The Strawberry Milkshake

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This Chapter's Song:

Ribs by Lorde

"Laughing 'til our ribs get tough
But that will never be enough"


Remus and Lily scrambled off of the counter and he ran to the jukebox, turning it down significantly. He looked back to Lily who was cleaning the counter that they ha just been standing on, and he panted slightly. He turned to the tree men and smiled sheepishly before clearing his throat.

"S-Short day," he stuttered out as he walked towards them. As he did so, it became apparent that he was taller than all three of them, with the man with brown hair being a few inches shorter than him and the other two being at least four or five inches shorter.

He looked around a bit before his eyes settled back on the men. He tried to look at all three of them, but it was difficult to do so when the man with grey eyes was looking at him like he was dessert.

Why is it so hot in here? He thought.

"I-Um, welcome to Savannah's Diner! Uh, go ahead! Choose a place to sit! A-As I said, slow day."

The men chuckled as they took a seat at a nearby booth. Remus felt those same grey eyes trailed on him as he went to get menus for them, and he blushed. He got them quickly and placed them on their table with a small nod before going back to Lily.

He exhaled when he leaned against the wall next to her, and she laughed slightly while looking over at the men. "That guy in the leather jacket has literally been staring at you the second he walked in here!"

Remus groaned quietly as he opened his eyes and looked at the man, who was indeed staring, and blushed. He caught his eye and the man smiled slightly at him before looking back to his menu. Remus closed his eyes again with a short exhale.

Lily nudged Remus. "And he's hot!"

Remus glared at her. "Okay? What the fuck am I supposed to do? I don't know how to flirt," he whispered as he pushed himself off the wall.

Lily smiled. "Just stare at him a lot and smile," she said with a wink.

Remus rolled his eyes as he pulled out his notepad and walked around the counter and over to their booth. He smiled cheerfully as he walked up to them.

"Hello! I'm Remus and I'll be your server for today. Has everyone made up their minds on what they would like?" Remus asked with a smile.

Remus noticed his heart speed up as he felt the stranger's eyes on him again. He bit his lip as he did everything in his power not to look at him.

"Yeah," the guy with brown hair said. "We'll have uh, a slice of every pie you have, please! And for me, I'll have a chocolate milkshake and an order of fries."

Remus wrote it down quickly, not commenting on the whole every slice of pie situation, and turned to the blond haired boy and smiled. "I'll have a vanilla milkshake please, that's all."

Remus scribbles his order down and then turned to the grey-eyed stranger with a blush on his face. "And for you, sir?"

The man smiled lightly and sat up slightly. "A strawberry milkshake, please. With extra whipped cream, that is. Oh, and your number."

Remus' breath hitched as he stopped writing and looked up at the man, blushing as red as a tomato. "W-What?"

The man only smiled brighter. "Your number. That is, unless, you don't like men, and in that case, forget I ever said anything."

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