Chapter 2 The Being From Another Planet

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Matt ran into the forest. "How the hell did a aircraft crash here?" He asked himself. He saw the smoke getting closer, and he ran more into the forest. Matt aimed his flashlight towards to where he thought the plane was. "Hey, is anyone ok!?" Matt called out. Nothing answered. "Anyone?" Matt walked more to it. He saw that the plane was behind some bolder. "So glad it missed that-"

He found himself on the other side of the bolder. Then he felt himself going lightheaded for a bit, and he stumbled, and slammed into a tree. "Ow!" He called out. "What the..." He put his hand to his face, and saw that he bruised it. "Ow...."

He looked behind him back over to the place. "I'm gonna call 911...they will be here to hel...."

His mouth dropped.

Was what he was seeing.....real?

The thing what crash landed.... wasn't a plane.

It was a pod.

A pod that looked like something that belonged in some sifi movie.

"No.... no way...." Matt couldn't believe what he was seeing. "How is this possible?!" He was trying to gather his thoughts, but then he remembered that the ship was basically on fire. If he didn't act quick, whatever was inside could burn!

"Ok Matt, you got this.... you're gonna save...a alien...."

Matt quickly ran over to the big sized pod, trying to find the door. He saw that there was a front window, but the window was smashed, and there was tree branches sticking out. He knew he had to act quick. If those branches caught on fire, that'll be the end of him and the alien.

After a few more seconds of searching, he found the door, but the handle wouldn't budge. He then realized that it must of been locked on the inside. "Shit..."

He could hear some weird sound coming from the ship. He didn't realized what it was at first, but then he saw more smoke coming from the back.

He ran back to the front, and tried to remove the branches. He finally did, and then he saw someone who looked lifeless, sitting in what seemed to be a seat. The drivers seat.

Matt quickly climbed into the ship, saw that the alien had a seat belt on, unbuckled it, and tried to drag it out.

He managed to do that in the nick of time.

Matt was not even 20ft away from the ship, and then it exploded. The blast radius sent him and the alien flying.


"Matt! Their attacking! We have to fall back!"

"No.... we shouldn't! They'll rule the planet if we don't do something! We have to stop them!

Matt woke up with a jolt. He rubbed his head, and looked down on the ground he was lying on, and saw green. "...what the... were am i?"

He realizes that it was grass. "How did I reach here?" Matt sat up, and looked to the left up him, and saw a brunt Space Pod. "Oh... that's why..."

Matt remembered how he was trying to save a Alien..

"Alien... wait... THE ALIEN!" Matt frantically looked around for anyone lying on the ground. "Shit, where did he go?" Matt got up, and looked around the area where the ship was.

But then he saw it.

"What the hell...? Is that a robot?"

What was on the ground next to a tree, was something that looked like a mechanical robot of some sort, with what seemed to have cat ears, and a cat tail.

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now