Did you pack you're homework?" Matt heard Mrs. Clarkson ask. Matt nodded. "Yes I have"

"Matt... are you feeling ok?" Mrs. Clarkson asked concerned as she noticed that Matt looked a little dazed. Matt brushed it off. "Yes ma'am" he said politely. "You sure? Would you like to see the nurse?"

Matt shook his head. "I'm fine Mrs. Clarkson, thanks."

The teacher nodded, and then Matt turned and walked out the class, heading to his last class of the day: Science.

Because of the talk with Mrs. Clarkson, Matt was a about a minute late to his next class. The Science teacher was already teaching his lessons.

"So class, when the sun emits Solar flares" he stopped when he saw Matt enter the classroom. "You're late Matt" he said a little sternly. "I..was talking to Mrs. Clarkson" Matt softly stuttered. "Just don't let it happen again"

Matt nodded looking down. "Yes Mr. Burnes."

Matt went over to his seat, and put his bag next to it, and sat down in it, looking at the board. Matt honestly loves Science over all the other subjects. Mr. Burnes was a nice teacher as well. He was also fun to. Every Friday, he let's his students watch space movies. Either it would be Star Wars or Star Trek or some RIP off movie of the two. Or some space documentary. He just was a very fun person in general.

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now