Benefit of the Doubt: the one where harry makes a list and y/n finds it

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Summary: Harry makes a list and Y/N finds it

Warnings: angst

Word Count: 1.6k

Based on: that episode of friends


Harry's mother always said that if you love someone; you would do your absolute best to be by their side, through the good times and the bad. There was no denying that Harry loves Y/N-everyone around them could see it. Somehow, they couldn't. Harry wished that he wasn't dating Serena. Don't get him wrong, she was a nice, easygoing person. However, it seemed that her heart belonged to her ex-boyfriend and Harry wasn't sulking over it too much. Y/N wished that he didn't see her as just a friend.

"So you break up with Serena and get together with Y/N," Mitch concluded, "Easy solution."

Harry sighed, slouching lower on the leather couch as he swept his sweaty palm over his face. He bit his lower lip in thought, explaining that it wasn't that easy.

As much as he'd like to say that the media doesn't control him and that his fans' opinions didn't matter; they truly did. Serena did not deserve to be put in a place of endless scrutiny about who dumped whom, nor did Y/N have to be catapulted in the spotlight for being his (possible) girlfriend. Neither woman needed the bad attention that came from being with him and Harry felt guilty.

"It's not that easy," Harry repeated with a slight shake of his head.

"Either way, someone's gonna talk," Adam nodded in agreement with Mitch. "You can't please everyone, H"

"How about this," Mitch quipped, eyes bulging as an idea conjured in his mind. "You make a list, of pros and cons of Serena and Y/N,"

"Why would I do that?"

"Both of them are gonna get hurt. It's just a matter of lessening the consequences."


"Well?" Adam asked with a raised brow, tapping the pen against the sheet of paper.

"Serena is nice but she's not Y/N," He answered, scanning the list one more time before making his final decision.

His cellphone was tossed in his lap, the device skimming of his taut stomach before landing on the carpeted floor of the studio.

"Make your call so we can get back to work," Mitch directed, glancing at Harry who was currently searching for Serena's name on his contact list.


Another day at the studio meant long hours spent trying to find the right mix of sounds to make a song. He usually did not mind but after his phone call with Y/N a few days ago went thoroughly well, Harry was excited to enter the building.

He had confessed to her--over the phone- and she responded in a surprised manner. Y/N suggested talking it over in person but their schedules didn't sync up for a private conversation. Instead, they had to settle for when Harry was at the studio and Y/N had a two-hour gap between her classes.

The atmosphere of the room shifted as soon as Y/N entered the room carrying a bag of sandwiches for the band. Mitch was tuning his guitar as he was set to go in the booth right after Harry. Adam was going over some tricky rhythm with Sarah by the drums.

Nonetheless, the band paused their actions to greet her with hugs and smiles, granted that she had become close to them over time.

"Hey guys, I brought sandwiches," Y/N passed around the meals, each of them thanking her for her kindness. Glancing at Harry, he gave her a thumbs up while singing into the microphone, one hand grasping the bulky headphone.

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