Chapter 8 Science Fiction Becomes Non-Fiction

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Matt couldn't believe it.

Was he really in a space ship? Was he REALLY going into space? Matt was so excited, and Niko giggled at it. "You look so happy" he said. Matt nodded. "I... never been to space before" He said. Niko leaned over, and licked the side of Matt's face. "You must be really excited" Niko said. "No duh" Matt said with a playful giggle. Niko laughed, and licked Matt more.

"Geez 789- I mean Niko, give Matt a breather" Jack said. Niko stopped kissing Matt, and sat up, blushing embarrassed. Matt's face was all red. Jack started the ship. "No wonder why you wanted to sit in the back, thought I couldn't catch you~?" Jack asked. Niko covered his face. Matt giggled. Niko shot him a playful glare. Matt reached over and tickled Niko's belly button, without Jack noticing. Niko giggled at his belly button being tickled. Niko looked over at Matt, and playfully pushed his hand away.

The ship, then started to lift in the air.

Matt was busy looking out the window. He remembered when his Dad and him, went on vacation one year, and they took a plane. Surprising enough, that vacation they took, was to Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The ship went higher and higher into the air, passing by the clouds. "Woah...." Matt said, as he saw they where going higher than what a plane would ever go.

Leaving the unknown planets atmosphere

Matt heard a robot voice coming from the front of the ship. "Don't worry Matt" Jack said. "The ship is programmed with these voices to tell you where you are, and what you're doing. Sadly, it just can't recognize your Planet for some reason... I even wrote Earth, in it manually, and it still did nothing." Matt wasn't even paying attention, he was busy staring out the window, into the black dark void of space. Niko chuckled. "Matt's in a daze Dad" he said. Jack chuckled. Then Matt saw the Moon. Earth's Moon. "It's the moon!" Matt cried out as he saw the big ball of rock coming closer. "That's the only Moon you got?" Niko asked. Matt nodded. "How many Moon does Nekouler have?"

"Two" Niko said with a smile. "One's called Felis. It's a fairly small moon, but it has very active volcanoes. So not much people visit it. Unless they wanna get burned by feisty volcanoes"

"What's the other one?" Matt asked curious. "Maneki" Niko said. "The moon of "good luck" or so they say. People go there for good blessings and stuff like that." Niko said. "Woah..." Matt said. "People also go there to bet married." Niko added. Matt looked at Niko. Niko looked back at him. "Not yet.. Matt..." He said with a chuckle. Matt blushed. "I wasn't thinking that you..." he giggled. Niko smiled. "Ok you two love birds, where about to go hyperspace." Jack said.

"Hyperspace?!" Matt exclaimed. "We're going light speed?!"

Niko nodded, smiling at Matt's excitement.

Jack pulled a lever, and the robot voice came on again.

Entering hyperspace in...




There was a spark out side the front window of the ship. It sparked again, and the ship's engines started to wind. It got louder, and louder. Until the ship lurched forward, going faster and faster. The spark ended up turning into a vortex. Matt realized it was a Wormhole. The ship dove right into it.

Reaching Kipler Galaxy in 7 minutes

Matt was so amazed at what was happening. He still couldn't believe it. All of those Star Wars movies and the new No Man's Sky game he had played, and all became a reality in not even half hour. "You're so cute like this" Niko said looking over at Matt. "This... it just so exiting..." Matt said looking out the window at all the color of lights in the Wormhole. "It's... like every Human's dream come true"

The Being From Another Planet Part I (✅Completed)Where stories live. Discover now