Chapter 4 Exploring Earth and Getting Close

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"Its really chilly on this planet isn't?" Niko asked shivering. "At this time of year, yeah" Matt replied. He looked over at Niko, and saw him shivering. "You're cold?" He asked. "No, I'm hot-" Niko said sarcastically, softly giggling. Matt chuckled. "Don't worry, we'll be at Walmart in a few minutes."

"Do you know why it's even so cold?" Niko asked. "It's autumn here" Matt explained. "This time of year gets really chilly. Winter is even colder"

"Winter?" Niko looked over at Matt confused. "You don't get winter back on your planet?" Matt asked tilting his head. Niko shook his head. "No, I don't think so... what happens?"

Matt explained how in winter, temperatures drop, and that in some places, white fluff drops from the sky, called "snowflakes"

"That's interesting.." Niko said. "I'd love to learn more about your planet"

Matt smiled. "Trust me... although I live on Earth, I still don't know everything." He said with a chuckle. Niko chuckled. "That's the same with me when it comes to my Planet."

"So this Walmart you talked about, it's some sort of store right?"

Matt nodded. "Yes. Just in a few, we'll reach there." Matt said. "You got stores on your planet?"

"Yeah, quite a few" Niko said. "There's some down the road from me. My Mom used to work there" he said. Matt looked at him. "Does.. she still work there?" He asked, noticing that Niko said "used"

"No... she doesn't. She.. left to a new planet when I was 1 yem old." Niko said. Matt looked at Niko confused. "Yem?" He asked. "What's a yem?"

"Hm? You know, the time of our world. It's how we tell time. This Yem is Yem 400. " Niko explained. Matt realized that "Yem" was "Year"

"Ohhh! Ok! Here on Earth, we call those "Years""

"Oh.... interesting." Niko said. "And... I'm sorry that your mom left you..." Matt said looking at Niko sadly. "It's fine. She left for a good reason. She wanted to travel the universe, in search to find someone that can put our enemies at bay. She'll come back one day."

"Your Dad was in the war you talked about right? How... he never wanted to do that?" Matt asked. "Becuse he was in the war at that time on our enemies' planet. If he where to bail out, the Captain would fire him, and he would have lost his Job. Who knows what would have happened to us."

Matt understood what Niko was saying. His own Dad was a worker at a store down the road. A few years ago Matt was very sick. His dad had to stay home from work to take care of him, and because of that he lost his job. Matt always been upset about it, and he always felt guilty. But his dad always assures him, that it was never his fault.

Matt was thinking about all of this, and his mind tuned out, and he wasn't looking where he was going. "Matt look out!"

Matt heard Niko's voice, but he couldn't react fast enough to what was about to happen.

In front of Matt was a trash can, that was on the curbside, of someone's house, and Matt ran into it, and then fell into the trash. "AHH!

"Matt! How the-?" Niko pulled Matt out of the trash, and Matt looked very annoyed, and took off a paper that was on his head. He looked over at Niko, who was very clearly trying not to laugh. "This is not funny..." Matt said really annoyed. Niko chuckled. "But it was! What the hell where you daydreaming about?" Niko asked. "Nothing.. I.. um-"

"Matt? Is that you?"

Matt realized that voice.

It was Mrs. Clarkson. His teacher. Also his neighbor. Although her house is like 4 blocks away.

Apparently the trash he fell in, was hers. Her house was just right there.

She walked down her front steps, and walked over to Matt. "Matt, you look like a mess!" She said. Niko quietly chuckled.

"I know Mrs. Clarkson. Just... didn't um have time to wash this.." He said. "Oh.. is your dad's washing machine not working again? I'll be happy wash it for you!" She said. "Mrs. Clarkon, thanks, but that isn't really ness-"

"Nonsense! I have a few clean clothes what you can take! Come in!" That's when she noticed Niko standing next to Matt. "Oh, is this one of your friends?" She asked.

"Um, yeah... he's one of my friends.." Matt said not sure if him and Niko are even "Frineds" yet.

"Hi, I'm Niko!" Niko said, going to shake Mrs. Clarkson's hand. Mrs. Clarkson smiled, and shook it. "I'm Mrs. Clarkson! It's nice to meet you. Matt softly blushed at the fact that Niko was using the name he gave him. He also felt really relived that Mrs. Clarkson didn't noticed Niko's tail, or cat ears due to the hood.

"Come in Matt I'll wash those for you. And I'll get you both some Hot coca." she said inviting them inside. Niko smiled, and followed her. Matt sighed, and walked with Niko.

"And we're most definitely are friends~" Niko wisperd in Matt's ears.

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