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"Y/n, I can't believe you just stood up to him like that!? Like, he's the number two hero and you told him he needed to do his job better!" Izuku was ranting about how Y/n just basically told off Endeavor.

Inko looked around the corner with a confused and concerned expression. "You did what?" she asked as Y/n sighed.

"We were out with Todoroki and Natsuo and the lead detective stopped me to talk about a case when these villains attacked and long story short, Endeavor almost caught them on fire then he threatened me about using my quirk!" Y/n was now ranting as her anger was rising just thinking back to what had happened.

"Wait wait wait, okay y/n, let's calm down." Inko ushered her kids to the living room to sit on the couch so they could tell her what had happened.

When they got settled down Inko quietly asked, "So, you used your quirk?".

----- Midoryia Y/n - quirk is -Fire Snatch- she's able to redirect any kind of flame or fire towards her body! she can't produce fire using her quirk and she can only make the fire come to her. --- With lots of training Y/n was able to build up her quirk so she can cause fire to come at a single part of her body like for instance an arm or even her pinky toe. ---

"Over in America, I got a quirk license so I can freely use it in public. I checked and I can still use it over here. I even called the hero comity and they said it was fine." Y/n explained so her mother didn't think she was going around using her quirk all the time.

"Anyway, I told him that but he didn't believe me so I showed him my card. Then he saw my name and looked at Izuku then got all shitty about him so I-" Inko placed her hand on Y/n's knee as to tell her to take a breath. She did, then continued.

"After he said something about Izuku being nothing but a wanna be hero I told him he should listen to himself and understand that he's the only wanna be here. Then he got all snappy and I told him he should be more careful so he doesn't end up burning a pedestrian one day. I also might have said something along the lines of understanding why he'll only be number two but honestly I don't remember."

"Yeah, you did, and after that Natsuo started cheering you on but before you said anything else Tsukauchi dragged us away." Izuku said, as he looked at his hands. "Are you disappointed?" he asked Inko and she shook her head.

"No! Of course I'm not disappointed! That man is lucky I wasn't there!" Inko said and Y/n smiled at her mother while Izuku sighed.


"My mom was more so proud than disappointed." Y/n said into her phone, she heard Natsuo chuckle on the other end.

"That's good. Honestly I was so shocked when you straight up just told him off. It was kinda hot?" Natsuo said, Y/n could tell he was smiling just by his tone.

"Was that a fire joke or are you serious?" Y/n asked as she finished up cooking her lunch.

"I mean, can I say both?" he asked and Y/n giggled.

It was currently noon and Natsuo was at his university taking a lunch break as Y/n was at home. Before Natsuo had called her, she was looking over a couple new case files Tsukauchi gave her. The two babes continued to talk and shove their faces full of food, cracking jokes that would make the other choke on their food.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you earlier, Y/n, but I guess now would be fine." Natsuo said, grabbing Y/n's attention.

She hummed and asked what's up.

"I wanted to tell you that you look like a hippopotamus."

She didn't choke, she didn't move, she just sat on her seat with a straight face. "You better follow that up wit-" she didn't finish her threat due to Natsuo interrupting her.

"Aaannnnnd, lucky for you, I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!" he barely saved his ass with that one.

{A/n:please someone out there tell me that you too, have seen that beautiful video called a tiktok.}

Thankfully, Y/n found the pickup line somewhat funny and sighed instead of hanging up. "You know we got like, what? Two and a half months till Christmas." Y/n all but guessed as she picked up a file that was laying on the table.

"It's a pickup line, Y/n! It doesn't have to make sense. Or at least I don't think it does." Y/n chuckled as Natsuo questioned himself. He didn't get too far though, because a loud "fuck!" made its way out his mouth.

Y/n jumped in her seat, eyes wide as she glanced down at her phone, now far from her ear after the scream of panic from the guy on the other line.

"Sorry, Y/n. I gotta go my next class is starting soon." he said and she could hear him gather his stuff and begin walking.

"That's fine. You can call me after your last class, then. Don't you have a test in your wellness class?" she asked calmly, effectively chilling Natsuo's racing heart.

"Yeah, I do. And I was thinking, instead of talking over the phone we could hangout somewhere?" the small and sweet smile of enjoyment from hearing the couple words, graced Y/n face as she hummed thoughtfully.

"I'd like that, Natsuo." she said, and he nodded before giving a verbal response.

"Sounds great! I'll stop by your place and we can go from there.".

Both were more than excited for the upcoming "hangout", not expecting what would happen next.


A/n: was- was that a good cliffhanger? Does that atrocity even count as a cliffhanger? Maybe a hill idk (-ω-;)

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