Chapter 5 Getting Food

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Niko and Matt had followed Mrs. Clarkson into her home, for she to wash Matt's coat for him. She gave them hot Cocoa while they wait.

Niko was examining the cocoa. "What... is this?" He asked. "It's hot cocoa.. also known as hot chocolate-" Matt's eyes went wide. Niko has Cat ears and a cat tail. Cat's can't eat chocolate. "WAIT DON'T DRINK THAT!"

Niko got startled, and nearly dropped the cup. "What? Why not?" He asked very confused. "It.. you might get sick from it" Matt said. "Annnddd... why would it? You're drinking it just fine?" Niko asked. Matt was about to say something, but then Mrs. Clarkson came back with with a new coat. "Your coat is in the washer. I'll let your dad know that it's here when he gets back" she said. "Thanks Mrs. Clarkson, I really appreciate it... but we got to go now.." Matt said, taking Niko's cup from him, placing on the table. Niko just gave Matt a annoyed face. "Oh, ok. Well, I'll let you two be on your way." She said, walking over to the door, and opening it. "It was very nice seeing you Matt. And nice meeting you Niko."

"Bye Mrs. Clarkson!" Matt called out. "And thanks!"

"No problem Matt! And don't forget to do your homework!"

"Yes Mrs. Clarkson ..." Matt said.


"Why you didn't want me to drink that cocoa thing?" Niko asked, as they continued thier walk to the store. "It's complicated. Let's just say, it's something humans can drink but Neko's can't..." Matt said. "How do you know that? You said you know nothing about Nekos?"

"I JUST KNOW OK! I just don't wanna lose you!" Matt froze at the last thing he said. Niko looked at the ground, his face slightly going red. "You... don't wanna lose me?" He asked. Matt looked over at Niko. "You're the..first person who I can call a friend. All my other friends are never with me. They all either leave, and never find any time to hang out. You're the first person I've ever hanged out with.... since ever..." Matt said. Niko stopped, then Matt stopped. "W-what?" Matt asked. Niko walked up to Matt, and gave him a hug. "Don't worry Matt. I won't leave your side. Even if I get the chance to go back to Nekouler, I'll ask my dad if I can always visit you." Niko said with a warm smile. Matt blushed, hugging Niko. "" He said. Niko smiled, and hugged him back.

After a few seconds, of hugging, it got a little awkward. "Hey, you can stop hugging me now..." Niko giggled softly. Matt blushed. "Oh.. right... Sorry" he let go off of Niko.

"Well, should we be going then?" Niko asked. Matt nodded, smiling. "Yes"

After the hugging, they started to walk more on the road, heading to the store. Passing by other stores, they finally reached the road, that turns into Walmart.

Niko was amazed by the store. "Woah, that's the store you where talking about? It's huge!"

Matt chuckled. "I know, it's one of the biggest department stores" he said. "Department stores?" Niko asked. "Oh, department basically means like that have a little bit of everything what you can buy, like games, food, toys, stuff like that." Matt explained, trying to sound smart. Niko was seeming interested. Although Niko was still hungry, and that was the reason they where there in the first place, he wanted to explore.

Matt walked up to the front automatic front doors, and they opened. "Woah, we have stuff like that on our Planet!" Niko said a bit too loud, and a Walmart worker looked over at him with a confused face. Matt quickly pulled Niko into the store. "Hey... just be careful what you say..." Matt said. Niko caught on. "Oh.., right... sorry, I forgot" he said. Matt shook his head. "It's fine Niko."

"Just remember to keep your hood on"

Niko nodded. Matt walked over to where the carts where, and got one. "You know," Niko whispered to Matt. "On Nekouler, we have those in our stores, but they hover." He said. Matt got intrigued. "Wow, you do?" He asked. Niko nodded. "Nearly everything hovers" He laughed.

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