Chapter 3 A New Name

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"So, what is this garage you speak of?" 789 asked, as he and Matt walked to his house. "It's.. basically a place where we store our cars-" Matt told him. "Cars? What are those?"

"They are things we use to travel around" Matt explained. "Oh I see. We have something close to that on our planet, but we don't call it cars... we call it Hover Trons." 789 said. Matt looked at 789. "Wow" he thought. Hover Tron sounded like some futuristic vehicle or something.

"Hey, is that where you live?" 789 asked as he pointed to a house, as they came out the forest. Matt nodded. "Yeah, the only house on this road for at least another block." Matt.

When Matt reached the front door, he remembered something. He forgot all about his dad. "Oh no oh no oh no...." Matt said to himself quietly, but 789 still heard him. "Matt what's wrong?" He asked. "My dad! I forgot all about him" He whispered. "He's gonna be so worried..."

Matt looked over at 789. "789... stay here for me..."

789 nodded. "OK" he said with a nod.

When Matt knew that 789 was gonna be out of sight, he opened the door, and walked in. "Dad?" He called out. He didn't hear a reply back. "Dad?"

Matt walked more into the house, passing their living room, into his Dad's bedroom. But he wasn't in their either. "Huh? Where is he-?" Then Matt's eyes went wide. "Shit- I hope he's not out looking for me"

Matt heard a crash sound coming from the kitchen, and it startled him. He thought it was his Dad, and he ran back into the living room. But it wasn't his Dad, it was 789.

"789!? I told you to stay outside!" Matt yelled. "I'm sorry! I... just wanted to know what that smell was..." 789 said, sniffing the air.

Matt was confused. "Smell? What smell?"

"I think it's coming from that-" 789 said, pointing to the fringe. Matt looked over at it, then opened it. "789 what are you talk-"

"That!" 789 said, grabbing a piece of Salmon that was in the fridge. "It looks like Karkami!"

Matt stared at him. "...Kar..kaka wha?"

789 snorted at how Matt was trying to pronounce the strange word. "Karkami" 789 said. "It's a type of Fish"

"You have fish on your planet?" Matt asked surprised. 789 nodded. "Well...789..i... " Matt was kinda getting annoyed of calling the alien by a number, so he decided, that he should ask him if he could name him. "Hey...789... would you like it of I could give you a name...a name that I could call you?" Matt asked. 789 looked at him. "A name? Like what you're called?" He asked. "Something like it"

789 nodded. Matt smiled. "Um... how about Mark?" Matt asked. "Mark?... I don't really like it..." 789 said. Matt thought for another name. "Preston?"

"What kind of name is that-?" 789 asked.

Matt thought of another name. "How about...Niko...? Niko the Neko-?"

789 thought. "Niko?...I... I really like that-" he said. "Wait, really?!" Matt gasped a little. 789 nodded.

Matt smiled.

"Well, you'll be the only one to call me that right?" Niko asked. "Um, I guess?" He shrugged. "Why?"

"Well, the reason we have numbers, is because the Master of the Nekos back on Nekouler gave us numbers. Each of every Neko has a number. And he said we'll only be called that-" Niko explained. "Well... what would happen if you are called something other than a number?" Matt asked. Niko shrugged. "I don't know."

Matt was about to say something, but then he heard a growl sound. He then saw Niko rubbing his stomach, and it caused Matt to blush a little, but he tried to hide it. "I'm a little hungry..." Niko said, looking over at Matt. "Wait what-?" Matt asked looking startled. "Why you look scared?" He asked. "What, you thought I was gonna eat you or something?" He laughed. Matt blushed and looked away. "I'd let you eat the salmon, but it's expired. I was meaning to throw it out this morning, but with homework class, and all of those craziness, I forgot." He said.

"Well, would you happen to have anymore? That's not expired?" Niko asked. Matt shook his head, and then shut the fringe, and then he saw a note on the door. He was wondering how he didn't notice it. He took it off the fringe, and started to read it.

Hey son, just wanted to let you know I got really delayed from work and won't make it home. I'll see you Sunday afternoon. -love Dad

Now Matt realized why his Dad wasn't home. "Shoot" he thought to himself. "Then I really could of waited for Josh to take me home" He thought. But then he realized that if he had done that, he would have never been able to save Niko, and that he probably would have died in the burning ship.

Niko's stomach growled again. "You're sure you don't have anymore fish?" He asked. Matt found himself staring at Niko's stomach, then quickly snapped himself out of it. Niko gave him a funny look. Matt blushed at what happened, so he tried to change the subject to finding something for Niko to eat. " what do you like to eat?" He asked. "Mostly fish. It's mostly what us Nekos eat." Niko responded. "Do you have any stores here or anything?"

"We do, a lot of them. There is a Walmart down the road... but if you come with me.. looking like that..." Matt said, worried. "Matt... what really is the worse that can happen to me if the other humans see me?" Niko asked concerned. Matt sighed. "Well-"

"Well what?" Niko asked. "There is this.. place... called Area 51. Rumors and stories say that they contain things from other planets inside.and kidnap aliens...... I'm not so sure if it's real, but I don't wanna take any chances." Matt explained. "... That sounds horrible.... humans sound offense..." Niko said now getting a little worried about being on Earth. Matt thought, and then he had an idea. "But... I know you need to come with me to tell me what you what." Matt went into the bedroom to get something. He really didn't want to leave Niko in his house alone. Although Niko seemed like a good being, but he's still a random stranger that literally dropped out of the sky. He went into his dad's bedroom, and went into the closet.

"Matt where did you go?" Niko was still in the living room waiting for Matt.

Matt came out of the bedroom a minute later with a large over coat. "Here. This will cover all of you, including your tail. It even has a hood that can cover your ears so no one can see it" Matt explained. "Oh I see" Niko said. Niko looked at his hand, and pressed a button on the metal gloves. The suit folded out from him, shrinking into a pole that was on his back. Niko had on a short sleeved shirt that said worker of NIWA. Matt stared in amazement. "Whoa!" He exclaimed. Niko smiled. Matt looked over at Niko's shirt. "W-what does that mean?" Matt asked point to the logo on Niko's shirt. Niko looked down at his shirt. "Oh, it mean Nekouler's Intergalactic War Associations." He explained. Matt realized that was the logo on the ship. Niko continued to talk. "I'm actually in the army back at home. I'm one of the soldiers. Dad didn't want me to be in it, but the captain technically forced him to put me in" Niko said looking down a little. "That's terrible" Matt said. He would never ever would want to be in the army, and the fact that you'd have someone to force you would make it even worse. "Guess it was like that back then wasn't it" Matt thought to himself.

"Well we better get going" Matt said, putting the over coat on Niko. "I know you're really hungry"

"I'm starving-" Niko said slightly giggling. Matt walked over to the coat rack that's next to the door, and put it on. "Come on Niko, let's go get your fish."

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now