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"Wake up!" I heard Stiles yell and I shot my yes open. He literally grabbed a pillow and started jumping on the bed where me and Ariel were sleeping.

"You idiot. You literally scared the cap out of me." I groaned and he chuckled sitting on the bed and Ariel woke up.

"Just like old times." He smiled and I nodded. "Just like old times Stilinski." I grinned and he nodded.

"I wanna go back to bed." Ariel frowned and I chuckled. "You can't,  you have to celebrate your dad's birthday." I told her and Siles widened his eyes.

"You remembered?"

"How could I forget? You were once my best friend. Happy birthday." I smiled giving him his present that was on the bedside table.

He unwrapped it and pulled out a leather bracelet with a small jeep and a phoenix bird. "It's close to the charm bracelet. I realised I actually never got to give you a present. We didn't get to your birthday in time. Here's a card." I gave him his card and he read it out.

"Happy birthday, you absolute dick. But not the type I'm into. I'm always gonna hate you, lots of hate from Dawn. P.S your never getting your hoodie back. Wow, thanks Dawn. I don't know if I should be happy or not." He said and I just shrugged.

"Yeah, well I had to do something. Even though you are a dick. I still had fun with you." I would take that's as a compliment if I was him.

"Thankyou. But hate me all you want, I'm never gonna hate you." He said and I nodded and I looked at Ariel just sitting there listening.

"Why don't you go help your mom with breakfast?" I suggested and she nodded running out the room.

"I'm gonna head of. I need to pack, I leave in four hours." I said standing up and Stiles grabbed my arm. "Seriously, your gonna leave me? On my birthday? You could not be more harsh."

"Shut up Stilisnki. You have a fiance to spend it with.  And a daughter-" I was about to finish by insulting him until he cut me of.

"And I have a friend who's not on a honeymoon, who is sat right in front of me waiting for me to spend the day with her. Or at least the last four hours." He sighed, ugh he's giving me the look.

"Don't give me the look. It doesn't work on me." I shook my head and he had an evil grin on his face.

"Come on! Please!" He begged and I huffed giving in. And I wondered how Ariel got everything she wanted.

"Fine. But, I need to go home and get this icky stuff of my face."


I got to Theo's apartment and I saw Hope in the kitchen cooking food. "Hey, I'm making breakfast. Want some?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Not in the mood to eat. You stayed over?" I asked and she nodded. I saw Theo's walking out the room shirtless. Cute abs.

"Dude, shirt?" I questioned and he realised I was in the room. How did I even fall for him?

"I didn't realise you were here. Cute pyjamas." He pointed out and I looked down at Stilinski's pyjamas.

"Stilisnki's, I decided to go to his for the night. I gotta get changed, his birthday's today." I told him and he furrowed his eyes.

"Sounds like someone's falling in love with him, again." Theo muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I hate you." I said and he shook his head. "No, you don't."

"Don't you leave in four hours?" Hope asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I guess this is goodbye until I somehow find a reason to come back." I told them and Theo smiled.

Running Back To You➳Stiles Stilinski{2}Where stories live. Discover now