Chapter 9 Planet Nekouler

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Jack flew his ship over to the Earth like planet. "Dad, are they going to come back?" Niko asked. "No, I don't think they will." He said. "They probably got scared"

Niko shook his head, then looked over at Matt. "You OK Matty?" He asked. Matt nodded. "Never better..." he said while staring out the window, onto the oncoming Planet.

The ship started to shake as it entered the atmosphere. Jack flipped another switch, as the ship slowed down, now flying through the air. "There... is Oxygen on this Planet right?" Matt asked. "Noo... we breath Helium.." Niko said with a snort. Matt chuckled. "Oh har har, just wanted to make sure"

"Ok you two, where almost there-" Jack said. Matt could see a small town coming up, and Jack landed the ship in a house's front lawn. Matt was amazed. The town looked beautiful. He could see roads, with vehicles on it, but they where hovering. He remembered Niko was talking about them earlier. "Hey, what are those again?" Matt asked. "HoverTrons" Niko answered. "They look so cool!" Matt said excitedly. "I have one of my own! Built it my self!" Jack said, pointing to his HoverTron that was in his driveway. "Also I have a HoverCycle"

Matt was most impressed by the HoverCyle. It had a back wheel, but the front was completely levitating. "All of this is so cool!"

Matt felt something grab his hand pulling him. "Come on Matt! Let me show you around!" Niko said dragging Matt into the house. Jack was taking stuff out the ship. "Hey Niko, can you help me with th-" He saw that Niko was pulling Matt into the house, not listening to him. He chuckled. "Ah, those two are so in love." He said to himself.

Niko opened the front door, showing Matt the house. The house looked so futuristic, but cozy at the same time. "Hehe, so what do you wanna do?" Niko asked. "Wanna look around?"

Matt nodded. "Sure!" He said. Niko smiled. Niko seemed so excited to show Matt his home. Niko showed Matt the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, but the last room Niko showed, was his bedroom.

Matt stared in amazement at Niko's room. It seemed like something you'd see in a sifi movie, but better. "It... looks amazing!" Matt said looking at the futuristic room. Niko went and sat on his bed. "You really think so?" He asked. Matt smiled and nodded. Even the bed seemed nice. It had a white frame, with a blue sheet. Niko noticed something on the wall. "What is that?" Matt asked. It seemed to be something that looked like glass, but Matt was wondering why it was there. "You'll see" Niko said. He took something off the bed what seemed like a remote. Niko pressed a button, and Matt heard a sound coming from the glass. Then he saw a moving picture in the glass. "Woah!" Matt exclaimed as he realized what it was. "It's a TV?!"

Niko chuckled. "Yep! Sort of like the one on your Planet" he said.

Niko realized that the TV was on some sort of news channel, so he went to change it. "I doubt you want to watch the news" He said. "Nah, it's fine. I like the news sometimes" Matt said.

"Nerd~" Niko giggled a little.

Matt playfully pushed Niko. "I'm not a nerd- I-I just wanna compare the news from my Planet to yours-"

"Ok Matty~"

They watched the news, and they were talking about the almost full scale attack from the Werewolves.

"We bring breaking news this evening. The Werewolves nearly emitted a full scale attack on Nekouler." A newsman said. "We advise all of you to stay indoors until further notice. We don't know when the Werewolves can come back."

"They really are a big threat to you guys aren't they-?" Matt asked. Niko nodded. "We need to do something about those.. those fowl creatures." Niko said. "Not one of us are any match for them. It's always like they are one step ahead of us... every single time."

"I wish I can help-" Matt said. Niko hugged Matt and licked his cheek. "No, I don't want my Matt getting hurt"

Matt blushed at Niko. "And I don't want them hurting you-"

Niko softly smiled, and licked Matt's cheek more. Now Matt was really blushing. Niko giggled at it. "Why are you so cute Matt?" Niko asked with a smile. Matt was feeling very bashful, so he just poked Niko in his belly, causing Niko to giggle.

"Did your fetish go of or something?" He giggled more. "No..I-it didn't..."

"Yeah...sure." Niko said with a smirk. Niko lifted up his shirt, and when he did that, Matt's face went even redder. "You're just gonna sit there with your face all red, or are you gonna touch it cutie~?" Niko asked. Matt shyly giggled, and then put his finger in Niko's belly button, feeling it. "I wonder why you like it so much?" Niko asked. "Its.. soft" Matt said. Niko giggled. "Soft huh?"

"I wonder if yours is as soft as mine then~?"

"Huh?" Before Matt had any chance to react, Niko quickly started to poke and tickle Matt's belly button.

(A/N: oh how the turns have tabled)

Matt started to laugh. "NikhoHOHOHO! NoHOHOHOHO" Matt screamed. "I'm really ticklish there!"

But Niko didn't care. "Oh are you now~?" He giggled. He wiggled his finger in circular motion around in Matt's belly button, and that made Matt squeal. Niko laughed. "Aww~ is someone ticklwish~?"

"Niko! Stahahap!" Matt giggled uncontrollably. Niko stopped. "There..... your no fun~"

Matt caught his breath. "That.. was so unexpected!"

"I mean, that was the point right?" Niko asked with a giggle. Matt smiled. "I guess."

Niko leaned over, and licked Matt's cheek.

"Niko... can.. we.. um.. kiss-?" Matt asked. Niko tilted his head. "You mean the way you humans do it?" He asked. Matt nodded. "Ok sure"

Matt put his arms around Niko, pulled him close, pressing his lips on his lips. "So.. what are we supposed to do-" Niko said with his voice muffled. Matt giggled. "This-" Matt kissed Niko's lips. Niko blushed, and did what Matt did. "Like that?"

Matt nodded, and kissed him again. Niko kissed Matt back. Matt opened his mouth a little, and they both started to make out. Although Niko didn't know what he was doing... it felt normal.

".....what the hell are you two doing-" a familiar voice said.

Matt and Niko quickly separated from thier lip lock, and saw Jack standing at the Door way. They both got scared. Matt got so scared he fell on the floor.

"W-we were... kissing-" Niko said with his face all red.

"Kissing?" Jack asked. "It's the Human way-" Niko said.

Jack turned away and walked out the door. "Looked like you both where eating each other faces, but ok." He said. "I just came to tell you two that I forgot my keys, and I probably won't be home for a while."

"Ok" Niko said. Jack told them bye then left.

Niko looked back at Matt who was still on the floor. Niko laughed a little. "You got so scared"

Matt got up "me? You should of seen the look on your face" he said. "Har har" Niko said as he playfully punched Matt's arm.

"It's so weird how you guys kiss like that-" Niko said wiping his mouth. "All of us Neko's only lick."

"What... if I licked you-" Matt asked. "O-oh.. ok" Niko said. Matt licked Niko's cheek, and it made Niko giggle. "Ew- your toung is all wet"

Matt then saw something on Niko. From his nose. He had never noticed that Niko had then small whiskers. "Whoa, you have whiskers!" Matt said surprised. "Yeah we do!" Niko said wiping Matt's saliva off his face. "You don't though" he said booping Matt's nose.

"Your tong feels so different than a Neko's tong." Niko said. Matt smiled and hugged Niko.

They waited for a half hour more, but then they realized that Jack hasn't come home yet.

"Where is he?" Niko asked.

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now