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Bonjour mes amis! 

Lol my French exam is coming up :) 

Sorry for the update being a bit later today than they have been, I took my math exam this morning and then fell back asleep until 2:30 butttt I'm here, I'm ready, let's go! 

Vmin centered update today! Lots of important/backstoryish information! 

I can't have these dumplings ;) fighting for too long, soulmates must persist! 

Enjoy the chapter!!! 


The night breeze was cool, rustling Taehyung's hair as the moon added a shimmering tint to the chocolate locks. Jimin sat beside him, pale faced and twisting his fingers anxiously where they sat in his lap. The dull luminescence made his vibrant orange hair appear faded and the shadows seemed to cluster under his eyes, accentuating deep purple ringlets. 

Taehyung closed his eyes, letting his feet dangle over the roof's edge. Under the sky's midnight blanket, his breaths fell easier and the tightness in his chest loosened. He ignored the distance between him and Jimin, the older seeming unsure of which boundaries he could prod and those which had to be left alone. 

Finally, Jimin's wary of the silence grew too great. "Tae-" 

"You're a member of Bangtan." The brunette interrupted, heart thundering in his chest, really only just having put the pieces together. 

Jimin paused, then, sighed, nodding with downcast eyes. "I am." He confirmed in a whisper nearly carried away by the wind. Taehyung peered over at him, heart constricting painfully but anger having long subsided. 

"How long?" The brunette mumbled, forcing the question past his lips. In return, Jimin hunched in on himself, slender shoulders curling towards his chest as he gazed at Taehyung through bright orange fringe, eyes begging for understanding. 

Jimin looked away as he answered, peering out over the expanse of dewy fields laid out before them, lined with lumbering evergreen trees on all sides. "Three years." 

Taehyung gaped, feeling the air leave his lungs. His hands began to shake and he firmly dug his nails into his palms, trying to stop the tremors. Spluttering, he inched away, a horrible feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. 

"Th-three years?" Jimin swiveled to face Taehyung upon hearing the choked stutter. His eyes widened guiltily as Taehyung's bottom lip trembled, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "Did-were you ever really my friend? Or was it all just a ploy?" His voice cracked, an intense sadness dripping from the words, but Taehyung paid no attention, mind a haze of uncontrollable downward spiraling thoughts. 

"No, Tae! Of course not!" Jimin rushed, voice a jumble of guilt and sadness. The orange-haired male scrambled to reach Taehyung, wrapping his arms tightly around the other's shaking figure. Taehyung attempted to squirm away but Jimin persisted, only tightening his arms with renewed vigor. 

After a while, the brunette tired, mind moving sluggishly and the events of the past day taking their toll in earnest. He slumped defeatedly against Jimin, who began to sift his fingers through Taehyung's brown locks, a natural movement. Taehyung sighed, allowing himself to sink into the warmth the other male provided, the circle of his arms a familiar comfort. 

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