Chapter 6 Getting Closer

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Matt and Niko reached back the the house. Matt had had the fish ready. "So.. do you want me to fry it..or.. bake?" Matt asked. "Fry-" Niko said with a smile. "Ok-" Matt opened the cupboard, and got out the floor. "Do you cook much back at home?" Matt asked. "Not much" Niko said. "Last time I tried, I nearly burned the whole kitchen down" he said with a chuckle. Matt chuckled, as he tried to open the floor. "Do you cook much?" Niko asked. "Y-yeah...sometimes..." Matt said, straining, still trying to open the floor.

"Matt, do you need any help? I have claws, I can just tear it open" Niko offered. "Nah,'s fine, i can open it" Matt said. After a few more attempts of trying to open the floor bag, he finally did open it. But with the force what he was pulling on the paper bag, it caused the flour to shoot out of the bag, covering Matt's face.

"OoF!" Matt yelled as the flour erupted out of the bag.

Matt looked at Niko, with his face all covered in the white powder. Niko snorted. "Can't say that I never asked to help~" he giggled. "Shush you.." Matt blushed, and walked over to the sink to get a towel. Matt took the towel, and wiped the flour off his face. Niko giggled.

Matt took the fish and put it in a plastic bag, and put the fish in it.

"Now who taught you to do that?" Niko asked. "My dad always tries to fry stuff. I always see him do this when he's frying fish or other foods" Matt said. After Matt out the fish and the flour together, he started to shake it. "Hey, Niko, I've been meaning to ask you... who are your enemies?" Matt asked. "My enemies?" Niko asked confused. "Yeah, the guys you go to war with back on your planet?"

"Oh right! Well.... there very complicated." Niko said. Matt was very interested. "It's fine" he said, as he went to get a frying pan.

"They are this other species. I personally don't know much about them, but I know that they are called Werewolves." Niko explained.

Matt nearly dropped the pan when he heard Niko say that. "W-wait what? Werewolves?!"

Niko looked at Matt surprised. "You know them?" He asked. "Um, I... maybe? this "legend" on Earth where a human can turn into a werewolf when there is a full moon-" Matt told Niko. Now Niko was getting interested. "Woah" he said. "What else they do?" He asked. "That's really all, oh! And they howl at the moon..." Matt said.

"Howl?" Niko asked. "What's that?"

"They basically make sounds at the moon" Matt said.

"Oh, well I don't think they do that back home" Niko said. "Why do they even go to war with you guys?" Matt asked. "Like is there any reason?"

Niko nodded. "Nekouler is the only planet in our galaxy that has Ingarnous Minerals." He said. Matt tilted his head. "In..garnous?"

"Yes" Niko said. "It's a very valuable gem that's found in the caves of Nekouler. And the Werewolves had always wanted it. As much as I know, they went to war with us, because long ago, the Master of the planet, and the Captain of the Army, didn't want to give them any"

"Sounds like what happens on earth" Matt mumbled. "What?" Niko asked. "Nothing" Matt said as he he was finishing up frying the fish.

Matt went over to where his Dad stores the dishes and plates, and got a small plate for himself and Niko. He put two pieces of fish on both plates.

He carried it over to the table, and pulled a chair for Niko.

They both sat at the table. Niko tried the salmon. "So what you think?" Matt asked. "Whoa... it taste really good! It tastes different from Karkami, but it has a better taste!"

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now