Chapter 10 Rising Battle

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"Niko, where do you think he went?" Matt asked. Niko shrugged. "He usually doesn't take that long.... maybe there is a lot of traffic."

The news station was still playing on the T.V. they where talking about the weather. "Hey Niko, you think that's why?" Matt asked when he saw that one part in Nekouler was having a thunderstorm. Niko shook his head. "That's Krepto. Krepto is on the other side of the Planet, I don't think dad went all the way over there to get groceries."

A man came to the news reporter, and whispered something in her ear. Matt and Niko watched.

The news reporter nodded, then looked back at the camera.

"Citizens of Nekouler, there is going to be an issued attack from the Werewolves. We advise you to stay home and lock your doors"

Niko gasped. "Oh no!" Niko was now panicked. Matt was worried. "Dad is out there! I hope they didn't captured him!"

There was a sound of a siren.

"Blast!" Niko said out loud.

Just then, a phone started to ring. Niko went over to what seemed like a house phone, and picked it up and put it to his ears. "Hello?" He said into it.

Matt walked over to Niko.

"Oh thank goodness you're ok!" Niko said into the phone. Matt realized it must of been Niko's dad. He sighed in relief.

"Dad they are attacking the Planet- huh? Come over to the secret- but what about Matt?! ..... bring him? The armor? Ok. We'll be over in a bit" Niko put the phone back up.

"Is he ok?" Matt asked. Niko nodded.

"Ok, Matt... I would of taken you home, but if I do so right now, the Werewolves could put a tracker on our ship, and they'll find out where Earth is-" Niko explained. Matt nodded. "Yeah that wouldn't be good" Matt said. Niko nodded. "Yeah it wouldn't. So I need you to come with me to Dad"

"But where is he?"

"He is in his secret base" Niko said. "Secret?" Matt asked confused. "Well not so much of a secret now that I know of it-" he joked. Niko giggled. "And because of this... you need some protection."

Niko walked into a closet, and came out with a pole. Matt looked at the pole. Then he realized what it was. It was the pole that Niko used when they first meet. The pole that can trun into armor.

"I-I get to were my own armor?!" Matt asked in disbelief. Niko chuckled. "Yep!"

Niko walked behind Matt, and attached the pole to his shirt. Niko then walked over to a drawer, and got out two gloves, and gave it to Matt. "What's this?" Matt asked as he put them on. "They activate the suit" Niko said. Matt realized that there were some buttons on the gloves. "Just press the green button... I mean... you have a thing for buttons so~"

Matt looked at Niko with annoyed face. "Ha ha.. very funny" He said sarcastically. Niko giggled.

Matt pressed the button on the glove, and then the pole opened up, then a suit transformed out of it, covering Matt. Matt started to have a nerd attack.

"I'm- I am in AMROR!" he said very excitedly. Niko giggled at Matt's excitement. "You are so cute you know that?"

"So you're ready?" Niko asked. Matt nodded. Niko walked over to the door, and showed Matt the HoverTron. "Woah, you can drive that?" Matt asked. "Yeah! Of course! I never did crash" he said. "I kinda don't belive that" Matt joked. Niko just shook his head and laughed a little. "Dad has taught me how to drive it. So I know a few things" he said opening the door. Matt opened the passenger side, and got in the seat.

"So where is the base?" Matt asked. "It's in the desert. It's away from civilization." Niko said as he started to HoverTron.

Niko drove over to the road. Matt was surprised how the road was similar to roads on Earth.

"Oh, here.. just in case anything goes wrong" Niko said handing Matt something. Matt looked down at Niko's hand, and saw that it was a blaster. Matt took it, staring at it, in disbelief.

"Another nerd attack?" Niko asked with a giggle. "Oh and take this as well" Niko said handing Matt a larger weapon. "What's this?" Matt asked. "It's a Quantum Disruptor. Only four of them are made. One shot from it can tear apart atoms, causing atoms to explode. So be careful if you have to use it." Niko said. Matt stared at it. "Wow" he said. "It also has a 30 second recharge. So if you do use it, you have to wait 30 seconds for it to reload itself."

After driving for sometime, they had entered the Desert. "Wow" Matt said looking out the window. The Desert was very... barren. There was barely any homes or life. Niko drove off the road, and heading towards a rock. He went behind it, and parked.

Niko opened the door, and both him and Matt stepped out. As soon as Matt stepped he heard his a sound coming from him.

Temperature rising---

Activating air conditioning.

Matt could feel some wind blowing up and down inside the suit. "Wow this is cool!" He said. Niko walked over to the rock. "The Desert is very hot here. It once reached near 200°F." Niko said. "200 DEGREES?!" Matt yelled out. Niko nodded. "We Neko's can survive it, but I'm guessing Humans can't. So I'm glad you have that suit on"

Matt nodded. Niko walked over to the Rock. "Ok we are here." Niko said. Matt looked at the rock. "... that's the secret base?" He asked tilting his head.

Niko giggled. "No you silly dork-"

Niko walked over to a spot near the rock, dusted some sand off of it, and a button reveled. "Woah.." Matt said. "Wanna press it? You love buttons after all-" Niko teased. Matt just rolled his eyes playfully. He walked up to the button, and pressed it.

Matt felt himself going down. That's when he realized that the floor was going into the ground.

"Don't worry Dad, we're coming" Niko said to himself.

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now