Chapter 12 The Barren Planet

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"Ok guys, we need a plan if where gonna infiltrate their planet" Niko said. Jack nodded. Jack was still looking at the video. "Their planet is probably heavily guarded." He said. "Would we need to do a silent approach?" Niko asked. "Preferably. I need you to take Matt to your ship, and fly over to their planet."

Niko nodded. "Come on Matt" He took Matt's hand and dragged him over to the ship sitting on a platform. The ship looked completely different from Jack's ship, and it was a lot smaller. "Who's is this? Does this belong to Jack as well?" Matt asked. "Nope" Niko said shaking head with a smile. "This is mine"

"What- really?! You got your own ship as well?" Matt asked surprised. Niko chuckled. "What? You thought I couldn't fly it?" He asked. "" Matt said. Niko looked at Matt then tickled him, making him laugh. Matt blushed Niko's hand away. "Stop-" he said giggling. "That's what you get~"

"Are you to going to go or not-" Jack asked, looking at them both. Matt and Niko both blushed. "Yeah dad" Niko said climbing into the ship. Matt was right behind him.

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "These two-"


Niko had flew the ship out of the atmosphere of Nekouler, and into open space. "How long until we reach thier Planet?" Matt asked. "Should be in a few minutes before we reach Keipoler." Niko said looking at a screen on the dash board. "You got the wepons o gave you right?"

Matt nodded. "Yeah I got the.. the.. Quantum thing-"

"And the blasters?"

Matt nodded. "Got those as well"

They flew in silence, until Matt asked something. "How are we going to really break into where that Core is? Won't there be Werewolves guarding it?" Matt asked. Niko nodded. "That's why we have weapons silly-"

"O-oh" Matt said. "But... what if they have better weapons? What if... our weapons can't do much damage?"

"Don't worry Matt ok? Just always aim for the head. The Werewolves are smart enough to make tough armor, but not smart enough to make tough face visors." Niko said trying to reassure Matt. Matt nodded.

"Ok.." Matt said to himself. "Aim for the head...sure I can do that...."

Matt looked out to the front, and saw a Planet what looked similar to Mars getting closer. "Is that Keipoler?" Matt asked. "Yep it is" Niko said. "I may not know much about the Werewolves, but I know about this old story about how they where from a different planet" Niko said. Matt looked at him. "Wow really?" Matt asked. "What was the Planet called?"

"None of us know. But they said it looked similar to Keipoler. That's why they picked it. Apparently the old planet got dusty and toxic and they couldn't breath clean air." Niko explained "that's interesting " Matt said.

Niko flew the ship into the air of Keipoler. "Won't they detect us flying into thier Planet somehow?" Matt asked worried that they where going to get caught. "They shouldn't. I scrambled their signals before hand. They shouldn't know that we are here."

Niko flew the ship closer to the ground. He pointed to a large building coming up. "There is our destination" Niko said and he flew closer to it. He landed behind it, away from anyone sight. Niko pressed the button on his glove and the his armor transformed on him. Matt did the same.

Niko then pressed another button. "What are you doing?" Matt asked. "Calling dad. He'll walk is through how we can break in. He has hacked the thier camra systems, so he can see when a enemy is near us. The speaker is on yours aswell" Niko reached over to Matt, and pressed a button near the face of the mask.

Niko exited the ship. "Wait here, let me do a scan of the area" Matt nodded. "Just be careful ok."

Niko nodded, giving Matt a kiss, but then forgot his visor was up. "Oh-" He said pressing a button to open the visor. Matt chuckled. "Hey don't laugh at me~" Niko said giving Matt a lick on his cheek. Matt giggled and blushed.

When Niko went out to scan the area, Matt took out the blaster Niko gave him, and looked at it. "This is so cool." Matt playfully aimed it at random part outside the ship.

"What you looking at-" Matt said to nothing. Niko looked up from his scanner and saw Matt playing with the blaster. He just shook his head and giggled. "He's so silly and cute"

"I find your lack of faith disturbing-" Matt said to himself. "What are you doing Matt?" Niko asked. Matt looked over to him. "N-nothing!" He blushed. He didn't know Niko cloud of heard him. Niko walked over to him. "You where playing pretend with the blaster"

"I-I wasn't!"

Niko giggled. "Whatever you say~ "

Niko sat down in his seat to tell Matt what the scanner picked up. "So the scanner picked up nothing. I don't why. I'm pretty sure their must be a bunch of Werewolves in there. It ended up saying there is one life form detected in this area, but then I figured out it was picking up you." He said.

"So no one is inside the building?" Matt asked. "According to the scanner, no. But that doesn't mean we should let our guard down."

Matt nodded. "Right"

"Alright let's go" Niko walked back out the ship and Matt followed. Matt saw Niko pressed a button on his suit, and Matt heard static. "Whoa?! What's that?!" Matt said, startled at the sudden sound. "Don't worry. It's only speakers in our masks. They'll connect to dad. He'll tell us if there is anyone inside."

They walked to the front of the building, and saw a giant door. "This will be hard to open... it's made out of Titanium." Niko said. "Will the blasters damage it?"

"They will of we keep on shooting it. Titanium is very resistant against blaster bullets, but they can still be damaged. But doing that will probably bring unwanted attention" Niko said. Matt nodded. Matt sure didn't want the Werewolves to show up right now.

"Maybe dad can hack the door open" Niko said. "I wonder why he hasn't got connected yet"

Matt was wondering that to. He was nervous that probably the Werewolves probably jammed any radio waves, but he honestly wasn't to sure if they can even do that. So he didn't say it to Niko.

"Hello?" Matt heard a voice say.

"Dad! Hey it's us!" Niko said. "Oh are you there? You both are ok right?" Jack asked. Niko nodded. "Yep! Me and Matt are as ok as ever."

"What is the situation there?" Jack asked.

"Well there is this huge titanium door. Maybe you can hack it open? Oh! And look at the cameras and tell us if we need to be prepared of anything in there"

"Ok... sure.. let me do that."

Matt and Niko both heard clicking sounds in the speaker. "No, ...there doesn't seem to be anyone inside the building right now... that's strange." Jack said. "We still gotta keep our guard up." Niko singled Matt to stand over the other side of the door. "When dad unlocks the door, we both walk in with our blasters out in front of us ok?"

Matt nodded, and walked over to where Niko told him, and Niko went over to the other side. The giant door started to open. "Wow, my hacking skills aren't as bad as I taught." Jack said. "This is their problem for making everything run on a computer"

Niko chuckled. He looked over at Matt. "You ready?"

Matt nodded. "I am."

They both walked in, ready to shoot anything that moved.

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now