Another Boring Day

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     It's just another dreary day. I take a few steps over to my window. I glance outside to see rain pouring down. I believe that some of the common folk would describe it as "Raining cats and dogs." Personally, I just think that saying that phrase is odd. Maybe that's just because of the fact that I take things a bit too literal. I look back out the window, at the pouring rain. I wish that there was something I could do to end this boredom of mine.

As if someone had heard me, I suddenly get an unexpected call. I take one last glance out the window and then get up to check my phone. I wonder who it could be? It's most likely just a spam call, but I still feel the need to get up and check on it. I look down at the caller's name.

Kaito Momota.

I pick up my phone and answer his call.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hey! How's my sidekick doing?" Kaito answers. "I'm alright I guess..." I tell him.

I suppose he could tell that I was feeling somewhat down, because he asked me if I wanted to go visit the town with him. I agreed hesitantly to what he offered.

"Alright Kaito, I'll come with you," I agree. "That's my sidekick!" He cheers. "Mhm." I murmur before ending the call.

I assume that Kaito will be coming over to my house to pick me up, because that's what he normally does. I assume that it might be because of the fact that I'm a prince.

To be honest, I've never really understood royalty. What makes someone less of a person? Does being born into a family make someone less worthy? Besides, royalty is just based on luck. If you were lucky enough to be born into a royal family, then you're whole life was already set out for you.

A loud BRING snaps me out of my thoughts. That must be the doorbell. Oh, Kaito is waiting for me. I promptly get up out of my chair and head out of my room.

My parents aren't home today, so I don't have to notify them that I'm going outside. As I walk down one of the many hallways in my house, I spot one of our maids, Kirumi Tojo. I happily wave to the maid, to which she nods back at me. Although I wish that she wouldn't be so formal with me, she was only our family's maid. At least that's how my family saw her. I saw Kirumi as a friend. Maybe even a mother at times. Even though Kirumi acted like she didn't acknowledge me as anything more than the prince, I was certain that she saw us as friends as well.

I keep heading down the long hallways until I enter the main room. This room was beautifully decorated, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and a long rug running down the room. There were multiple white couches in this room (only used for decoration.) Right above those couches hung many paintings, such as Starry Night, The Last Supper, and American Gothic.

I walked over to a large door and opened it. I peeped my head outside to make sure it was Kaito. Yep, you couldn't mistake that spiky hair for anyone else's.

"Hey sidekick!" Kaito greets me happily. "Hey Kaito!" I say back to him. He smiles back at me brightly. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't gone blind from the shininess of his teeth.

I notice that it has conveniently stopped raining, although the sky is still as dreary as ever. It looks like it's about to start pouring down, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

"Are you ready to go have some fun?" He asks me. "Sure." I respond. Though I'm not all that sure how fun it will be. From what I know, the town consists of a variety of small shops and common folk houses. That's really all I know about the town though, so it might be fun to explore it a bit more. I hope my family is alright with me visiting the town...

I lead Kaito out to the castle's drawbridge. My family doesn't really like for me to associate myself with so called "peasants." Although it's not much better, I prefer to call the "peasants" common folk. They really have no respect for anyone who is not royalty. I find it quite sad that my family can not see the worth in all human beings.

I follow Kaito out of the large palace. There is a huge drawbridge we have to cross before we can officially leave the palace. I nod at the men on either side of the drawbridge before stepping onto it. They nod back at me and then bow.

To be honest, it kind of makes me uncomfortable when people treat me like some extraterrestrial being. I guess I should be used to being treated this way but it still makes me feel rather odd.

As Kaito and I near the end of the drawbridge I look around questioningly. How did he get here? I narrow my eyes in frustration as I don't see any form of transportation outside of the palace gates. I guess Kaito must have read my mind, because he gave me an answer to my question.

"I just walked here." He announces. I look at him in disbelief. "Why?" I ask him in a confused manner.  "I dunno. I guess I just felt like it." He answers me.

Normally people only walk if necessary, and I know for a fact that Kaito owns a car. Only common folk walk to places. But even most common folk own cars these days.

Kaito just shrugs at me and continues walking. Kaito sure is an odd specimen. Maybe this is about that workout thing he was talking to me about. He had tried to string me along into doing it with him but I had refused. Well, that was most of the time anyway. Sometimes I had gone to work out with him while my parents were away. You see, my parents don't believe that nobility has to stay in shape, because all of the "peasants" do our work anyway.

As we are walking, I enjoy the nice view. We pass a lovely garden containing roses, daffodils, and white pansies. Personally, the roses are my favorite. There piercing red colors can captivate you, and leave you defenseless.

I take a glance of what's beyond the garden, and my slight smile immediately fades. There it is. The gate that traps all of us in here. We aren't allowed to exit the gate, and it's as simple as that.

Though what troubles me is that there's no reason as to why no living soul isn't allowed out of the gates. There must be a dark reason as to why no one can leave the kingdom right? Why else would no one have the knowledge to why they can't leave this place? I hope one day to find out what lies beyond that mysterious gate. 

I shake my head to clear all of these thoughts and continue walking with Kaito.

Eventually Kaito comes to a stop. "Where are we, Kaito?" I question him. "The Town." He answers me. 

 I let out a confused,"Huh?"This isn't the town is it? It looks so different from when I had last seen it. There are many blooming trees and flowers around. I can see many beautifully decorated shops around, and signs everywhere.

-Author's Note-

SO hi it's me. It's been a while since I've really written anything. I have been feeling like sHit these past months so I took a break from writing, and right now I have a bad ear infection. I don't really have anything else to do though so I thought I might as well upload a pre-written chapter on here. Let me know what you thought of this chapter if you want. 

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