Chapter 14 A Stab In The Heart

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"Come on Matt... Niko... pick up... pick up..."

Jack was doing everything he could, trying to get the connection back. But no matter what he did, he couldn't get the signal. "The Werewolves must of interfered with the signals." He said. "Maybe I should go over there"

Jack got his suit, and a stick. He pressed a button on it, and the very end of it, started to spark with electricity. "I'm coming you two"


"Are you ready Niko?"

Niko was standing where the shelter was supposed to come up. He nodded. Matt looked back at the radioactive ball of energy. He took a deep breath, and held on to the Quantum Disruptor tightly. What he was about to do was big. He was about to be a big help to an entire alien race. Niko looked at him, and nodded. "You can do this Matt." He said.

Matt aimed the Quantum Disruptor at the core.

He pulled the trigger. It started to whine up, and and a ball of energy spawned around the cannon.

Matt was nervous, but he kept holding on the weapon. It fired. The ball of energy, slammed into the Reactor Core. Just like the door, it started to glitch. The atoms started to rub against each other, and the sound waves around the Reactor Core started to sound distorted.

"Reactor Core's outer shield breached. Evacuate the premises" A robotic voice said on some speaker Matt couldn't see. "Niko it's working!"

Just about then Matt saw the glass tube come over him. "Woah!" He said. He sighed. "Niko we just saved the-"

Matt's jaw dropped when he looked over at Niko. Niko's glass tube didn't come up. The Reactor Core was about to explode, and Niko was sitting there about to e exposed by the radiation.

"Niko get the tube up!" Matt yelled. "Matt I can't! I think it's jammed!"

"20 seconds until self destruct"

That made Matt felt like he was hopeless just sitting there. He tried to open his tube to see if he could have snatched Niko and bring him in the same tube as him, but his was locked.

"10 seconds until self destruct"

"Niko!" Matt yelled.

Niko looked over at Matt with his eyes filled with sadness.


The Reactor Core started to shake and glitch beyond belief. It expanded, filling up with harmful radiationuntil, until it exploded. The blast radius blew up the whole room they were in. Matt crouched down, covering his ears, to protect himself from the loud explosion of the Reactor Core.

Matt looked up, and saw the sky. The whole room was gone. Part of the building was just completely gone. The tube went down. Matt quickly got out. "Niko?!" He called out. "Niko are you there?!"

"Niko where are you?!"

Matt felt like something was pressuring him down. Like someone dropped an anvil on his head. " Niko.. he can't be..."

Matt dropped to the floor. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He started to cry. "Niko why!"

He couldn't believe it. There is no way he wanted to. His love couldn't have been dead.

He heard foot steps. But it was multiple. He looked up and saw 5 Werewolves confront of him. But they looked different. They didn't look as big.

"You damaged our property!" One of them yelled. "You are under arrest by the Keipoler army!"

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now