Chapter 11 The Secret Base of The Nekos

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Matt and Niko both started to fo down into the ground with this elevator. "Where... is this leading to?" Matt asked as he saw rocks like a cave out side.

"To the secret base silly-" Niko said. "O-oh I new that-" Matt said. Niko chuckled. "Hopefully dad will know what to do with the Werewolves"

Matt honestly felt worried. The Werewolves seemed very dangerous. They didn't seem like they can even be reasoned with. It's like they would kill anything and anyone who moves. There would be no way that two Nekos and one human could stop them. "Niko, what are we going to do about them? We obviously can't take them out our own right?"

"I'm sure dad will think of something. These has to be a way to get rid of them for good." Niko said, what seemed like he trying to keep positive. Matt just sighed.

The elevator made a jolt, and Matt got a little scared, and grabbed onto Niko. "It's just the elevator you fool-" Niko giggled and gently pushed Matt off of him. He took Matt's hand and held it. "Come on, dad should be out here."

They stepped out the elevator, into a giant underground cavern. The faint sound of water dripping could be heard. "Woah-" Matt said as he looked around. "This is a cave-?" He asked. Niko nodded. "One of the last of the caves to not get ransacked of Ingarnous Minerals."

Matt nodded. "Oh yeah. I remember you told me about that. You said the reason those idiots attack you is because of the Ingarnous stuff." He said. Niko nodded. "This is the only cave system they have not found. And I hope it stays that way"

They both walked down some metal stairs, that crossed in front of a giant water fall. "That looks pretty."

Niko stopped walking and bent down, reaching into a bucket that was next to a railing.

He then pulled out a shiny, large, purple gemstone. "Is that the-"

"Yes, it's Ingarnous." Niko said handing it over to Matt. "You gave me a souvenir of Earth, you should take a souvenir of Nekouler." Matt looked at it, then took it. The gem was beautiful."

"I know a special place this can be on my dresser!" Matt exclaimed. Niko gigged.

"Guys you made it!"

They both heard a voice say. Matt saw Jack sitting at what seemed to be a computer, in a round part of the cave below them. "Hey dad!" Niko called out. "78- I mean Niko, can you please take these blasters over to the crusher?" He asked. Niko nodded. "Sure"

"Was trying to fix them, but they're all so broken it was impossible.

Jack looked over at Matt. "How's my armor?" He asked. "Is it comfortable?"

Matt titled his head, confused. Then he remembered he was wearing some metal suit. "O-oh yeah! It is comfortable." Matt said. "Well the fact that you forgot you where wareing it proves it is" Jack chuckled.

"This is such a nice base you have" Matt said. "Why thank you Matt. Me and a few other Neko's built this a while back."

"Really? That's so cool!"

Just then Niko came back. "Cool?" He asked. "What are you talking about? It's hot as hell in here"

Matt softly snorted. "That was like the... worst joke."

"It sill managed to make you laugh a little tho" Niko said with a smirk. Matt chuckled.

"So dad, what did you call us here for?" Niko asked.

Jack walked over to the computer. He sat in the chair, and brought up some vidoes and pictures. He clicked this one picture that has showed to be in a room that had a big glowing, floating yellow orb.

"Dad, what is that?" Niko asked.

"That-- is what is powering the Werewolves." He said. "There is something I never told you about the Werewolves. And it's that they get their strength and power from this"

Niko titled his head in confusion. "I'll explain more of it."

Jack's explanation-

"You know us Neko's have numbers. Well, we before we are born, there is one person before us who has had the same number. There was a number 69 before me, and a 69 before that person.

All I know is that the 100 69's before me, was in the army. This was before everthing went down hill. There was two spices in this System, known as the Nekos, and the Wolfs.

The wolfs had a greedy Master who wanted to take from every planet he could find, until he turned his attention to Nekouler. He ordered all of his Planet, Kiepoler, to do a full scale attack on Nekouler, to rob us our Ingarnous.

But the Neko army is strong. And we fought back and sent them back where they came from. But that still didn't stop them. They kept coming back, and back over and over. They made sure they didn't give up. But each time the Nekos was one step ahead. But that all diminished when the wolfs got smarted.

The Master of the wolfs wanted to make a device that could make the wolfs more stronger, more agile, and more smarter. That's when they created this giant glowing orb. Known as the Reactor Core. A brilliant machine that turned the wolfs into giant mutant wolfs, what we now call the Werewolves."

Matt was totally blown away from all of that what Jack said. But Niko was a little pissed. "Dad? Why you never told me any of this before?"

"I just didn't want you to get hurt. I know how you can act when you want to protect the one's you love. Hell, I didn't even want you to be in the army, but we all know the Captain forced me to put you in there." Jack said. "But... you still wanted to be in it" Jack continued. "You're just like your mother.... always wants to help other people even though you might be in danger."

Niko looked down sadly. "I know you miss her Niko. I miss her to. But she'll be back home one day. I just know it."

Matt looked over at Niko sadly, and hugged him. "He's right Niko. She'll be back ok?"

Niko snuggled into Matt's neck.

Matt looked over at Jack. "How do we defeat them?"

"It'll be hard to do. That Reactor Core is what is in the way. They can't be defeated or destroyed if that orb is still glowing." Jack said. "Then how we take it down?" Matt asked as he still had Niko in his arms.

"The Reactor Core is invisible. Blaster bullets does nothing to it. You shoot some at it, it'll just bounce off. The only wepon that will do damage to it is a Quantum Disruptor."

"Quantum..dis-?" That's when Matt realized that was the large wepon Niko gave him. "Oh! So can we just take it put with that then?" Matt asked.

"We can. But there is a problem. The Reactor Core is radioactive. If we try hit it with the Quantum Disruptor, the atoms that will start to explode, will cause there to be a huge harmful radioactive explosion, that can kill anyone standing near it. It'll be to dangerous to do that" he said.

Matt looked over the computer. "Mind of I take a look at some of the videos and pictures?"

"Not at all" Jack said.

Matt let go off of Niko, giving him a small kiss, and walked over to the computer.

He started to look through some of the videos and pictures of the said Reactor Core. "What even makes it up?" He asked. "I don't know." Jack said.

Matt clicked a vidoe, that showed a two Werewolves carrying a something huge, that was filled with something green. "That green stuff is called Losiente. It's made from Ingarnous Minerals and Kernnols." Matt looked at Jack confused. Those two minerals melted together can form a powerful radioactive substance. I don't know what they use it for."

Matt looked back at the video, and saw the two Werewolves, accidentally dropped the Losiente, and it spilled all over the Reactor Core, and it started to vibrate. The two Werewolves ran over to one section, and then glass tubes went over it.

Jack stared at it. "Of course... how.. I never seen this before!? Of course they'll have an emergency shelter from radiation in case something went wrong!"

"Matt you're a genius!"

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