Chapter 7 An Unexpected Vistor

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Niko woke up, he looked over at Matt, who was still asleep on his belly. "Awe, he looks so cute" Niko said, blushing at Matt's face. He then looked up at the window, that was on the side of the couch. He saw that it was morning. "It's the next day..." he said to himself. He remembered the note that was on Matt's fringe. "Shoot.... its Sunday isn't it..."

"H-hm...?" Matt woke up, looking at Niko. "You're awake cutie~?" Niko asked, licking Matt's face. Matt blushed and smiled. He then got up, and hugged Niko. "Morning Niko" he said. Matt looked down at Niko's belly. "Yes, we all know you love my tummy" Niko giggled. Matt playfully rolled his eyes, and got up. "You want some break fast?" He asked. Niko nodded.

"You ever had eggs?" Matt asked. "Nope, remember we Nekos only eat fish?"

"Oh right... I forgot" Matt said walking over to the kitchen. "You want more salmon then?" Matt asked. Niko nodded. Matt walked into his bathroom, and went to brush his teeth. After he was done, he went back out to the living room, and saw Niko sitting on the couch, licking the back of his hand, then wiping his hand on his face. Just like am actual cat.

Niko noticed that Matt was staring at him. "Neko's do this to clean themselves" he said. "Oh, you do?" Matt asked. Niko nodded. "Are saliva actually has a chemical in it that can kill 99.9% of bacteria and germs" Niko told him. Matt was surprised. "Woah, really? That's so cool!"

Niko giggled at Matt's excitement. He got out of the sofa, and stretched. "So what about that fish?"

Matt chuckled and walked over to the kitchen. He got a pan, and got a fish out the fringe, cooked Niko's fish, and cooked himself some fish and eggs.

While they where eating, Matt was thinking about how they where gonna get Niko back home. His ship was still in the garage, but he was broken. Nothing could possibly fix it. But Matt still wanted a look at it. "Hey, Niko?"

Niko looked at Matt. "Yeah? What is it?"

"Would you mind if I would go take a look at your Ship?" He asked. Niko shook his head. "No not at all! Go ahead!" He said. Matt smiled, and thanked him, getting up from the table. He walked over to the garage door, opened it, then walked inside.

And there it was. Thing is, it was REALLY damaged. "Dang, there is no way that this can be fixed..."

Matt walked up more to the ship, and went up to the door. He tried the handle, and it opened fine. He hasn't even been in the ship since Niko came, so he was very curious of what inside looked like. There was some control panel over at the front of the ship. Matt saw some green button. He walked up to it. When he got closer, he saw that it wasn't a green button. It was a clear button, but it was GLOWING green. That ment there was still some power inside the ship.

Matt was debating with himself of he should press it. "I wonder what it does?" Matt saw some letters above the button, but they got scratched off by the crash. "S" was the only letter visible. "Niko is so lucky he survived this-" Niko said to himself. "I'm so glad I was there at that exact time to save him"

Matt looked at the button again, he thought that maybe the button was a button to auto fix the ship. He thought that maybe the Neko's might have advance tech like that, but then he realized that if that was the case, Niko would have told him about it already. "I wonder if it could contact other Neko's?" Matt thought. After that thought came in his head, without any more thinking he pressed the button. He waited, and waited, but nothing happened.

Then the light started to flicker, then it went out. "Damn-" he said to himself. He didn't know what else to do. He most certainly couldn't even keep the ship in the garage, or his dad will see. "How will it even explain this to dad? Oh hey dad! I.. saved a Alien from the forest the other day!" He said.

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